The MoFo Top 100 of the 1970s: Countdown

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Also, if you're right what about...

Last Tango in Paris
Enter The Dragon

I would have expected them all to make the list beforehand, maybe they won't.
gotta make it, right? unless Hk & i are the only ones who had it high

meanwhile, Serpico was on my list at #12. glad it's here. Pacino in top form

I wish this list would hurry up! HOLDEN -- give us 54 and 53 right now. Then tomorrow, you can give us 52 and 51. Then you can start counting down from 50 this Saturday.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Picnic at Hanging Rock is an interesting, atmospheric film which is worth a watch, but it really seems underdeveloped to me. The way it's scripted and directed, there only seems to be about 45 minutes of material, so there's an awful lot of padding, but at least it's more exotic than most puzzles. Of course, since it's not really a true story, the choices were made by the filmmakers (and the novelist beforehand), and most viewers seem to like their choices. There's no getting around Weir's eye for imagery and his power to imbue it with enigmatic meaning.

I love Serpico, and I wrote this before.
Serpico (Sidney Lumet, 1973)

This is a powerful, true-life story of a New York cop who finds corruption everywhere he turns, and since he won't become part of it, he becomes a pariah, who even starts the film off in an ambulance with a gunshot wound to his face. Frank Serpico (a perfect Al Pacino) has always wanted to be a police officer, but he's heartbroken by the fact that he learns that most all NYC plainclothesmen in the 1960s are collecting payoffs to look the other way from crime. He has a good cop friend (Tony Roberts) who tries to help him get this info to the higher-ups, but it just seems that the corruption has been ingrained for too long, so Serpico can't get anywhere. This makes Serpico a marked man: an honest cop who won't take money is dangerous, or so his fellow officers believe.

Sidney Lumet, who was a last-minute replacement as director for Joe's John Avildsen, brings his expertise of location filming in New York City into play in this tense, gritty film. The script, which is basically a collection of dialogue by Midnight Cowboy's Waldo Salt, structurally supported by Joe's Norman Wexler's re-write, gives plenty of opportunities for the huge cast to shine, but Pacino really excels and is allowed to create a strong character who is not only heartfelt, but also witty, light-hearted (when possible), sexy and justice-seeking. The brief, yet evocative, Mikis Theodorakis musical score is a major asset in making the film affecting and so easy to relate to. This is one of the true classics of the '70s which unfortunately seems to be lost in the shuffle of all that decade's great films. If you've missed it thus far, do your best to correct that oversight.
I've still got two films from my list on our list so far.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

The nerve of David Lynch being alive in this world before I was born... and afterwards.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Jodorowsky's El Topo makes it over Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory??

Patience, Raul.
Stop getting my hopes up people. Its not showing this far into the game.

I wish this list would hurry up! HOLDEN -- give us 54 and 53 right now. Then tomorrow, you can give us 52 and 51. Then you can start counting down from 50 this Saturday.
I'm good. But thanks for the offer.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Stop getting my hopes up people. Its not showing this far into the game.
Wonka is quite a popular movie sir.

Winter Calls Thy Name
I love Serpico, and I wrote this before.
Good write-up. I think Serpico may be one of those movies where interest in the subject matter has a great effect on how it's received, although all should recognize it as a quality film.

Oh, please. You are now going to hate on the legend of Mr. Wonka? Get real.
Who said anything about hate? Wonka is a decent movie, but there are better movies that have already shown up on the list.

Posted by rauldc14,
Wonka's not showing this far into the game
I certainly hope not.
this made me laugh. meanwhile loving that new av Miss Vicky

Willy Wonka is a good 70's movie. Here is my favorite song number.

Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory made the Mother of the Godfather '70s list (which I still need to finish, by the way).

28. Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory
Mel Stuart, 1971 | 0 POINTS