The Videogames Tab


there's a frog in my snake oil
Oh sweet yeah, seems to have in-built support in Windows now for the wired ones. Damn, that coulda saved me some batteries

(Wireless ones are class for sofa co-op, but only if your sofa's near your computer I guess )

Ach well, they were free I guess. Both my Xboxes imploded in various ways, but the controllers keep on going...
Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

The People's Republic of Clogher
I used to go through a 360 controller a year.

If it wasn't for the awful d-pad it was creep from the analogue sticks.

EDIT - And yep, the wired version is fully, natively compatible with Windows 10. I have one in a drawer somewhere with a modded d-pad. The versions with the transforming d-pad were a lot better, but they were wireless only.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

The Adventure Starts Here!
I went ahead and bought a $30 wired one on Amazon. We'll see how that goes. Probably just a decent thing to have around.
Gosh, even *I* have a controller for my PC games! Granted, I rarely use it, but I bought it 6- years ago to [try to] play Heavy Rain.

I should dig that thing out...

there's a frog in my snake oil
As part of my periodic outbreaks of Elite commentary on this thread, I wish to share two pertinent recent things from Reddit:

This gif from an entranced noob titled: Man this game is cinematic as hell!

And this very apt quote from a veteran:

I think I figured out Elite. It's a mixture of Unacceptable+Exceptional things. We play it because of the Exceptional and endure the Unacceptable.
Both very representative of the game


For my sins, I'm back in, and have pew-pew-ed and smuggled my way to one of the 'end game' ships. In the hope that more end-game is coming with the Q1 'Multicrew' update ...

To be fair it's kinda fun now too, as we got wee launchable ships that can fly from its belly in the last update. But now to see if the shine rubs off before they polish up some more of the missing bits...

This game does look, sound and drive damn good most of the time. But it is still definitely missing half the gameplay you'd expect too!


TLDR: I love/hate Elite Dangerous . Don't buy it yet. Do buy it at some unspecified point when it's moved most of the 'unacceptable' lacks into at least the 'acceptable' phase, and ideally at least part way into the exceptional . (If you like cinematic space pew that is. And realising your heat vents have gameplay applications. And mind-bogglingly large suns )

After extensive research, I still can't figure out what R.O.B. the Robot actually did. The idea that Nintendo execs believed the system needed a toy so that people would think it was more than video games is where the real story lies.

We got a problem here?

Looks like the free time will be plentiful this weekend and I spy a lonely copy of MGS V.

Will a lengthy hiatus bring forth a renewed vigor and enthusiasm? Or will it leave me wistful to have Biohazard: Resident Evil already?

The psn flash sales gives the putters a glimpse into the life of the PCMR. Let's see what Limbo is all about. Watch this $4 game get more run than the upcoming Far East tentpole.

So far so good with Limbo. Puzzle games are not my thing (does Uncharted count? ) , but I think the charm keeps the infuriating frustration anger at bay. This is the world that Geppetto creates when he goes mad.

I am going to finish (or stop playing) without any internet succor. This is in light of me playing one part over and over for about half a hour before...wait, is that a handle up there?

The People's Republic of Clogher
On the advice of my postman (I'm so predictable, I know) I've bought Guitar Hero Live.

Apparently it's one of the better entries in the series, of which I think I've only played GH5. It tanked badly on release (as did the latest Rock Band - pretend plastic instruments must have fallen from fashion) which is a shame for the company, but a bonus for me:

I've ordered the 2 guitar party pack new for .... £19.99. Oof.

The People's Republic of Clogher
I can sort of see why Guitar Hero Live flopped.

It's more difficult, even on lower levels than I remember GH being and the guitars are of awful quality. I'm glad I paid nowhere near full price or I'd feel pretty ripped off...

The plus side is the whole 'Live' thing. The pretend band you're in for the career mode is funny as all get out, and the constantly playing music video channels are a great idea - The more you watch and play along, the more free plays you unlock for anything in the catalogue. You can also buy plays, but I'm not going to.

She Sells Sanctuary isn't included so they can bugger off.

I never got into GH or RB, but I had friends that had all the kit. To me it's like karaoke, best with a crowd and a few rounds. And watching your homie play Tom Sawyer drums on the top diff setting.

The People's Republic of Clogher
Yeah, I know what you mean. Living out here is peaceful and all, but my only regular jamming session will probably be with the postman. The whole TV section of the game is competitive online though - One advantage of a rolling stream of channels is that people don't need to group up and start matches to play against each other. Of course, the downside is that you can come into a channel with a song nearly over and end up bottom automatically.

The game of this type which most interests me is Rocksmith

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Finally started Titanfall 2.

So far I really like it.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Instead of watching football, I finished Limbo.

Raised on 8-bit platformers this game rang true to my heart. The aesthetic and atmospheric sound were one thing, but the controls and mechanics were what really struck out to me. Some of the physics were unlike anything I have ever experienced. Chains, pits, the upside-down were all great. I seem to remember the ending catching a lot of flack, but it seemed right for this game.

The People's Republic of Clogher
Yakuza 0 is out (in the West) tomorrow. It'll be this year's Skyrim/Witcher 3/GTA .... and I'm not trying to be funny.


For anyone who's not played Sega's long-running, insane Yakuza series, the latest game is a prequel so you'll not need to worry about not picking up on story beats.

Are you going on the history of the series or something else? One of the podcasts I follow were referencing Y0 during the embargo. No comment other than they put it to the side to play some futuristic text based game .

The same site made a detailed video about the "perceived" shortcomings of the Switch.

- no games (nothing new in the long line of Nintendo launches)
- scheduled ports of a bunch of PS3 / 360 titles
- outrageous peripheral prices (looks @ Vita)
- no online voice chat (feature available 2 generations ago on other systems)
- no third party support (Only EA game is an old FIFA port)

There was more and I could be misquoting, but this all going on memory. I root for Nintendo and love Far East culture, but they do seem out of touch. I'm going to list my Switch pre-order and if it doesn't catch a premium I'm going to return it.

Nearly done with Obduction. Got through a nice chunk on my own, but at one point did ask my brother (who'd already played it) some general questions just to rule out the possibility that I was banging my head against a wall or had missed something obvious. Turns out it was the latter, just missed a scrap of paper that turned out to bottleneck my progress. In the process of finding that out I got another hint or two I didn't mean to, but nothing massive, thankfully.

Anyway, it won't be a totally "clean" playthrough as a result, but fairly close if I do the rest totally independently.

It's a nice game. Pretty, and definitely has that Mysty vibe. Some of the locations made me actually say "Wow" out loud, because one in particular has a tremendous sense of scope. Building towards a potentially interesting end game, too. Possible I'll change my mind when I actually finish, but right now it looks like a really solid throwback, and one that I hope leads to more of the same from them. Here's hoping it does well enough to justify more, even if that means another Kickstarter or multi-year development cycle.

Oh, also started Hitman, though just barely: I did the first run-through with the tutorial mission. For some reason it's not striking my funny bone right now, but it seems like it should be a really fun game once I'm in the right mood, so I'll pick it up again soon.

The People's Republic of Clogher
Are you going on the history of the series or something else? One of the podcasts I follow were referencing Y0 during the embargo. No comment other than they put it to the side to play some futuristic text based game
Finished the first three, own 4 and 5 but haven't played them. 4 got bought in a sale when I had more or less moved to PC and 5 (also in a sale) was when I'd got back into consoles but had packed the PS3 away for its successor. Always meant to spend some time with them, especially 5, but 0 looks a cut above every Yakuza game since 2.

It's Shenmue done right.