Favourite films of the 00s


1 Mulholland drive
2 Pan's Labyrinth
3 City of God
4 Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
5 The Departed
6 No country for old men
7 There will be Blood
8 Dead Man's Shoes
9 Shrek
10 The Pianist

no order:

Dark Knight,Inglorious Basterds,Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2,There Will Be Blood,Snatch.,The Wrestler,Burn After Reading,Eastern Promises,Kill Bill,Der Untergang.

In rough order from 10 to 1:

City of God
Sin City
Kill Bill (Vol. 1 and 2)
Inglourious Basterds
No Country for Old Men
There Will Be Blood
Mulholland Drive

1. Quills
2. Gladiator
3. Ratatouille
4. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
5. Brotherhood of the Wolf (Le Pacte Des Loups)
6. Bubba Ho-Tep
7. The Departed
8. Milk
9. 3:10 to Yuma
10. The Cell

The most loathsome of all goblins
1) Mulholland Dr. (2001)
2) Pan's Labyrinth (2006)
3) Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000)
4) Almost Famous (2000)
5) The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
6) Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
7) Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story (2007) - 2008 Extended Director's Cut
8) City of God (2002)
9) Trick 'r Treat (2007)
10) WALL-E (2008)

Walk the Line, Lord of the Rings Trilogy and Love Actually I rank pretty high as some of the best in recent years. As far as the silly comedy stuff goes, I love Anchorman and Zoolander. Great stuff. Hell even Land of the Lost as pretty funny. But not many people agree with me so I better stop here before people stop trusting my tastes.

Gangster Rap is Shakespeare for the Future
1. Synecdoche, New York
2. City of God
3. Inland Empire
4. Lost in Translation
5. Me and You and Everyone We Know
6. Adaptation.
7. Goodbye Solo
8. The New World
9. Still Walking
10. No Country for Old Men

In a semi-random, but fairly accurate order

Okay, last one (I'll wait until 2020 to do one for the 10s):

10. Children of Men- One of the best recent sci-fi films. I really enjoyed the very long shots, especially in an age where scenes (I'm looking at you, Bourne Supremacy/Ultimatum!) are cut and edited to within an inch of their lives, leaving no spatial awareness.
9. Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford- Hey, this movie has the scene in my avatar! It looks amazing, all around, and I wish I could have seen the even longer version that they showed at film festivals.
8. The Lord of the Rings- This is probably cheating to group them together as one movie, but oh well. The scope of this undertaking is amazing, and the fact that it all came together to form entertaining, attractive films is even more surprising.
7. In the Mood for Love- Melancholy, but in the best way. The deep yearning between the two leads plays out only in the subtlest of manners throughout the film, and deep close-ups and confined settings increase the intimacy.
6. Ghost World- I just mentioned this film in another thread, so I'll just copy that here: It's a very insightful look at American culture, as well as one of the funniest movies I've seen. I think it's also very honest with its characters and the way they relate to each other.
5. Letters From Iwo Jima- One of the most powerful anti-war movies I have seen. I suppose most (all?) war movies are anti-war movies, though. I don't ever cry during movies, but this one got me.
4. There Will Be Blood- A great fable of greed and power, with some really impressive visuals and a soundtrack that worked seamlessly with it all.
3. Lost in Translation- I missed the discussion in the millennial list thread about this film, unfortunately, but I understand that it's a kind of hit-or-miss experience. It was a direct hit for me, and it really captured the experience of feeling jet lagged and alone in a foreign place. The mood and music are dream-like, and it leaves me feeling optimistic about random human connection.
2. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind- A spiritual successor to Annie Hall, it uses the vagaries of memory to unravel a relationship, from bitter end to giddy beginnings. I love the film tricks used to avoid using special effects, and it's a film that elicits different feelings every time I watch it.
1. Spirited Away- I think this is Miyazaki's masterpiece. This may be a bad way to judge films, but I get really sad whenever I have finished watching it, because there is no more to watch. I just want it to go on, but I'll have to be content with it being perfect as it is. *sigh*

Kill Bill
Kill Bill 2
There Will be Blood
The Dark Knight
Little Miss Sunshine
A History of Violence
The Departed

1 - Spirited Away: One of the most complete movies ever made, nearly everything is perfect and everything works together to create the ultimate film experience being simultaneously highly entertaining and artistically powerful (something which very few films achieve). This film has perfect score, perfect visuals, perfect dialogue, stunning animation quality and perfect voice acting (in the original Japanese voice acting, haven't listened to any dubs)

2 - The Lord of the Rings: I consider this a single 9 hour movie: a massive tour de force of epic fantasy.

3 - There Will Be Blood: After two massive blockbusters (Spirited Away is the single biggest blockbuster in Japanese history) I would also add the critic's favorite from the decade a very powerful film.

4 - Gladiator: A complete film, excellent special effects, soundtrack and visceral combat scenes. Not among the most sophisticated films, though, but excellent in what it sets itself to do: to tell a simple but powerful revenge story.

5 - The Lives of Others: My favorite German film.

6 - City of God: finally, a Brazilian movie from a Brazilian. I have watched few Brazilian movies, indeed my country has a huge soap opera industry but lacks a substantial film industry. Out of the hundred of so Brazilian films I have watched, this one was by far the best.

7 - Summer Wars: Hosoda has proven himself as one of the best animation directors ever in this and his earler films (though not exactly a hard thing to do, considering the small number of auteurs of animation). While The Girl Who Leap Through Time is considered better by many I found this one more captivating.

8 - Mulholland Dr.: A tour de force of emotions.

9 - Downfall: Another German film, this one has some of the most impressive acting I ever watched in the Hitler character by Ganz.

10 - A.I. Artificial Intelligence: Spielberg has done a great job in this film. A very compelling film and deeply affecting (at least when I watched it for the first time when I was 13).

Here are my faves since the the year 2000. Since the 2010's are only three years old, I've decided to include my faves-so-far from this short time period on the list.
The rankings here are not set in stone since I haven't put as much thought into the order as I've done for previous decades.

15. Attack The Block (2011) - A group of English gang-bangers find themselves trying to protect their turf against a buncha hairy ape-like aliens who seem to prefer brushing their teeth with the maximum whitening power of Gleem.

14. 40 Year Old Virgin (2005) - A comedy that surprised me in that it was genuinely touching &, at times, even socially in-depth, but without any cost to the number of out-loud laughs.

13. Up In The Air (2009) - A smart indepth story the delves into the various aspects of life such as jobs, life purposes, marriages & family. And why in this current state of social flux, the success of any of those aspects constantly seems to be up in the air.

12. Moonrise Kingdom (2012) - One of my favorite things about new millenium cinema is the current trend towards very unconventional romance flicks. This one being an excellent example of this.

11. Whale Rider (2002) - A young girl decides to claim her birthright as a chieftain, and in the process, ends up making both an old island tradition and a pack of whales, her b#tchez.

10. Kick-Ass (2010) - A foul-mouthed, fun-filled over the top action flick about a couple of not-so-super heroes, that's probably not for the faint-hearted.

9. Safety Not Guaranteed (2012) - Another one of those movies featuring the kind of unconventional romance story that I mentioned earlier. With the possibility of time travel travel thrown in.

8. Pan's Labyrinth (2006) - Just an absolutely beautiful film that successfully takes the constant air of peril that comes with living under the grim realities of war & overlays it with the macabre & twisted influence that such a situation can have on a young creative mind's fairy-tale-like imaginations.

7. Million Dollar Baby (2004) - A story that follows the growing relationship of an up & coming female boxer and her age-ridden crusty ol' "boss" of a coach. A simple film that had me at "Mo Cuishle".

6. The Social Network (2010) - Before I saw this film, if you would've told me that The Social Network would end up being my favorite movie of 2010, I probably would've blocked you from my Facebook friends list.

5. Spider-Man 2 (2004) - The most I could've hoped for this sequel was that it be at least half as good as it's predessor.
Instead, Spidey-2 turned out to become one of my favorite movie adaptations of a comicbook superhero ever.
Which I guess I should've anticipated since before I even entered the theatre, I noticed that my spider-senses didn't go off, all atingling an' sh*t.

4.WALL-E (2008) - The down-to-earth longing to make a human connection as depicted by two computer-generated robots. All done with just a simple vocabulary that consists of nothing more than their names & a single directive.

3. Let The Right One In (2008) - As far as vampire love stories go, I find myself agreeing with those who compare this one with yet another teen-human-falls-for-teen-bloodfeeder film that was released around the same time:
let the 15 year old girls have their Twilight. For me, I'll take LTROI.

2. The Incredibles (2004) Not just one of my fave flicks of the new millineum, but also, as far as computer animated movies go, this is my favorite of all time. That is, so far.

1. House Of Flying Daggers (2004) - When I was growing up, it always frustrated me that the majority of big budget action flicks or martial arts movies of the time often seemed to think that you couldn't have a good story & still make room for expansive bangs with expensive effects. To which I always asked "Why not?". And then along came the House Of Flying Daggers, & to my upmost film-watching joy, it seemed to ask that very same question.

Right now, all I'm wearing is a mustard-stained wife-beater T-shirt, no pants & a massive sombrero.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Not in any particular order:

Mary and Max A whimsical quirky claymation tale of friendship between a lonely girl living in Australia and an older man with Asperger's Syndrome who lives in New York. As touching and heartfelt as anything Pixar has done, but this one is for the adults.

Ballast A movie that deserves a much bigger audience. No one in the cast had ever acted before and the three leads give some of the best performances of the year.

Lost in Translation The best film about loneliness, disconnect and friendship I have ever seen.

Talk To Her My favorite movie by my favorite director.

The Maid What starts out as a black comedy becomes a triumph of the human spirit. I don't know that I've ever had a change of heart about a character so completely in a movie before.

Synecdoche, New York Charlie Kaufman is a genius. So much in this movie spoke to me personally. Every time I watch it, I get more and more from it.

More to come later.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
10) Million Dollar Baby- My favorite Eastwood film with my favorite Swank performance. I am a also a big sucker for boxing movies.

9) True Grit- A genre I wish more good films came out of, leave it to the Cohens to do a great thing with it. Nothing to complain about with this movie.

8) Return Of The King- My favorite of Jackson's epic trilogy. Similar to the first two Godfather films in that I really think of the trilogy as a entire epic film.

7) Munich- My favorite Spielberg movie until Lincoln this year. This film did not seem underrated at the time, but nobody talks about it anymore. A handful of great performances around an amazing, tense story Plus one of the best endings ever.

6) The Social Network- I walked out of theater amazed by this movie, then as I thought about it wondered if this was just a timely topic film. After two more viewings I no longer wonder about that, this film is near perfect and at it's core not at all about facebook. This movie is a great social commentary and a perfect storm with Fincher and Sorkin at the helm.

5) No Country For Old Men- My second Cohen movie on the list, and along with Social Network the second movie that I consider perfect. Great writing, even better performances, amazing visuals.

4) The Dark Knight- As big of a sucker as I am for boxing movies I am an even bigger sucker for everything Batman. This is the ultimate Batman film. The only question is who is more responsible for the comic masterpiece, Ledger or Nolan?

3) Inglorious Bastards- I LOVE two Tarantino films, Pulp and Bastards. This has all the elements that make his great movies click, crazy great dialogue, two or three scenes that are so amazing that they make you want to see the film 100 times, and awesome performances.

2) Remember The Titans- Alright I know this movie is as schmaltzy as you can possibly get but I don't care. I have seen this movie at least 12 times and love every single moment. I love the story, I love the emotion that it evokes, and I love Washington in this movie. Bring on the insults.

1) Gladiator- This is a movie that everyone seemed to love 10 years ago but enthusiasm has dampened. I still love the spectacle of this movie, it remains one of my favorites.

- Gran Torino
- Insomnia
- Gladiator
- The Bank Job
- Into The Wild
- The Departed
- American Gangster
- The Constant Gardener
- Mystic River
- Sam

and that should do it. am I the only one who thinks that Clint Eastwood made best 00's movies?

Some from 2000 - 2009:

A beautiful mind
United 93
Kill Bill 1
Grizzly Man
Paradise Lost 1
The Dark Knight
No country for old men
Casino Royale
The Others
Minority Report
amores perros
And Dead Man's shoes - I can't leave that out it's great

1) The Devil's Rejects
2) Wonderland
3) Before the Devil Knows You're Dead
4) The Departed
5) The Town
6) The Hangover
7) Mystic River
8) Beerfest
9) I Saw the Devil
10) Sin City
11) Sexy Beast
12) Bully
13) Snatch
14) Layer Cake
15) Rampage

you take it away... to show them what they had
Inglorious Bastards
Kill Bill 1&2
No country for an old man
The Lives of Others
City of god
Waltz with bashir

about there will be blood - The power of cinema - strong acting and beautiful photography make a weak script and no reliable cherecters to a pretty good movie.