17th MoFo Hall of Fame


Trouble with a capital "T"
I had to drop out of one HoF and still feel bad about it.
It's understandable that things can come up and people might have to drop out occasionally...as long as they announce they're dropping out (like Joel just did).

You have a good track record: joined 8 Hofs, dropped out only 1 time...so no worries

BTW, if I notice that someone is overdue for a check-in, I'll post about it in this thread so people will know to maybe hold off on watching that person's nomination for at least a few days.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
it's an excellent rule and with any luck, may prove to be a form of remedy for those that drop out without any word.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Keep your station clean - OR I WILL KILL YOU
I'm in! I've been on a movie slump as of late this will definitely help me get back in my game! Will think of a nomination today!

Looks like we're at 13 people now, which will put the deadline for viewing/voting tentatively somewhere in mid December. Quite an interesting mix of nominations so far. Still waiting on a nomination from one of the participants, but sign-ups will remain open until midnight Pacific Time Friday. I'll announce the official deadline when I reveal the nominations on Saturday.

I have to work Saturday morning, so the reveal will likely be at around 2:30 or 3:00 p.m. Pacific Time that day.

I managed to watch the two films I had in mind to nominate, but wasn't really feeling either of them.

I did however just finish a film on Netflix that I've been meaning to watch for a few years now, and went with that one instead. It's actually by the same director as one of the other films I had in mind.

I'm really excited for this and I'm way too impatient
Yeah, sorry. I'd close sign-ups and reveal the nominations sooner, but I'm working 6 days this week.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Hopefully there's a nice mix decades wise. I went with a relatively newer film again.
There could be, I actually didn't go with a much older film this time around. Not new, but not old either.

Weird is relative.
Wondering if I'll have enough free time to join this...

Wondering if I'll have enough free time to join this...
Have you done a HOF before? The general rule for HOF deadlines is 1 week per nomination. We're at 13 participants right now, which would put the deadline at roughly December 15th. I know people tend to get busy around that time of year, so if people are struggling towards the end, I may consider an extension.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Have you done a HOF before? The general rule for HOF deadlines is 1 week per nomination. We're at 13 participants right now, which would put the deadline at roughly December 15th. I know people tend to get busy around that time of year, so if people are struggling towards the end, I may consider an extension.
She's in 30s Part 2 and I believe she's done at least or more before that.

She's in 30s Part 2 and I believe she's done at least or more before that.
That's cool. I don't usually do specialty HOFs and couldn't remember her from any of the generals I've done so I wasn't sure.

Mija was in the Foreign Language HoF, and successfully completed it.

We're at 13 participants right now, which would put the deadline at roughly December 15th.
This makes me a little sad - not because of the HoF, but because I'm finally realizing how late in the year it actually is already. While I'm perfectly fine with fall, I'm not prepared to even think about winter yet.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Mija was in the Foreign Language HoF, and successfully completed it.

This makes me a little sad - not because of the HoF, but because I'm finally realizing how late in the year it actually is already. While I'm perfectly fine with fall, I'm not prepared to even think about winter yet.
THAT'S the other one, couldn't remember!

And fully agree about winter, I am NOT looking forward to the cold again!!
I SOOO get why so many folks move to Florida and Arizona when they get old. Didn't when I was young, but definitely do, now!

Trouble with a capital "T"
THAT'S the other one, couldn't remember!

And fully agree about winter, I am NOT looking forward to the cold again!!
I SOOO get why so many folks move to Florida and Arizona when they get old. Didn't when I was young, but definitely do, now!
I'm glad summer is over, it was too damn hot. Spring is my favorite season, fall is nice too