2016 MoFies Discussion


Some people like Leviticus and 90's Ace would consider a worst mofie win mission accomplished i imagine.
Leviticus would consider it a punishment directly from G-d.

Leviticus's reception at MoFo

I think even GBG and Christine got some licks in
Let's see... that black guy with the boxing gloves is me. That woman with the gun is Miss Vicky. That guy with the whip is Mr Minio. And that nun is Yoda.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I just seen this thread for the first time, yet it was started back in January 2016...Now, I know how people can miss Countdown threads, etc. Bumping is a good thing

After perusing this, a few select comments stood out:

Definitely we need the Best New MoFo category.

Keep the Worst Thread category, as it's popular.

Lose the Smartest MoFo category.

And my very own idea....require all nomination ballots to have ALL 5 nomination slots filled out. That way more people can be included and share in the fun Some people will just list a couple of their friends over and over and over again and they do that every year.

Requiring all 5 nomination slots to be filled out would get more MoFos involved!

And my very own idea....require all nomination ballots to have ALL 5 nomination slots filled out. That way more people can be included and share in the fun. Some people will just list a couple of their friends over and over and over again and they do that every year. So requiring all 5 nomination slots filled out would get more MoFos involved.
Or maybe they leave certain categories empty or only partly filled because they honestly can't come up with enough nominees? Requiring that all categories be filled out with the maximum number of nominees is going to result in fewer voters.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Requiring that all categories be filled out with the maximum number of nominees is going to result in fewer voters.
No it won't. I have faith that the MoFos are a smart group of people and are able to come up with 5 nominations for each slot. (Tip, it helps to read other people's nominations when they post them to get some ideas)

Conversely, if it's too hard for most MoFos to come up with all 5 nominations for any specific category, then that category should be dropped in favor of a fresh idea for a new category.

Like SC said, theses MoFoies start to stagnate if they aren't changed some each time.

I can tell you firsthand it will. I left some with fewer nominations the time i participated because i honestly couldn't come up with answers. Mostly because certain things i just don't take notice of and i'd rather not copy someones answers when i don't agree with them.

No it won't. I have faith that the MoFos are a smart group of people and are able to come up with 5 nominations for each slot. (Tip, it helps to read other people's nominations when they post them to get some ideas)
Yes, it will. Consider the "Best Game Thread" category for example. A lot of people here don't play games and wouldn't be able to come up with enough nominees that they actually have any real knowledge about.

And eliminating that category certainly isn't the answer because games are a very important part of the forum for those that do play them.

There's two good points there from CR and MV.

I struggle myself to fill some categories as well tbh. Best Post for instance is a tough one, especially when there's 250,000 posts and 365 days worth to go through to find the gold.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I beg to differ. Possible Best Game Threads could be any of the Hofs, Sheep, any of the fantasy league games, any of the music tournaments, any of the word games threads or any of the many crazy participation threads SC makes. A person can come up with 5 nominations in that category if they want to.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I don't like the Best Post one for the reasons that Rodent just said. I mean who can remember all the post from the last year? Yeah, ditch that one and replace it with something fresh.

I beg to differ. Possible Best Game Threads could be any of the Hofs, Sheep, any of the fantasy league games, any of the music tournaments, any of the word games threads or any of the many crazy participation threads SC makes. A person can come up with 5 nominations in that category if they want to.
And, again, there are plenty of MoFos who don't participate in any of those or who participate in only one or two and would still be short of enough nominations that they really have any knowledge of.

I beg to differ. Possible Best Game Threads could be any of the Hofs, Sheep, any of the fantasy league games, any of the music tournaments, any of the word games threads or any of the many crazy participation threads SC makes. A person can come up with 5 nominations in that category if they want to.
Some users don't play or read any of them though, and there are other categories with the same problem. Users shouldn't be forced to nominated in categories they aren't familiar with, it will most likely cause them to just not send a list.

I don't like the Best Post one for the reasons that Rodent just said. I mean who can remember all the post from the last year? Yeah, ditch that one and replace it with something fresh.
I disagree. That's one of those categories that it definitely helps to look at other people's picks for. And sometimes we'll have a year where there are some really stellar posts that deserve recognition, like weeman's videos (where is that dude, anyway?).

Ok, ok...

5 entries per category... you must have at least 2, no more than 5. If you can't get 2, then don't vote in the category.

Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
I do agree with Citizen to an extent, but like others have said, there is no way I could come up with 5 nominees in some categories, either. Last year did look a bit odd though with some categories only having 2 nominees, so maybe we could implement something so you have to nominate at least 3 or 4 people/threads etc. for each category?

Last year did look a bit odd though with some categories only having 2 nominees
Are you talking about the actual ballot? I don't think making a minimum requirement for the nominations process is going to change that, since the entries on the actual final ballot require enough individual nominations to warrant inclusion. Sometimes there just aren't enough people choosing the same nominees for a particular category.

Trouble with a capital "T"
What categories are hard for most people to fill out (besides Games)? Perhaps those should be changed for some other category, that is easier.

Another idea (which I don't like but will mention anyway)...allow people to nominate themselves.