The MOFO Rant Thread


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Rant about whatever you want... Movie or miscellaneous..

My rant for today occurred at the library. A few days after I saw my new favorite film "Birdman of Alcatraz" I looked it up at the library to see if it was available - it was. So I make a trip up there and I can't find it anywhere. I even look at the terms "The" or "A" because they make mistakes constantly, mixing foreign films, and vice-versa. So I asked the librarian about this, and she said it's definitely there (magnetic bar code), but that it's misplaced. There's only on huge section for videos. I had the same problem in September when I wanted to check out "Seven Samurai" -- almost 6 months, and they haven't "traced" it - nothing.

So I searched film by film, every genre, and nothing. I just wish people put a little more effort. Pay more than minimum wage and maybe you can get someone who knows the alphabet. Pay a little more, and you might find someone like us who knows the difference.

So I searched film by film, every genre, and nothing. I just wish people put a little more effort. Pay more than minimum wage and maybe you can get someone who knows the alphabet. Pay a little more, and you might find someone like us who knows the difference.
I wouldn't be quick to blame a library worker. More than likely, someone visiting the library picked up the movie and put it somewhere else if they decided they didn't want to check it out.

OR -- someone stole it. Someone might have found a way to steal it. They could have ripped the barcode off the thing and walked out of the library with it without the security alarm going off. That would mean to the system, the item is still in the library, when in reality, it's not -- because someone found a way to sneak it out and take it home.

Matt - does your library not have an online catalog/hold system?

I find it much easier to browse the catalog online and submit a hold online. Then when the hold is ready, I go and pick them up. When I get there, my films are on a separate shelf at the front with my name on them. Doing it this way also gives me easy access to any book, CD or film at any library in my county. I can place a hold on something in a another town and they'll send it to my town's library for me to pick up. It involves waiting a little longer but is much more convenient and less frustrating than searching the shelves myself.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I wouldn't be quick to blame a library worker. More than likely, someone visiting the library picked up the movie and put it somewhere else if they decided they didn't want to check it out. .
This^^ People move stuff all over the library and the librarians can't help that.

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Matt - does your library not have an online catalog/hold system?

I find it much easier to browse the catalog online and submit a hold online. Then when the hold is ready, I go and pick them up. When I get there, my films are on a separate shelf at the front with my name on them. Doing it this way also gives me easy access to any book, CD or film at any library in my county. I can place a hold on something in a another town and they'll send it to my town's library for me to pick up. It involves waiting a little longer but is much more convenient and less frustrating than searching the shelves myself.

Yeah, it's all online, and to SC's reply, they have to scan the UPC code AND the DVD itself (with videos as well), just in case someone tears off the UPC code, which also isn't easy to do. Not to mention how it's impossible to open the DVD. Someone would definitely notice. There are so many videos missing, and it will say so.

But a good point on how it could be someone who hates those films who thought they'd hide them? In the past, I've done things like that.

I found a way to watch the film - No rants for today

But a good point on how it could be someone who hates those films who thought they'd hide them? In the past, I've done things like that.
Maybe it's someone who hates the movie, but how many Birdman of Alcatraz protesters could there be in Flint, Alabama?

I mean, if you're at my town library and the Anime or Foreign Film section is all messed up, there's a reason to point fingers at someone.

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Flint, Michigan... But yeah, probably not too many viewers. In fact, almost every single movie I've ever checked out is always there while I go through everything A-Z.

And "Seven Samurai" was last checked out by me... Someone f'ed up. One day I'll see a foreign film in American film section, or a movie with an American title in that section... I guess it depends on whoever is doing it.

Hey, maybe you should go work at that library. Tell them you really hate seeing everything misplaced. They might hire you to fix it all up.

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I've done multiple book, play, CD signings... Actually waiting to hear from the Director (the one I think is cute and smart) for events like "Armchair Traveler" or other little educational stuff.. Seminars, lectures, and possibly movie watching, using all the tools from the great ol' library.

You know what? MoFo has had commentaries... essays... reviews... and now rants.... and of course movie watching........

But we haven't done MoFo seminars and lectures yet.

That could be the next big thing. You should start this off by making your own seminar and lecture threads here.

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I'm so tired of the superfluous use of the word, "Really?" "Really?" - it's usually repeated. And when I hear it on the news, oh man.. Or when old anchor-people use slang and lingo, or hearing Mitt Romney pander to black kids around him and ask "Who let the dogs out" - 1984... Amusing ourselves to death...

I remember when I was in high school 70 years ago, people my age used the words "perturbed" and "asinine" to show how smart they thought they were.

Anyone else notice how our language has been killed? Good became bad, which meant good. A minute used to be 60 seconds, then it turned into a few minutes, now it means a long while. Nothing means anything anymore. It's not something that's going to change my life, but since this is a forum with people outside of my area, I'm just curious how things are wherever you are. Maybe some things you notice that I'm forgetting

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I'm someone who uses slang a lot, usually with tounge in cheek, so maybe I shouldn't join you in your rant. I do think there is something to be said for the breakdown of our language though. I think most people acknowledge it, but I don't think anyone knows how to fix it.

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I use slang too, but the point is not be misleading.

The biggest problem I didn't mention is how so many people in general might not grasp things, whether it's literature, film, music, if they don't care about vocabulary. Every single day there's a new acronym people are expected to know, but not terms that can specifically pin-point an expression. If there is a simple word, I try to use it so it can be applicable to people of all ages, the idea isn't be pompous, but expression to know exactly what someone is trying to convey. I keep a dictionary right on my table, and even my friends who have books (and it's not many) don't have a dictionary. I think people would never ask what a word means. I've had conversations with a friend about a situation and a word an adult didn't know (sadistic) and my friend who is a lawyer was laughing, but as the conversation progressed, I shyly asked him, "Do you know what sadistic means?" and he said no. His ego basically lied and pretended to know the word, instead of asking.

And for film context.. If someone doesn't know cinema terms, they might miss the entire thing. People make assumptions on what something means, and language doesn't work that way. It's all we have.

Also, when most communication is done with a phone, on my phone the next word will appear. I also think most people aren't going to go in-depth using a keypad, so a conversation is short and concise, which might not be bad, but I'm going to my cousins today just to explain something. He has a phone, out of minutes, and uses this "app" to text, and it would be much easier to talk in person. I notice when I call people, I won't get an answer, but a text back, which isn't a bother, but I can only imagine that our social skills will keep declining. I met an American whose parents paid for his ticket to Asia to he could improve his social skills. So for him, he might not be able to get to Step 2 because of other issues. I remember the guy would drink all day just so he'd be loose enough to say a few words. I think the world is better when everyone who wants to has a say.

It's the way of the world Matt, things change, society changes and the older you get the more scope you have to compare with what it was like when you were younger.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I wasn't going to post in this thread because I know that SC is going to make some kind of crazy comment, but I'm so angry right now that I have to rant to someone.

First of all, you have to understand that hubby's normal work day usually starts at either 8:00 AM or 9:00 AM, but once every few weeks, he gets a late day when he doesn't have to be at work until either 2:00 PM or 3:00 PM and he works the late shift. Today was one of those days, when he wasn't supposed to be in until 3:00 PM, so we were up very late last night because we knew that he could sleep late today.

Well, it snowed most of the night, and it's still snowing now, so the boss is expecting it to be so slow today that he doesn't need everyone to come in today, so hubby gets the day off. That would normally be great news, but...

What kind of an idiot calls someone at 7:45 AM to tell him that he doesn't have to come in today, when he's not scheduled to be at work until 3:00 PM???!!!

That is bloody annoying. It wouldn't spoil my day, but I wouldn't be happy about it, especially if I couldn't get back to sleep.
5-time MoFo Award winner.