Movies you loved but everyone else hated?


Krull, Loved It!!

I wouldn't say I loved it but I did enjoy Gambit and thought the critics were a little harsh on it. It is what it is- an old-fashioned farce. It's like complaining that Schindler's List wasn't comic enough.

I never understood why fans were so divided until fairly recently, but its all to do with continuity.
Most seem to agree McGann was great, the TARDIS was fantastic and it is a well put together production aside from some flaws in continuity.
Never bothered me as the writers of the show were never concerned with continuity at all. He travels through space and dimension, his various incarnations zipping across the cosmos changing pasts and futures other incarnations haven't even reached.
How can the Master in this film be trialled for his crimes on the Dalek home-world when the Doctor destroyed it in a story preceding this? Really, if you can't answer that as a WHO fan, well...
As one changes time it needs to realign and sometimes splinters into alternate paths, whose to say he isn't visiting those too?
Perhaps he was trialled sometime in the Dalek's past?
Being a WHO fan I consider it one of the character's single most important and best adventures and it certainly has a better tone and overall feel than the first two seasons at least of the 'new' series.

Gets a bit of hate this one but IMO its a terrific 007 outing. Hits all the notes in a winning formula.
He has moments of wit, sarcasm, cold and cunning. Its all here. The gadgets are more prominent in the hands of the bad guys this time as, car aside, 007 has a modest array for this film with most of them concealed in a handy Mobile Phone designed by Q.
The scene where Kaufman is trying to orchestrate a murder suicide and its conclusion is an iconic 007 film moment. Akin to 'you've had your six' from 'DR. NO'.
Terri Hatcher is my one reservation, her character could have been easily someone from a past 007 film, maybe even Natalya from 'Goldeneye' - but its just some random woman.
I think the plot and the premise relevant if not topping the list of the most epic criminal plans and motivations. Plus, great action and a terrific henchman that reminds me of Red Grant.

The words 'Danny Glover - Predator 2' just will never sound right to me. That said, I used to take this film at face value.
EG. Glover is not a hardened and physically powerful Commando and besting a Predator lowers the level of the alien (and the film) from formidable hunter to a rank amateur. Plus, the future setting, the 'HARD CORE' clown and the comic moments (granny in flat) were just wrong.
Fast forward to more recently and that perception has somewhat changed.
They seek hot and humid war zones. LA in a 1997 heat wave is now OK to me.
Singling out a certain prey, in this case a hard nosed and courageous cop, just happens that he is rather ordinary - that's good now too.
Even the 'Arnold turned it down' special ops Busey led team makes sense now as does the sensationalist media that is 'HARD CORE' - the snippets remind me of Paul Verhoeven's films where he uses similar media elements that he infuses into his films - 'Media Break' in 'RoboCop' for instance.
Not at the level of the first by any means, the magic can't be recaptured, but as good as it could have been, it could have been far, far, far worse too. Far worse.
Reverend Arthur Belling was to change our whole way of life, and every Sunday we'd hurry along to St Loony up the Cream Bun and Jam.

Wasn't the point that the Pred in part 2 was an amateur? It's not like they're all equally experienced.
#31 on SC's Top 100 Mofos list!!

Agent Cody Banks (2003)

I'm not sure that it's a movie that everyone hated but many people seem to hate it if you take a peek at rating.

Anyway, I watched this movie for the first time when I was a kid and it was the perfect hit. It had everything a kid like me dreams of: a secret agent who is a kid (which, in a child's mind, means that it's possible and that I could maybe become one too), all the cool hi-tech tools (which don't really exist), cool cars and various other things that are "cool" for a 12 year old. No matter how bad the plot, there was no way for me to not love that movie at that age. What about today? Well, it reminds me of childhood which is always a good thing and secondly it had one of the best child actors of that time (at least in my opinion) so it still has redeeming values today... even though the plot is indeed poo.

I loved Predator 2 from the moment I first saw it, made 50th place in my Top 100...

... yes, it was kinda the point with the Predator that he was a relatively young Pred on a hunt, and that he is a different Predator, with different characteristics than the first one... but the movie expands the legend of the creatures and gives a nice touch to their honour systems and so on.

Plus the movie has held up over 20+ years really well too.
It's certainly more violent and has a much different aura than the first film but that was also kinda the point, to make it different from the first film.
I thought initially that it would be a gimmick to place a Pred in the city but watching the way that the film was shot and written, it works fantastically.

The Invention of Lying. It was so under-rated

I could go on and on on this one, because honestly, it's a really rare occasion when I just completely dislike a film. Even if I wasn't the biggest fan, there's usually some aspect of the movie I enjoyed, even if its not the entire thin as a whole. Sorry, it's just difficult for me to criticize a part of a medium I enjoy so much I guess. :P

Here's a big one off the top of my head, because I know a lot of people really hate this movie. XD

Cat In The Hat (2002)
I'd put the live-action Grinch on here as well, but I think that one gets a slightly better reputation, probably because repeated Christmas viewings make it a favorite with a lot of people. But anyways, I suppose I have the benefit of not really growing of with Seuss as a child. Not because he's terrible or anything, absolutely not, but I think a lot of people who really despise is due to the fact that they have a lot of nostalgia for Seuss's books, and have a lot of ongoing appreciation for the man because of it. I do to; I'm not an enthusiast or anything, but I appreciate anyone who can make such memorable and cherished worlds and characters in under fifty words.

But I think that's half of the reason why I enjoy this movie so much. Even though I don't really have any nostalgia for the character whatsoever, I suppose half the humor comes from just the simple fact that one of the most recognizable children's book character is doing, and saying such explicit things (the "dirty hoe" joke, Mike Myers in a cat suit being hit in the testicles repeatedly by an angry child on his birthday, etc.) It's like the Ren and Stimpy cartoon that briefly ran on MTV IN 2003, except I think The Cat In The Hat's transition from innocent children's book to well, Austin Powers 3.5 is definitely a lot more severe, considering that Ren And Stimpy was never really the most delightful cartoon of all time (again, never really watched it as a kid either, and I've only watched a handful of episodes on Netflix, so I can't really compare and contrast the two shows.)

Plus, Mike Myers is fun in it. He gives what Jim Carrey brought for The Grinch; a loud, dedicated, and in your face representation of what we'd expect from him in a giant furry suit. He seems like he's playing one of his side characters from Austin Powers. But, I'm not complaining, because I enjoy the ones I've watched, and Mike Myers in general, and he has enough good jokes to keep me entertained. And I have to say visually, it's another great representation of the Seuss world,the large budget definitely did not go to waste. From the curved buildings, the odd vehicles, the cat himself, and the color, color, and more color, this is arguably the best looking, and most accurate out of all four of the Seuss films for me. So if you purists don't really enjoy all of the crude jokes, and stretched out plot of a book that be read in less than two minutes, just put the television on mute, and I think you might find something there. XD

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Hello eveyone,
I want to share something with you guys... actually i love hindi movies but my sister hates the hindi what should i do????

I can name one I loved that critics trashed.

Life - Starring Eddie Murphy and Martin Lawrence

One of Eddie's best IMO, his most underrated for sure. Has so many classic scenes for me. It also kinda had a lot of heart to it as well, which was surprising. I always stop when it's on tv.
I came here to do two things, drink some beer and kick some ass, looks like we are almost outta beer - Dazed and Confused

101 Favorite Movies (2019)

Transformers Dark of the Moon
Spider-Man 3
X-Men 3
Back to the Future part III
Lost World Jurassic Park
Jurassic Park III
Godzilla Final Wars
Son of the Mask (guilty pleasure)

Waterworld actually gets a surprising amount of love around here. I like it, too.
Hooray, I'm not alone with liking Waterworld.

Forgot Godfather part III, AvP, and Predator 2

It was always funny that Waterworld got so badly treated when it came out - it was a decent enough film. Costner seemed to take it personally and decided to show what a real contender for worst film ever made looked like just two years later

Fair enough. Personally, I've never seen a film with so many terribly contrived scenes designed purely to generate (false) emotion. Also, I don't think I've ever seen such an ego driven project designed by the director to make the star () look like a hero.

That scene with the kid with the letter was one of the most ridiculous I have ever seen ... and then at the end they make a statue out of it. To me, laughably bad.

Just my opinion though, I know other like it - but it's the only film out of 339 I've watched this year that made me annoyed. Didn't help that it was far too long and I watched the whole thing - my own fault really