Group Hugs and kisses. :D


chicagofrog's Avatar
history *is* moralizing
a hug to
1) the cats above,
2) all the non brainwashed people in the countries infested by political correctness (US especially since i don't give up on them, Germany which i long since gave up on, among others),
3) all the people smart (and kind) enough to stay objective enough thru arguments online (i.e. here) and ignore manipulative persons... that they're still willing to give me a hug once in a while

thanx to y'all, i'll even wash my armpits before hugging y'all!

among others in no particular order:
Xui Wan
la mía amiga gallega
the Blister
We're a generation of men raised by women. I'm wondering if another woman is really the answer we need.

***Man hugs for***.......... John, thanks for introducing me to VLC. Worked a treat


***Man hugs for***.......... OG, thanks for helping with VobSub, even though i couldn't get it to work


***Man group hug for***........... In Flames since i'm loving Come Clarity

Anyone remember the Hugga Bunch? I was a child of 4 or 5 when I had the dolls and watched the show. awww childhood memories!

Hugs to Nebbs, Caitlyn, Gracie, Aniko....and a manly handshake to Jas, Yoda, Bullet Boy, Hold's, Slay just cause its good to see your all still around and hot!

The Adventure Starts Here!
Smoochie hugs to Annie, Slay, Naisy, Golgot (for the kitty pics, of course), Yoda (well, I'm allowed to wipe the schmutz off his face with a handkerchief with mommy spit on it, too, so there!), Gracie (who never comes here any more, sniffle!), Sammy, and so many others.

Ash ... huggies to you too, and I'm sure we'll get to know each other better soon. Hope to be here more often!

A system of cells interlinked
Good to see I am still the black sheep.

*Sets everyone on fire*

When is the group grenade toss?
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

chicagofrog's Avatar
history *is* moralizing
Originally Posted by Sedai
Good to see I am still the black sheep.
didn't you read my post??

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Sedai. hahaha! You're the sheep who wandered off and are standing alone on an outcropping overlooking the ocean, thinking of things bordering on unsheeply.

********* welcome back hugs **********

Arresting your development
To the kids in MoFo land,
Honestly there are so many hugs to throw around in this cool little joint. I have no idea on where to begin. I just want to flip over the Galaxy High Magical School Bus pull the pilot out with both hands on the wheel and keys on the dash. Cast my nets far and wide…gather all the MoFos up, pile you all in, relax and chill at the gigantic booth seating, fitting all of you in. All squeezed in and comfy (all back of the bus and ****)! Look kids, playing all kinds of movies on this flight. Drinks and dinner served during this party cruise exploring every boulevard, street, back alley, traveling around the world and ...Great Space Coasting while dropping you all off where you want to go. Next stop hugs and shouts…

Hugs thrown and shouts spitted at…I'll start with all of you that I have had the pleasure of getting to know and make friends with in the PMs and emails and have actually had more than a one minute conversation with me, you know who all of you are and what time it is. Next goes to all the MoFos that blessed me and critiqued me in our lost rep system. The things you people have said and came up with had me in tears, slapped my knees and had the coolest ice tea dripping out of my nose. Also to the n00bs that just joined and signed on to our little family tree... hope you all have fun here. It’s what you make of the stay, right? Next set of hugs go straight to those who feel left out for putting up with all my sick babble posts here and making room on this site for a scrub like me.

This one is kind of hard for me to come out with and I never intended to spark a distraught emotional connection to crush my heart felt investment of mixed feelings. I can keep writing this line after line and piling words on top of words and soon you all will think that I'm just ridiculous... but this hug right here goes to someone in my heart. Once was a good friend on this online thing that was closer to most and maybe my pride killed and ruined our friendly little path and nice conversations which left everything between us so disconnected. Growing in different rates.... and now I have only the mess that my own little piss fits was left with. Maybe a hug is too much for the moment … I guess I’ll just drink that **** down/up (warm worm and all) and guzzle it away…

Originally Posted by ash_is_the_gal
Anonymous Last ..........for being a damn nerd all the time....and always being there....
Ash… Your flattery will not avail you… hugs for you because oddly enough, you, who I think highly of, think highly of me; being a bratty nerd...this is why you and I will more than likely battle to the death in a MoFo Thunder Dome match. Two MoFos enter, one MoFo leaves…I’ll start the fires and steal your mom’s sour cream and then let you win. Thank you for being there…

Originally Posted by Ophelia
And lastly, Anonymous...if I hugged you first, no one else would get a look in. It's just for you being you...hug
Ophelia …I want to thank you on so many levels and give hugs for the quilt, packing sessions, candy store, sloppy chocolates of Kit Kats, Diet Coke sips, wheaten bread, blue balloon jumps from stormy to aqua, the red ones, soft giggles out the window at slipping n’ sliding in winter tasting sauce, Regina smiles and poetry tic-tac toes. Thanks for knocking down my world and coming together like the Voltron, cool to kick it with. It’s nothing but the angels putting the seats down and flushing a heaven toilet that is falling on our heads. Thanks for always understanding my rabbles it's refreshing and much appreciated.

Now back to all my MoFo peeps.
The swift bus ride stops here. Let’s all give each other firm handshakes, breast-groping hugs, and hearty claps on the back.

Goodnight sweethearts, it's time for me to go.
Our real discoveries come from chaos, from going to the place that looks wrong and stupid and foolish.
Embrace the chaos and sour adversity, for wise men say it is the wisest course.

chicagofrog's Avatar
history *is* moralizing
Originally Posted by Anonymous Last

Goodnight sweethearts, it's time for me to go.

i'm confused, distraught...

you mean go to sleep and get up tomorrow back here right??
uh, uh??

chicagofrog's Avatar
history *is* moralizing
wow, i was gone for a while cuz of too much adversity, then i came back (although not *totally* like it was last year) and now Nony's leaving...

what's the use now?

i'll hug my best friend here forever!

Originally Posted by Austruck
Whaaaa? Did one of us, like, fart in his general direction or something? Who can I blame this on?
I blame the Patriot Act.