Movie Theme of the Week!


Keep on Rockin in the Free World
switchen it up to

True Romance

"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." - Michelangelo.

that's what she said...
I've never seen True Romance but now that I see who's in it I think that'll be on my list of movies to watch this week. I usually like anything with Christopher Walken, especially if he plays the "bad guy".
Nicolas Cage
^to be in 14 movies in the next two years^

that's what she said...
I will PM Ash, if she cant theme this week then it's MONKEYPUNCH

I just PMed her but I noticed on her profile her last post was on 8-16-12, so if she doesnt post a theme by tomorrow night then MP feel free to theme it up

that's what she said...
Well now, this week was a fail and I'm embarassed I'm posting again for the THIRD time in a row.... but MonkeyPunch--you're up next week. If you'd like to pass then it's AKATEMPLEs turn...

Sit Ubu Sit.... Good Dog
I am going to go ahead and pic a theme for this week.

And that theme is going to be your favorite character/actor from a Cult Classic.

I have to go with one of my favorites and pick Sting in the 1984 Cult film Dune.

^^ Also a good shot of Captain Jean-Luc Picard

^^ I just came across this pic and well if you've seen the movie you should get a kick out of it.

Chiang Sheng as the last student of the Five Venoms temple in Five Deadly Venoms.

What I like about his character: The idea of amalgamating (and possibly mastering) the five different styles (of kung fu), the idea of total physical/spiritual development. Something I strive to achieve in my life.

I didn't like Office Space when I saw it, but I'll give you a +1 anyway.

OMG I am in have to go with The Big Lebowski

Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

Some notable mentions

NPH in Starship Troopers
Leatherface for TCM
Hobo from Hobo with a Shotgun (it's not a classic though)(yet)
The Dude Big Lebowski
The Cowboy from Mulholland Drive