The 6th Hall Of Fame


I'm not at all sure what to nominate. Last time I joined so that I could make people watch a certain underseen movie and went in knowing exactly what I would nominate.

This time I'm going to have to ruminate on it a bit before I decide.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Do you reveal the noms next week Sean? Is it always like that?
Yep. I'm pretty sure Jiraffe originally did it that way and I think it's a good idea to keep it like that. I feel like people might be influenced by what others are nominating even if they aren't consciously doing it. It also keeps people from jumping the gun and watching and posting about the nominations before the HoF even officially starts. That could be problematic for a couple of reasons. Plus it's like a big reveal this way. It's fun to have everyone wait then see what gets nominated all at once.

I dont think i will join this time around. I have a lot of life stuff to attend to, but it was really fun to be a part of the 5th Hall of Fame! Hopefully i will have more time for the 7th Hall of Fame

I was almost tempted to nominate the same movie I nominated in the first one, Farewell My Concubine, but I'm going to hold off for awhile longer. I love that movie, so much. I don't know why it's not more popular around here.

I'm really torn. Part of me wants to nominate this one movie that I think is tragically under seen and that I instantly fell in love with but another part of me wants to nominate a movie that really absolutely should be in the HoF and means a lot to me but I want to wait until the right time to nominate it. Hmmm
oh I absolutely love that film Go. Seen it so many times but I'd watch it again anytime

I've not totally finished the Noir HoF but think I'll have time to participate in this one too Sean so count me in

I dont think i will join this time around. I have a lot of life stuff to attend to, but it was really fun to be a part of the 5th Hall of Fame! Hopefully i will have more time for the 7th Hall of Fame
That's too bad; I loved your nomination in the 5th.

Let the night air cool you off
Okay, I'm in as well. I haven't decided what to nominate yet though. I can't decide if I should go with a whore nomination or with an under seen gem, or something in between.

In between whore nomination and under seen gem would be:
I love that movie. It'd probably rank high on my ballot if somebody nominated it.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I liked it too! I seen it at the theater when it came out. If memory serves me Roger Ebert gave it Thumbs Up. However Gene Siskel gave it Thumbs Down.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Certainly can. Just PM your nomination with an image and short write up of why your nominating it. Plan on watching 12-15 movies over the next 3 or 4 months. Nominations are due by Friday. Welcome aboard.