Last Activity: 01-22-18

The Prestige

Now, where was I?
3,042 POSTS



17¼ years HERE

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Ello, I was born in East London and ever since I could remember I had always loved watching films. I used to bodybuild, just so you know i'm big and tough, and I worship film and cinema in general. Film is art to me. Even the **** ones. Biography
East London, England. Location
Watching/reading films, Bodybuilding, going out for drinks. Interests
Assistant Editor for Toolbox Media Occupation
Showing Comments 81 to 84 of 92
  1. 07-22-10
    Thanks man! I just got through your list, and I had an awesome time reading it - we have a lot in common!
  2. 06-01-10
    That's accurate, but there's certainly a bit more to it; how the title relates to the idea, and some of the circumstances that DiCaprio's character is in. But hey, it's still sparse compared to anything else.

    Dunno about IMAX. Like you, I've got the LIE-MAX thing going on, so I doubt I'll spring for it. Good old regular sized, 2-D films work for me.
  3. 06-01-10
    Some. I did read a synopsis, so I have a basic idea of the setup and what the title refers to. Couldn't help myself. But really, Nolan's so great about keeping the twists of turns of his films under wraps that I could devour everything out there and still walk in only knowing a fraction of what we know about most films we see. And thank goodness for that.
  4. 06-01-10
    You know how I've suggested, at various times, that you might be way too obsessed with Nolan and his films? Well, count me in, because I can't freakin' wait for Inception. I'm more excited about it than anything else this year, big budget summer fare included.
The Prestige has not chosen any favorite movies yet.
Taxi Driver   7/10/10
He isn't quite KKK calibre, but there is a sense of him looking for an easy scapegoat and Scorsese films these

A History of Violence   6/27/10
BUT THEN..I did what I often do with most films I watch..I watched it again, and I have to say that never befo

Ali: Fear Eats the Soul   6/23/10
Fassbinder himself pops up in the film as Emmi's very racist son in law

Heat   6/21/10
Heat is, as epic a film I have ever scene if I had to answer 'what's the most epic film i've ever seen'

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