Lost (Possible Spoilers)


And the rampant sardonism of the cast! Oh my! What Gomorrhans!
And lo the whispering wanderer weeps
what whit to whom did my life keep?

who is excited for tonightttttttttttttt
Δύο άτομα. Μια μάχη. Κανένας συμβιβασμός.

Dachshunds Fear Me
who is excited for tonightttttttttttttt

I'm even more excited by a rumor I read on the net today; there's talk that a new character (one of the rescue team for the Oceanic 6) may be played by none other than my favorite Doctor Who, and invisible "Hero," Christopher Eccleston.

Just a rumor, but it just makes my little heart go all aflutter.
Reporter: What would you call that hairstyle you're wearing?

George: Arthur.

Is there someone inside you?
Who is it?
I don't know.
Is it Captain Howdy?

LOST Eccles?

Methinks my nuts doth vibrate like the heart of a buxom maiden greeted with a raunchy rumpslap from a Duke or minor official of the court.
-Othello 2:Iago Returns

The Adventure Starts Here!
Me me me me me too! It's an hour later but I'll have to bide my time somehow. I'll have the house to myself so I can turn on the five speakers, really loud, and then yell at the screen when people do stupid stuff I don't agree with or when they reveal something I didn't see coming (which is, like, every week).

I think I'll take another Metoprolol to make sure I don't faint or have a stroke before 10:00.

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?

Lost" returns tonight on ABC at a new time (10/9c) with six new hours that climax with the two-part finale (5/15 and 5/29). ComingSoon.net got a chance to talk to Matthew Fox, who plays Jack, during the press day for Speed Racer.

Asked about whether the flash forwards and knowing the end date of the series has changed how he approaches work, Fox said, "Not really. Not that much. No. You know we're going to catch up with the flash forwards here in this year and then we'll be back and it's going to be really interesting to see how time is structured in season five. But we will have closed those two points – the finale of last year where you had that juxtaposition of him on the island feeling like he'd finally accomplished rescue and this future where he's desperate and at the pit of despair and feels like he has to go back and we don't know why and what's transpired in between. We will have closed that thing and so we will have gotten back into a situation where we'll be in the present."

How much gets resolved in the finale? "Huge, huge stuff. We're shooting pretty much three episodes. It's really like a three-episode finale that we're shooting simultaneously. It's huge."

And will more questions be answered? "There will be huge things answered. Yes."

Be sure to tune in tonight!

I used to be addicted to crystal meth, now I'm just addicted to Breaking Bad.
Originally Posted by Yoda
If I were buying a laser gun I'd definitely take the XF-3800 before I took the "Pew Pew Pew Fun Gun."

The Adventure Starts Here!
I'm actually a little dismayed that they intend to "catch up" to their fast forwards so soon and then move forward. Although, I assume they mean by "move forward" something like "moving backwards where everyone realizes they have to go back to the island" ... and then we have to endure suspense about whether they get BACK to the island.

As for tonight's episode, "The Shape of Things to Come": WOW.

WARNING: "Lost" spoilers below
So, now, it's Ben Versus Charles. Fighting over family. Fighting over possession of the island. How long has the island fight been going on? How deep does this go?

So much happened tonight, but a few great parts were:

-- I guessed at the board game right away (even down to the right game). It was hilarious.

-- I laughed out loud when everyone turned to look at the phone, as if they'd never seen one before.

-- When Ben disappeared into the private spot and then Smokey showed up, well ... you could have knocked me over with a feather. And yet we still haven't heard a proper explanation.

-- Bummer about Danielle and Carl ... and Alex.

All in all, great episode.

(LOUD FART NOISE) Oh, excuse me. What did you say?
Lost is just that, LOST!
Cancellation is Nigh, repent, the end is near!

The Adventure Starts Here!
Cancellation? You're kidding, right? They're going to ride this one out until the story plays out in 2010. Nice try, though. I think we are all unrepentable, so we too are all Lost.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
One of the best episodes of LOST ever.

The smoke monster scene was BAD and ASS. BADASS!!!!!!

I didn't think Keamy would do it, but wow, that was a shocker. I thought she would be one of the people that end up being safe in the end. All bets are off now.

I liked how we found out about Sayid working for Ben, I'll buy it. Sayid is guilt ridden and full of sorrow and pain....there is Ben manipulating him along the way. DO YOU REALLY THINK BEN WANTED SAYID TO WALK AWAY? Please, all part of the plan.

Anyone notices the Parka Ben was wearing, it had Halliwax written on it....hello??? That is an alias of Dr. Marvin Candle.

And what was with Ben waking up in the middle of the desert? No way did he get there the way he said. Time travel I say.

Loved the doctor bit and Bernard showing who's boss. More eerie time travel stuff.

Plus Charles and Ben at the end. So many theories ran through my head. Are they the same person split into two by time? Are they fighting a battle that repeats itself over and over like the machines VS Zion in the Matrix.

Will Desmond protect Penny???

Wow, great ep.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

oh, now I have to go watch it. this has been the most gripping season.
something witty goes here......

The Adventure Starts Here!
Heroes is NOT better.

I figure Ben got into the desert the same way the Dharma folks did that the archaeologist chick's dig-findings did. (The redhead -- her name esapes me.) And yeah, that might be a time displacement thing.

And Ben definitely wanted Sayid to go along with him -- did you catch the wry smile on his face as he walked out of the alley?

I'm not sure if you were serious, but I don't think Charles and Ben are the same person split up by time -- they've never hinted that this time displacement gives you different looks. LOL

But honestly, what a GREAT episode. Smokey was soooo great. And what a stunner that the boat captain shot Alex ("Don't trust the captain," indeed!). Except for the fact that Ben is now pursuing Penelope, I'd almost say that yes, he IS one of the good guys. I was pretty sure I'd never say that, but now I do.

So many of Ben's past actions make more sense now if you start dropping Charles Widmore into the "bad guy" slot. Hmmmm...

...the plot thickens.