2014 Box Office Challenge 1


"Hey Look it's Masterman"
Godoggo ime bombing you with The Rover.
--I Find Your Lack Of Faith Disturbing.

Let the night air cool you off
Captain America
How to Train Your Dragon 2
22 Jump Street

and my bomb pick is for...hmmm...um...I'll go Draft Day for Gunslinger.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Godoggo, Gunslinger, and Yoda have been bombed so far.

JJ makes 10 entries so we have a good group.

Yeah I am looked at the time of it's release as well as what is being released the week after and it seemed to be the best best.

But it is still bad since I do like Elizabeth Banks.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
i'm surprised no one has bombed Teeter. She looks like she has some winners picked. I would have, but I went for the person I thought had second best picks.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Still need Bombs:

Sci-fi slob
donnie darko

Still have not bombed anyone:

sci-fi slob

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I didn't realize we were supposed to bomb anyone. Can I pass that off to someone else, since the source doesn't matter?
No worries I will bomb the last two. Just waiting on you sci-fi.

Am I too late? Not been around since this was posted.

If not, are we talking worldwide or domestic (N,America)?
5-time MoFo Award winner.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Am I too late? Not been around since this waus posted.

If not, are we talking worldwide or domestic (N,America)?
Worldwide. Join in HK. Dont forget to send somebody a bomb. Look a couple posts above to see who still needs one. Based on what films do most over budget doubled not just highest gross. Glad your joining.

My five picks.

How To Train Your Dragon 2
Transformers: Age of Extinction
Rio 2
Captain America

And I'll bomb teeter with Bears

If we do this again, it might be interesting to use a budget vs profit measure, as it'll mean that small(er) films have a chance.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I was hoping for a consensus with the bomb picks to give to those remaining but no such luck. We will give sci-fi till the morning to give someone a bomb. If he doesn't show ill give out the last three. Cap comes out this weekend and we will be under way.