Amber Heard and Johnny Depp divorce


Trouble with a capital "T"
oh i dont mind something of mine being closed.

but i do think its an important topic to discuss and its going to be pretty much everywhere in time to come so it would be nice to have somewhere to discuss it.keeping it polite of course-people have different points of view and sometimes discussing them can make you realise your own mistakes on the matter.
but of course if its inappropriate then close!
Topsy your topic was fine, no problem with it. I wonder if alcohol is the cause for the aggression? Perhaps rehab is needed, for Depp.

I thought the police had leaked the pic but its one she turned in to the judge so i apologize

WARNING: spoilers below

Atleast then she knew and accepted it would be out there. theres also pictures from her crying hystrically leaving the court.she is gonna get hounded by the papz

I`ll remove if inappropriate

also ugh @ people using her bisexuality as an excuse for calling her
a liar and gold digger. so many of the papers are using it as that aswell.

You don't use violence against your partner. Period.
Well ofcourse normal people dont have a wwe street fight brawl in their livingroom and i do suppose Celebrities do have these problems we just normally are shocked.
I do suppose being rich still doesnt make some couples happy.

I thought the police had leaked the pic but its one she turned in to the judge so i apologize

WARNING: spoilers below

Atleast then she knew and accepted it would be out there. theres also pictures from her crying hystrically leaving the court.she is gonna get hounded by the papz

I`ll remove if inappropriate

also ugh @ people using her bisexuality as an excuse for calling her
a liar and gold digger. so many of the papers are using it as that aswell.
Most women in a relationship like this would be very scared and even some would not think too well video it. There was a story the other day where a women had her sister in law or family member smack her around and then they took pics.
Thats probably reason i was thinking about all this being odd timing. If anyone has seen poor Rhinna pics her face was really beaten. Obviously its bad for all parties this domestic issue but I honestly dont know what too think.

Topsy your topic was fine, no problem with it. I wonder if alcohol is the cause for the aggression? Perhaps rehab is needed, for Depp.
I think whats wrong with depp if he is being violent is because well pressure too have a movie hit. Your saying what. People assume it must be alcohal. When has Johnny Had is last successful film. Media and Studios could puting pressure on depp and its changing a once care free nice man into a mess. He may definately need counseling.

Again,ive seen others comment on the fact that she had so many pictures taken of it.

however i think its a pretty natural thing to do.esp now when we take pics/selfies every other second of the day. when something leaves a mark on our body we do tend to take pictures of it,i have pictures from one time someone stepped on my foot on accident and i went blue from my toes to my heel.i dont have a good reason for it,it was just..weird. also if this was a recurring thing she was prop looking for ways out,if she had sought help from anyone or even online,one of the most important things is proof.people dont even believe her WITH the pics so it would have been a lost cause without it.

Ned, you just drift off into random things so i really don't have a clue what you are talking about most of the time. The first thing you had to say here was that Heard was a crazy gold digger essentially, i know that was a theory but the fact your mind went there first personally disgusts me. It is the exact same as Cosby or Saville's victims, whether Depp did it or not doesn't matter i don't have a clue if he did either and haven't said so at all. I just don't like people like you looking for reasons the potential victim would make this up.
I only said its a possibility that she could be a gold digger and many more people have said that before me online. I mean we dont know if she if trying to build a sympathy case for more spousal support or she was humilated and abused . Im only saying it could be either or. I dont like using the world digger or gold but as they say anything is possible in hollywood and seldom do you get the whole story. This is my final comment on the subject until get more news and do recall all parties are innocent to proven guilty.

Don't feel bad. Not only didn't I know they were married, but I don't even know who Amber Heard is.
Honestly - I'm in the same boat. Didn't know they were married, don't really know who Amber Heard is.

Again,ive seen others comment on the fact that she had so many pictures taken of it.

however i think its a pretty natural thing to do.esp now when we take pics/selfies every other second of the day. when something leaves a mark on our body we do tend to take pictures of it,i have pictures from one time someone stepped on my foot on accident and i went blue from my toes to my heel.i dont have a good reason for it,it was just..weird. also if this was a recurring thing she was prop looking for ways out,if she had sought help from anyone or even online,one of the most important things is proof.people dont even believe her WITH the pics so it would have been a lost cause without it.
You are right its not uncommon for several pics too be taken with differant angles and so on. But she does have womens against domestic violence one her side by the pics and so now depps gotta do damage control cause he looks bad and she looks the battered young girl.

Honestly - I'm in the same boat. Didn't know they were married, don't really know who Amber Heard is.
Thats what I was trying to say about some people lesser famous focusing on more famous celebrities. Flip side is everyone knows who Johnny Depp is.
And many say Amber Who. But at the end weither this is real domestic tragic story or another situation where the women piked her target well.

I know what its sounds like I am for Depp Im am just saying it could be a Gold Digger case Or its just another Hollywood Actor is a scum case.

but again they had no prenup so all she had to do was divorce him if she wanted his money.
anyway the story broke only hours ago so im guessing there will be alot more info out in days to come. some of it might be true even
his sister has already spoken out about her saying he`s fine,but i dont know if they took that quote from when they were "just divorcing" or if she actually said that after the alligations.

but she is getting slaaaughtered on social media

I only said its a possibility that she could be a gold digger and many more people have said that before me online. I mean we dont know if she if trying to build a sympathy case for more spousal support or she was humilated and abused . Im only saying it could be either or. I dont like using the world digger or gold but as they say anything is possible in hollywood and seldom do you get the whole story. This is my final comment on the subject until get more news and do recall all parties are innocent to proven guilty.
No you didn't, everyone can look back at your comments. Hopefully you don't post on this site ever again because your viewpoint is quite frankly disgusting.

I just looked this up Vanessa this being mother of his two kids stated she being amber was a cold digger an feared she would push johnny I to marriage and her kids would become traumatized because the relationship will end badly. Then again vanessa a that juncture comes off as jilted ex. This just in amber now claims he abused her for four years. That johnny takes drugs an assaulted her on her birthday.

Um the rum diary isn't 4 years old was it. I now see why she got a restraining order if knowing she was going to release this to the public. If depp was OK with it he. He certainly isn't now and is likely red hot.

I just looked this up Vanessa this being mother of his two kids stated she being amber was a cold digger an feared she would push johnny I to marriage and her kids would become traumatized because the relationship will end badly. Then again vanessa a that juncture comes off as jilted ex. This just in amber now claims he abused her for four years. That johnny takes drugs an assaulted her on her birthday.

Um the rum diary isn't 4 years old was it. I now see why she got a restraining order if knowing she was going to release this to the public. If depp was OK with it he. He certainly isn't now and is likely red hot.
The Rum Diary is from 2011. Also your posts are nearly unintelligible. Please take a little time to structure sentences properly. It's very difficult to even determine what you're trying to say.

I just looked this up Vanessa this being mother of his two kids stated she being amber was a cold digger an feared she would push johnny I to marriage and her kids would become traumatized because the relationship will end badly. Then again vanessa a that juncture comes off as jilted ex. This just in amber now claims he abused her for four years. That johnny takes drugs an assaulted her on her birthday.

Um the rum diary isn't 4 years old was it. I now see why she got a restraining order if knowing she was going to release this to the public. If depp was OK with it he. He certainly isn't now and is likely red hot.
The Rum Diary is from 2011. Also your posts are nearly unintelligible. Please take a little time to structure sentences properly. It's very difficult to even determine what you're trying to say.
I'm trying the best I can. This is how my Brain works the sentence is fully perfect what I mean too say. The problem is when I type it out or write it on paper.Something is wrong with my wiring from things in my head too getting it down. Its kinda why I can never be a writer of stories. My mental disabilities.

What I was trying to say was johnny depps ex Vanessa said amber when wanted to merry johnny that she was against it because she said amber was a gold digger and it would end badly. Because johnny while he was intoxicated by her being amber it would wear off.

Of course many could say Vanessa was the jilted ex. But she would know him best. I'm willing to bet Vanessa will come out and say johnny never harmed her.

Amber came out later today saying johnny abused her for four years. You admit too marrying someone who already abuses you. I'm sorry but that was never a health relationship.

im really shocked by this,i was shocked by the divorce but i am gutted to see he would do something like that.
what rock have you been living under?
Like, OMIGOSH, it's like we didn't even really know them to begin with, you know??? Like whoduh thawt that hed get emotinal and do somin stoopid yu no?I tht HE wus spsd to bee nice pufrectgai my hole wurld has ben leik RUNIED GOSH!!!! lol

I thought the police had leaked the pic but its one she turned in to the judge so i apologize

WARNING: spoilers below

Atleast then she knew and accepted it would be out there. theres also pictures from her crying hystrically leaving the court.she is gonna get hounded by the papz

I`ll remove if inappropriate

also ugh @ people using her bisexuality as an excuse for calling her
a liar and gold digger. so many of the papers are using it as that aswell.
Pretty gross. I hope her the best.

Like, OMIGOSH, it's like we didn't even really know them to begin with, you know??? Like whoduh thawt that hed get emotinal and do somin stoopid yu no?I tht HE wus spsd to bee nice pufrectgai my hole wurld has ben leik RUNIED GOSH!!!! lol
Shut up man. Would like to see you repeat that in perfect Norwegian.

Keep it up Topsy, you are a much better member than Omni

Like, OMIGOSH, it's like we didn't even really know them to begin with, you know??? Like whoduh thawt that hed get emotinal and do somin stoopid yu no?I tht HE wus spsd to bee nice pufrectgai my hole wurld has ben leik RUNIED GOSH!!!! lol
Of course you would disapprove of pure happiness.

Didi anyone else here about depp grouping Olivia MUnn in the movie morticai. Or held his hand on her breast longer then needed. Depp and most method actors are near lunatic at best I bet. I changed my mind I think depp did smack her around because I bet he has this ego where he is captain jack or worse whitey Bulger and heard was nothing when he was mentally fazing into and out of movie characters.Not saying all method actors do cause jerod leto is just a genius.