Game of Thrones: Season 4


Yes, Arya and the Hound totally put the icing on the cake of this episode! I loved the Hound's whole speech, in regards to the King and the chickens. And Arya's eyes getting bigger as the speech went on. Then Arya's triumph. Totally aces.

Not to take away from the rest of the episode, where most of the main players caught us up with their doings. I was surprised by how the largest dragon (if they have names, I don't know them) reacted to Daenerys' touch: it's just like dogs...don't mess with them while they're eating. A very good season opener.
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

A system of cells interlinked
The Black Dragon is named Drogon...
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Thanks, Sedai! I haven't read the books so I don't know how things progress (or regress) with Daenerys and her dragons. But I'm eager to find out. I liked the ominous shadow of the dragons in the preview as they flew over what I can only assume is Meereen.

And is the sword that was melted the one that formally belonged to Ned Stark? I assume that the Direwolf pelt was Stark's also?

The Adventure Starts Here!
I purposely came in here to post about the look on Arya's face while The Hound was asking for all the chickens... and I see dadgumblah beat me to it. Glad to see I wasn't the only one who got a big kick out of that exchange.

I think Arya remains one of my favorite characters. Of course, it helps that she reminds me so much of my elder daughter -- doesn't take any crap from anyone, speaks her mind, and even looks a little like her....

Just realized something. The premiere episode mainly focused on the Lannisters, but nobody made mention of the warnings sent by the Nights Watch of the oncoming undead horde - whatsupwitdat'?!

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Just realized something. The premiere episode mainly focused the Lannisters, but nobody made mention of the warnings sent by the Nights Watch of the oncoming undead horde - whatsupwitdat'?!
I am pretty sure its been mentioned so dont think I am out of line in saying that the southern realms don't believe them. They think it is all hocus pocus bunk. Thats why the night's watch is so small now. Most dont believe they are any use to the realm.

Yeah, easy to forget that in this world, knowledge travels slowly and is highly unreliable. And travel itself is slow and expensive, especially if you're moving an army. So to meaningfully respond to the threat means weeks of travel (or more) and tons of resources on provisions for a threat they've never seen and can't verify.

Without fast communication or travel, entire wars can be won and lost based on something as mundane as the logistics of troop movements. They have to anticipate where they'll be needed, because they can't move quickly enough to be deployed in reaction to things.

The bigger the ship, the earlier you have to start the turn.

My name's Bobby Peru, like the country.
Well i just had a question or really just want other people's opinon.

Warning there are book spoilers down thar!

WARNING: "BOOKSPOILER" spoilers below
At the end with the Hound and Ayra going into the tavern..this is the same scene in the book in which the Hound is mortally wounded and dies shortly there after (supposivly but still) and this allowes Ayra to head East accross the narrow sea...obviously the Hound is not gravley injured..atleast not yet, so what are your thoughts?

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I try to avoid this thread because people tend to talk about the books more often than the show, regardless if it's in spoiler tags or not.

Great opening to the season though.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

My name's Bobby Peru, like the country.
Well both the books and the show are good which makes it easy to compare and contrast the two.

Rewatching Thrones from first episode season one. Funny how so many characters I see then think "Oh you poor basterd".

Arya is definitely being groomed to be the nastiest fighter of them all. She took sword lessons from her "dance teacher", could one day learn the powers of the many faced knight, and the Hound unknowingly is teaching her how to survive.

Following how the series treats such anticipated developments she'll probably now get bit by a mosquito and die of malaria.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I waited until today to watch the first episode so that I wouldn't have to wait so long for the second. I figured a lot of it would be stuff that we have to get through to get to the good stuff. A lot of it was but the scene with the Hound and Arya was amazing. I love the Hound so much. If I could have my way those two would have their own spin-off series.

Is it just me or did that episode seem like it lasted 10 minutes? I guess there was a lot to cover and I was excited to catch up with all the characters.

Another thought hit me, and this ones out there.

Wheres the zombie horde?! So at the end of season two they were enroute, Theyre slow so Sam Tarley and the remaining Crows beat them back. Later in the season Sam seems to unwittingly kill what looked like theyre leader when it came to take the baby. Now theyre slow, and I think they would have got here by now.

Could Sam Tarley have bought the world Westeros entire more time?!

TONGO, love that image of The Hound, the face of Westero's Fried Chicken.

A lot of people were wondering after the first episode where the ice zombies (forget what they're really called) are. When Sam was fleeing them, I wonder, were they, at that particular time, marching on the Wall? Or were they just moving their troops to another place? Sam may have indeed bought them more time with his move. At this point, he seems to be more concerned with the Wildlings than the zombies. I don't know if he told anyone when he got back to the Wall. When his commander, Mormont, witnessed the dead men trying to rise up and kill him in his quarters, he knew. Then he took his troops north of the Wall, but was it to stop the ice zombies or to head off the Wildlings? I kind of forget what Mormont's reasoning was to move, and what his purpose for visiting Craster was (you know, the guy who gives up his baby girls to the ice zombies). Since it all fell ill for both Mormont and Craster, we have to wonder if Mormont ever left any word behind with the jerk commander at the Wall about the ice zombies (methinks not) or the Wildling threat (methinks double not, given their reaction to Jon Snow's report). I'm hoping we can get a bit of news on them tonight. Somebody said this week that everybody's all tied up in vying for the Iron Throne and fighting each other that the legend of the ice people seems to have been swept under the rug.

EDIT: After some skulking around, I was reminded that the ice zombies are called The White Walkers.

EDIT #2: This fun little video from YouTube, if you haven't already seen it. From the people who do "Bad Lip Reading"

Only 18 minutes into tonights episode (S4E2), and reminded I hate a character as much as Joffrey - Ramsay Snow. He and Joffrey would hit it off famously.

A system of cells interlinked
Yep - once again I was biting my tongue as the moment approached, because Lisa was just spitting venom at Joffrey for his conduct throughout the episode. I kept watching him in the background as he would take sips of his cup...

"Oh **** this it??? Nope..."

That said, I think they were slightly too obvious with the camerawork and Lisa figured out the poisoner on the first guess. They dropped a couple of red herrings throughout the episode, and some obvious obfuscation, but she saw right through it.