How Do You Decide On Your Favorite Movies?


You guys are not doing that website Sexy Celebrity Style.

I have no frustrations with it and I find it fascinating. I search for a movie I like, I add it, we play a ranking game, it puts my movies in order. I'm going to add more than 100 movies -- so far I have 95 -- and then I'll take the first 100 and make a list.

Does it look different than how I'd write up a list? Yes. A little. But that's because the website isn't taking any crap from me. It KNOWS what I like -- and it is putting my likes in place.

If your lists look different than how you think they should be, either you're being stupid with the site or your movie tastes are different than you thought. It doesn't surprise me. Everyone's got a big ego when it concerns their movie tastes, but FlickChart is out to destroy it.

Gunslinger, you're becoming a cop. OF COURSE you'd like HOT FUZZ!!!

Miss Vicky, BABE's in your Top 20? A Jodie Foster and Matthew McConaughay movie? That boring, stupid OFFICE SPACE movie? Well, come on, woman. That all screams Miss Vicky. Sounds right to me.

PINEAPPLE EXPRESS is just the movie MILK with a hell of a lot more marijuana.

Although I think there might have been some marijuana in MILK, too. So there you go. Miss Vicky, fess up. You know your favorite thing to do is watch James Franco get stoned.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Does this site have obscure films? If it doesn't I don't even bother.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Just ranked a whole bunch of Joaquin Phoenix and Leonardo DiCaprio movies and Pineapple Express is still at #2. This site blows. It doesn't even seem to have Clay Pigeons listed at all and that's one of my favorite Phoenix movies.

I saw Pineapple Express a grand total of ONE TIME and I thought it was funny enough but mostly forgettable. I've seen Contact once many years ago and remember almost nothing about it. I've seen Office Space and Babe each one time as well and also found them rather forgettable.

You need to revisit those movies, Miss Vicky. This is a sign. Those movies affected you much more than you thought. Those movies are the key to everything. The answers to your most deepest, personal mysteries. The door you need to open. The path to your future. The Golden Gate Bridge.

No, I don't need to revisit them. It's only a sign of how flawed Flick Chart is. I added movies and reworked some things and my top 20 is looking much better now. No Pineapple Express or Contact or any of that other ***** anymore. And Quills is in its rightful position.

What's your #1 movie, Miss Vicky? Are you too scared to say?
It had Fight Club at number one until I reworked it and made it more accurate. I love Fight Club, but number one favorite movie ever? No.

I still think we should examine this. Let's schedule a group commentary for PINEAPPLE EXPRESS. I've got it.

I'm glad the site's working for you now. I knew it worked.

What's your #1 movie, Miss Vicky? Are you too scared to say?
It had Fight Club at number one until I reworked it and made it more accurate. I love Fight Club, but number one favorite movie ever? No.
Oh, yes.

Yes, yes, yes. I felt your connection with that movie when we watched it together.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
It's not perfect but I still think it is pretty fun. If I notice something hanging around the top ten I don't love and have only ranked once or twice I click re-rank and it falls down the list pretty quickly. I had the same issue with Contact.

Sexy I think you should share your current top 10 according to flickchart with us.

1. Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2

2. Texas Chainsaw Massacre

3. Scream 2

4. Hellraiser

5. Tootsie

6. Priscilla, Queen of the Desert

7. Forrest Gump

8. Polyester

9. Scream

10. The Rocky Horror Picture Show

Apparently, I'm all about horror movies and transvestites and one retarded man.

And actually, if you take all three -- horror, transvestites, retarded person -- you get Leatherface. And my top two movies are TEXAS CHAINSAW movies.

See? The site's amazing.

You guys are not doing that website Sexy Celebrity Style.

I have no frustrations with it and I find it fascinating. I search for a movie I like, I add it, we play a ranking game, it puts my movies in order. I'm going to add more than 100 movies -- so far I have 95 -- and then I'll take the first 100 and make a list.
THIS. sounds like some of you guys aren't doing it right

you can use the search by title function and put the movie up you WANT to vote for

i don't do the random matchups it spits out. i just put movies i like and want in my list

i think i've only got 200 or so movies total in my list and i've been using this site for over a year

might take a little to get used to, but it sounds like Sexy is doing it right


Thank you for showing me this. It's exactly what I needed.

Everybody should join this site. It'll help you figure out your favorite movies and it's fun and really cool. There are tons of awesome movie posters you can see for your favorite films.

This site doesnt list a lot of films i like..maybe i need to explore it more...most foreign films listed are main stream films.