Flimmaker's Top 100 Movies

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Oceans 11
Everyone in this film can carry their own film. A clock slick ganster film. Gotta love it.

Ferris Bueller's Day off
Ferris Bueller's Day Off is the last of it's kind. A fun film that doesn't relay on cursing or sexual things to be good.

One of Pixar's best. What I love about Ratouille is the message. I can relate to it very much. Having a dream you want to realize but know one believes you can do it and you don't know how.

The Little Mermaid
Probably the Disney film with the most memorable songs. And one that hits your emotions from start to finish.

96.Spirited Away

Hayao Miyazaki is the Walt Disney of Anime. Spirited Away has an amazing story and beautiful anime. It so nice to watch and never runs out of steam. Best Anime ever easily.

Going 18600 miles per second.

It might be better if you included your reasons, rather than just a list of your favorites...

But it is your list, so do whatever you want. Just had to put that out there.

Not a bad idea I'll give it a go

Minority Report
One of Tom Cruise's best performances. An epic science fiction film directed by Steven Speilberg. This film brings up something that I think send an interesting message. What would we do if we could see that someone was going to murder someone else? Should we have that power? Is there a way to change that?

Donnie Darko
Donnie Darko is one of those psychological films that leaves you speechless and wanting more when it is over. Jake Gyllenhaal as Darko provided an intense performance as the disturbed kid. A film that has that indie spirit despite hollywood influences.

Die Hard
Die Hard is just a classic action flick. Suspense, drama, bad ass action scenes. Ultimate guy movie. Plus the villain's demise was done in a very cool way. Bruce Willis showed just how much of a badass he is in the role that made him a star.

Lethal Weapon
The best buddy cop film. Lethal Weapon takes two unlikely guys and puts them together and creates something that no one will ever forget. Mel Gibson and Danny Glover are just the dream team. Their chemistry is what makes the movie. With anyone else it might not have worked out so well. I will never get too old for this classic.

Okay so who cried when Bambi's mother died? I did. One of Walt Disney's earlier classics. Bambi showcases the life of a deer and his woodland friends in a way no other film as come close too. Showcases how much man can make woodland animals lives hell aswell. Loveable characters, beautiful animation too. Bambi is one of those classics that will always have a place in my heart.

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
Minority Report is a really cool movie, and Lethal Weapon is a classic.
"George, this is a little too much for me. Escaped convicts, fugitive sex... I've got a cockfight to focus on."

Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
Lord of the Rings The Two Towers is a wonderful part of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. The end scene with Sam and Forto is very touching.

The Fugitive
What a suspenseful slick movie. Carried by performances by Harrison Ford and Tommy Lee Jones. The plot is great, action is great aswell.

Three Kings
A war film (sorta) and makes you laugh but hurt at the same time. Clooney's Wahlberg's and Ice Cube have great chemistry.

500 Days of Summer
I love this movie. It is one of those films that you wish would never end. Joesph Gordon Levitt and Zooey Deschanel really embraced their roles. One of the best romantic comedies of all time.

Apart of the Disney Renaissance. Robin Williams set the standard for celebrity voice acting in this film. A storyline that everyone can feel for.

It would be nice if you included the name of the movie as some of the pictures don't show up

Keep them coming
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

There will be Blood
One of PT Anderson's best films. Daniel Day Lewis is just a beast at acting. I heard he lived by himself for eight months to prepare for this role. Worked because he gave a hell of a performance and won an academy award.

The Matrix
Forget almost everything Keanu Reeves has been in except for the Bill and Ted films and Speed. The Matrix was so ambitious and so cool that it made up for Keanu Reeves. Who actually gave one of his best performances.

Men in Black
Who doesn't love Men In Black? Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones are the dream team. Killing aliens and defending Earth. Don't get no better.

82. No Country for Old Men. The Cohen Brothers know how to make quality movies. This is one of them. Javier Bardem was amazing.

81. The Usual Suspects.
One of those movies that you think you know what is going on. Then a twist comes out of no where. Kevin Spacey and Benico Del Toro give excellent performances. You never know what happens until the end.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Positive rep for No County for Old Men and The Usual Suspects.

However, I personally think that PT Anderson has made three better films than There Will Be Blood. I am a fan of his, but just not wild about that movie.

Positive rep for No County for Old Men and The Usual Suspects.

However, I personally think that PT Anderson has made three better films than There Will Be Blood. I am a fan of his, but just not wild about that movie.
I would say there are two films he made better than There Will Be Blood. Boogie Nights and Magnolia.

I've got some Disney Renaissance films on my top 100 too, although I'm a bit of a child at heart so I've put mine quite high up