The 2015 Oscar Picks Pool


I see that Whiplash took one of the sound editing awards. I had that, but changed my mind at the last moment and stuck to the golden rule. Always go with the bullets. Ah well, on another day I'd have changed my mind and it would've worked.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

I think I scored the same.

But then I've seen none of the Best Picture nominees.
I still don't know what seeing the noms has to do with picking the winners? Unless you're voting for what you want to win, of course. I don't think I've seen the Oscar noms before the Oscars for a good ten years.

And then there was me. 4 for 24 . I didn't bother reading into it since I didn't get to watch anyways.
I did a stinky job too.

I still don't know what seeing the noms has to do with picking the winners? Unless you're voting for what you want to win, of course. I don't think I've seen the Oscar noms before the Oscars for a good ten years.
I think it gives me a better idea of what should win. Last year I'd seen all of the films in the major categories and I scored far better than I did this time.

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
Well congratulations to [email protected]....whoever the f*ck you are!

Anyway I ended with 19/24 for a tie for 3rd place. Although I could have done a lot better if I'd trusted my gut instinct more and I'm annoyed I didn't. For editing I personally fancied Whiplash to take it but all the endless talk about Boyhood's achievement in editing together 12 years of footage swayed me. And for animated film I was going to go Big Hero 6 because that's the one category where the voters tend to just go for the most fun film. And while How to Train Your Dragon 2 is a good film I don't think it's as funny or endearing as Big Hero 6. But again I listened to what everyone else was saying.

For best director I took a punt on Linklater. I thought that Birdman would take best film and that they might give Linklater a consolation for his efforts. And I also made a dumb choice in short film (live action). That's one of just a few categories where I have no idea and usually look at the betting odds to guide me. I saw that The Phone Call was favourite but went with Boogaloo and Graham for no other reason than the name made me smile.