The Top MoFos Countdown


I promise it will be a good and entertaining countdown, though.

I knew I forgot to nominate someone! Just remembered who! Oh well
Yeah, me too! Oops.
“The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you.”
― Neil deGrasse Tyson

I'll say this -- once I start calculating for the countdown, NOBODY'S GETTING A SECOND CHANCE WITH THEIR LIST.

When I say I've stopped accepting lists.... don't even bother me.

I will delete all "I forgot this person!" private messages, even from people I put on my own Top MoFos list, if I've started to calculate the list.

And I will shame ANYONE who sends in their FIRST ATTEMPT at a list to me if I've already started calculating.

Honeykid has submitted and we're about at 100 people. I'll keep taking lists, though, for now, just in case.

#2 - 7 on my list are pretty much interchangeable. I didn't really know how to rank them so I just kind of put them in whatever order.

I sent in a list, pretty random order overall, and I know I forgot some people. Nebbit for example, I forgot about Nebbit.
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it