Who Will be Our Next President?


That’s where weighting comes in. It would take an extreme number of "shy" voters to just get missed on any significant scale.

The better criticism is of the fact that weighting requires turnout assumptions.
Yep but I wonder if there's more to it than just the shy voter this time around. I also wonder if weighting reflects what the average election is, since this one is probably as far from average as you can get. On the other hand I would say the Gallup poll is more likely to be accurate. If so that would have to be a good sign for the incumbent.

You ready? You look ready.
I’d say that there are far more loud supporters of Trump than shy, but I have a feeling that something crazy is going to happen with voter turn out today.

Early numbers so far indict that voters are engaged at numbers we haven’t seen before. Meanwhile, I couldn’t be more disengaged from the whole mess.

I’ll be headed to the polls today and I still don’t know if I’ll be repeating my absence of a President vote. Probably time to flip that coin now. I’ve seen enough evidence over the last 12 years to tell me neither party has America’s interests at heart. Sad times

I’ve seen enough evidence over the last 12 years to tell me neither party has America’s interests at heart. Sad times
You could be totally correct, but we have a guy who could have just sat on an island and lived it up. He donates his salary and his wealth has taken a massive hit. None of us know what goes on behind closed doors and what's accurate all the time, so I have skepticism myself. But appearances are that he's doing everything he can for the country and it's citizens. His love of the country is something he's talked about for many years. Why is he doing all of this? The right reason is at least one of the options we have to consider even if it doesn't feel legitimate.

I have written multiple posts in this thread and deleted them, because I know better than to try and engage in this stuff.

I just don’t understand the Trump stuff. He was always a con-man. His history of business is not making Warren Buffet look over his shoulder. He courts religious support, but nothing shows him practicing the belief other than lip service. His tax plan will be a whole lot different for anyone under $100k in 2027, but that will be put on the incumbent. He has no desire to fight towards clean energy, while countries like China have targeted being carbon neutral by 2060.

I get Trump makes people feel safe, but what about the people that he doesn’t make feel safe? Then I realize what a Pollyanna I am and it’s never been about making us all feel safe and secure.

There's a lot I'd like to say in ^^^response but I'll just eat it so I don't get the thread closed.

I will say that if Biden wins I'll be worried, but he'll be my president and I'll support him and hope he does a great job.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I have written multiple posts in this thread and deleted them, because I know better than to try and engage in this stuff.

I just don’t understand the Trump stuff. He was always a con-man. His history of business is not making Warren Buffet look over his shoulder. He courts religious support, but nothing shows him practicing the belief other than lip service. His tax plan will be a whole lot different for anyone under $100k in 2027, but that will be put on the incumbent. He has no desire to fight towards clean energy, while countries like China have targeted being carbon neutral by 2060.

I get Trump makes people feel safe, but what about the people that he doesn’t make feel safe? Then I realize what a Pollyanna I am and it’s never been about making us all feel safe and secure.
I can explain Trump to you with this:

have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism.
Does that sound like his pattern of behavior?

It's from here:

One trait of a narcissist is judging others, something many of us do but something to keep in mind. It would definitely be a struggle for me to judge somebody I didn't know however.

One trait of a narcissist is judging others, something many of us do but something to keep in mind. It would definitely be a struggle for me to judge somebody I didn't know however.
I don't think judging someone in public office, especially the president, is any indication of narcissism.

I don't think judging someone in public office, especially the president, is any indication of narcissism.
Well I would say judgment of performance comes with the territory, but some of the judgment of character is in poor taste.

The trick is not minding
This is a blatant misuse of the term narcissism.
Judgement in and of itself is hardly narcissistic, especially when considering what the judgement is based upon.
As MV points out above.
The President of the US will always be judged upon his actions, regardless of who he is. Be it Trump, Obama, Bush, FDR, Lincoln or Coolidge (Keep cool with Cal!)
This is hardly anything new.
We can argue over the judgement of his character whether it is deserved or not (it is, I mean his comments along with his history have shown his character) but I don’t want to get this thread closed as well.
If Joe wins, I’ll criticize him openly as I would any President.

Yep but I wonder if there's more to it than just the shy voter this time around. I also wonder if weighting reflects what the average election is, since this one is probably as far from average as you can get.
I don't really follow what this means. It sounds like you think "weighting" means comparing to some past average, or something?

Anyway, I'm not sure how into the weeds you want to get. I think the generalized response here is that this polling stuff isn't ever just making really blithe assumptions that the election will be "normal" or anything like that. In fact, it's often using the exact kinds of general polls (about enthusiasm) that you're referring to to gauge things like turnout, which, if you think the "right track" numbers are immune from the "shy" thing, it means the things weighting can be based on would be, too.

Doesn't mean it can't be wrong anyway, but when it is it's a) not usually very wrong and b) not wrong because of very predictable, common-sense kinda things like we're discussing here.

Trouble with a capital "T"
This is a blatant misuse of the term narcissism.
Judgement in and of itself is hardly narcissistic, especially when considering what the judgement is based upon.
As MV points out above.
The President of the US will always be judged upon his actions, regardless of who he is. Be it Trump, Obama, Bush, FDR, Lincoln or Coolidge (Keep cool with Cal!)
This is hardly anything new.
We can argue over the judgement of his character whether it is deserved or not (it is, I mean his comments along with his history have shown his character) but I don’t want to get this thread closed as well.
If Joe wins, I’ll criticize him openly as I would any President.
Do you mean what I posted? If so I stand by it completely. But I don't need to rehash it or argue it, as I said what I believe and a number of medical professionals have said the same. So in the interest of peace, I'll let you have the last word

I think the problem is phrases like "some people." It's pretty easy to find any group going too far with any valid criticism. The question is whether we engage with that--the worst version of the argument--or with the version that is appropriately nuanced and has merit. It's quite easy to let our preferred candidate off the hook by focusing on overreactions, because there are always overreactions.

This is a blatant misuse of the term narcissism.
Judgement in and of itself is hardly narcissistic, especially when considering what the judgement is based upon.
As MV points out above.
The President of the US will always be judged upon his actions, regardless of who he is. Be it Trump, Obama, Bush, FDR, Lincoln or Coolidge (Keep cool with Cal!)
This is hardly anything new.
We can argue over the judgement of his character whether it is deserved or not (it is, I mean his comments along with his history have shown his character) but I don’t want to get this thread closed as well.
If Joe wins, I’ll criticize him openly as I would any President.
I don't belong to either party, didn't vote for him before, but think he's the best option of the 2 now. Without holding back, I don't like some of the attacks on his character. In fact, I find some of it despicable. The racist stuff is completely uncalled for. When people say he called Mexicans rapists, say he's referring to white supremacists when he said "fine people on both sides", called for the deaths of 5 innocent teeens (Central Park 5), called black nfl players sons of bitches, etc. etc., these are completely false. These are things told by liars or people who believe liars, and those are the people who have divided the country. People blame Trump for the division because of these things he supposedly said, but if he actually didn't say them, it's the people perpetuating these lies who are causing it. This is very upsetting to me and much bigger than either candidate.

The trick is not minding
Do you mean what I posted? If so I stand by it completely. But I don't need to rehash it or argue it, as I said what I believe and a number of medical professionals have said the same. So in the interest of peace, I'll let you have the last word
No, not you haha

And I'm not criticizing anyone in this thread for judging. I just think that as a whole it's an uglier than ever part of our society right now.

The trick is not minding
I don't belong to either party, didn't vote for him before, but think he's the best option of the 2 now. Without holding back, I don't like some of the attacks on his character. In fact, I find some of it despicable. The racist stuff is completely uncalled for. When people say he called Mexicans rapists, say he's referring to white supremacists when he said "fine people on both sides", called for the deaths of 5 innocent teeens (Central Park 5), called black nfl players sons of bitches, etc. etc., these are completely false. These are things told by liars or people who believe liars, and those are the people who have divided the country. People blame Trump for the division because of these things he supposedly said, but if he actually didn't say them, it's the people perpetuating these lies who are causing it. This is very upsetting to me and much bigger than either candidate.
That’s a pretty fair assessment, yes. His words have indeed been twisted with his full comments cut up.
But there is far more to his character being called out then the above examples you’ve provided.
Regardless, I see it bothers you so I’ll drop it out of respect for you.

That’s a pretty fair assessment, yes. His words have indeed been twisted with his full comments cut up.
But there is far more to his character being called out then the above examples you’ve provided.
Regardless, I see it bothers you so I’ll drop it out of respect for you.
No it's ok, I don't think he's mister wonderful or anything. I would just like more decency and fairness from the general population. The issues with Trump pale in comparison as far as I'm concerned.