Best Pixar Movie


Please hold your applause till after the me.
For me, it is Finding Nemo.
Now a small factor as to why I think it's their best film is the fact that it is the first movie I have a vivid memory of watching. But with that aside, it is a colorful adventure under the sea with very likable characters with great writing and message that is actually more for adults than it is for kids, but kids can still benefit from the message as well.

2.Monsters Inc
3.The Incredibles
5.Toy Story 2
6.Inside Out
7.Toy Story 3
8.Toy Story
10.Finding Nemo
11.A Bugs Life
13.Monsters University

Haven't seen Cars 2 or The Good Dinosaur yet.

1. Up
2. Ratatouille
4. Inside Out
5. Cars
6. Monsters Inc
7. Toy Story 3
8. Finding Nemo
9. The Incredibles
10. Toy Story
11. Toy Story 2
12. The Good Dinosaur
13. A Bug's Life
14. Cars 2
15. Monsters University
16. Brave

Master of My Domain
How many times do I have to tell you people, the best Pixar movie is Wall E.
Letterboxd Profile:

My favorite is WALL-E. My least favorite is Up, though I don't consider it the "worst" Pixar movie, just the most overrated (alongside Toy Story 3).

2. Ratatouille
3. Finding Nemo
4. Toy Story
5. Monster's Inc
6. Cars
7. The Incredibles
8. Toy Story 2
9. A Bug's Life
10. Brave
11. Monster's University
12. Toy Story 3
13. Up
14. Cars 2

You'd probably win. I fully admit to being the weird one in this case.

Please hold your applause till after the me.
1. Finding Nemo
2. Inside Out
3. Toy Story 2
4. Up
5. Toy Story
6. Toy Story 3
7. Wall E
8. Incredibles
9. Monsters Inc.
10. Ratatouille
11. Bugs Life
12. Monsters Universtiy
13. Cars
14. Good Dinosaur
15. Brave
16. Cars 2.

The upside (SEE WHAT I DID THERE) of this is that it'll probably get me to finally publish that essay I promise every year. This is the summer it finally happens.

The upside (SEE WHAT I DID THERE) of this is that it'll probably get me to finally publish that essay I promise every year. This is the summer it finally happens.
Well, I look forward to it.

Up, Inside Out and the Incredibles all feature on my unranked favourite movies list
You don't have to be the bad guy. You are the most talented, most interesting, and most extraordinary person in the universe. And you are capable of amazing things. Because you are the Special. And so am I. And so is everyone. -Emmet, The Lego Movie.

Care for some gopher?
I just don't get the love for Up. 30 great minutes doesn't make a great movie.

1. Wall-E
2. Toy Story 2
3. Finding Nemo
4. Toy Story 3
5. I nside Out
6. Toy Story
7. A Bug's Life
8. Monsters, Inc.
9. Ratatouille
10.The Incredibles
11. Up
12. Monsters University
13. Cars

Haven't seen the rest. All but Cars are at least average.
"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here. This is the war room."