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Wow,this movie is becoming so popular.I've heard it even being called the first masterpiece of the 2010s.
When I saw the trailer first,I was a bit skeptical since I don't like Bullock,Clooney and Children of Men but it actually might be good.Not getting my hopes too high though.
"Anything less than immortality is a complete waste of time."

Finished here. It's been fun.
The trailers looked beyond awful, but the reviews so far are calling this film astounding. Huh, kinda looking forward to watching this.

Yeah, the trailer was ridiculously stupid. Was it really necessary to have Sandra Bullock (another negative for the movie imo) breathing heavily throughout the whole trailer? I doubt I'll watch it in theatres if I find out it's a constant thing.

Also, Cameron called it "the greatest space film ever", which sounds incredibly bold to me.
Here, if you have a milkshake, and I have a milkshake, and I have a straw. There it is, that's a straw, you see? You watching?. And my straw reaches acroooooooss the room, and starts to drink your milkshake... I... drink... your... milkshake!
-Daniel, There Will Be Blood

Did not expect this to be killing it with critics, that being said I'm not ready to pay for
a Sandra Bullock movie, again.
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

Finished here. It's been fun.
Whoa, a 8.8/10 on IMDb as well. Is it really that good?
Exactly what I'm thinking. Here's hoping that absurdly high rating falls. I guess I really should check this movie out.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I never recommend people go see films for the aesthetics. Go see Gravity at the theater in 3D for the aesthetics. The narrative is beyond simple, never matters for a second. Cuaron is a genius. This is the best cinematic experience I have ever had.

I hesitate to call this a "film" or "movie" because there really is no story here. It's an event… a wonderfully visual, hypnotic and captivating event in orbit. Think Discovery Channel fictionalized with major artistic license with a dash of death and destruction. Do spectacular visuals trump the lack of character development and an actual story? Maybe in this case it does.

If you go expecting a true film, you'll be disappointed. If you go expecting a visual treat, you'll love it.


One thing I find interesting about this interview is that Alfonso has to answer questions about this being a sci-fi film. This film is not science fiction. It has nothing to do with science fiction. It is a thriller set in the current reality we live in. WE ARE A SPACE GOING PEOPLE and this film depicts current real tech and even decommissioned tech. Anyone who thinks this is sci-fi or fantasy is ignorant. This is no more a sci-fi film than a film about the war in Iraq or business on Wall Street. This is drama. This is a thriller. These are real states of possibility.

BTW, for anyone who doesn't already know - next year NASA will launch the Orion Crew Vehicle on an unmanned test drive. The Orion will return NASA to a capsule design for long range space flight, and will be able to travel to the Moon and beyond. NASA is also developing the Space Launch System (SLS), a giant Saturn V type rocket that can carry payloads into deep space.
Have you ever held a lion in your arms? I have. He smelled funky.

Ashdoc's review---

The depths of space and the universe beyond---man has always been filled with wanderlust to explore the realms of the unknown....
But uncharted territories are alive with mortal dangers that lurk at every corner , and space is no exception....

In the atmosphereless dark world between two planets , lack of oxygen means that death is just a whisker away....
.....That is what two astronauts ( played by Sandra Bullock and George Clooney ) discover while they are spacewalking around the Hubble space telescope to service it....

Their mission is suddenly aborted as news comes in that a Russian ( they still are the villains are they ?? even though the cold war has ended....) missile strike on a defunct satellite has spread debris in space and the debris is fast approaching them....

And as the debris strikes killing the engineer and damaging their space shuttle beyond recovery , the two are left marooned in space with their only hope being the ISS ( International space station ) orbiting 60 miles away---which they hope to reach using the thruster pack that Clooney has....

But even if they reach there , the lifeless debris has equally rentless plans in hand---that of completing an orbit and hitting again , and then again....

So do the two live to escape to earth and tell their tale ??---or does death open her remorseless arms on them as she has done on so many sailors and explorers and astronauts....??

Go and watch the movie for that....

The movie is relatively short , as the events which are shown occur over a span of only few hours....

And all the while during that short time , we are shown breathtaking shots of the earth as seen from space---all blue and with white clouds hovering above it....
....and also shown are shots of sunrise in space---a spectacle which occurs suddenly and dramatically as there is no atmosphere for the light of the Sun to slowly spread....

On one side is the earth and the sun , and on the other is empty space---all dark and lifeless stretching to countless billions of miles beyond....

It is HERE in the space above the earth , that we realize the immensity of the universe and our own insignificance compared to it....
Yes , IMAX 3D produces such an effect---that you feel that you are with Bullock and Clooney in space....

And here time seems to move slowly....
Above all there is calm and peace and quietude---a calm and peace and quietude that is not to be found on earth with it's million mutinies...

There is no sound , just silence....

And as if to make you hear the sound of the silence , the moviemakers have inserted a music score throughout that almost borders on the philosophical....

But amidst all the silence , what the audience wants is action !!

.....And the movie does deliver some action as the two astronauts try to find a way to mother earth....

The photography of the hitting debris and the shots of the space station and of the two astronauts hanging for dear life in space forms a visually spectacular treat that pleasures the senses....

The struggle to move from one space station to another in search of succor forms a gripping narrative....

Acting by both actors is good....

Nice to see and feel the dangers to those who straddle the mists of the cosmos in space suits---while ourselves sitting in comfortable seats in airconditioned theaters....

And nice to know that there are bravehearts out there---exploring the mysteries of space and time...

Verdict---Good .

Even Sandra Bullock was not able to destroy this movie;-) It was actually pretty good.
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by
(Robert Frost)

Ashdoc's review---

The depths of space and the universe beyond---man has always been filled with wanderlust to explore the realms of the unknown....
But uncharted territories are alive with mortal dangers that lurk at every corner , and space is no exception....

In the atmosphereless dark world between two planets , lack of oxygen means that death is just a whisker away....
.....That is what two astronauts ( played by Sandra Bullock and George Clooney ) discover while they are spacewalking around the Hubble space telescope to service it....

Their mission is suddenly aborted as news comes in that a Russian ( they still are the villains are they ?? even though the cold war has ended....) missile strike on a defunct satellite has spread debris in space and the debris is fast approaching them....

And as the debris strikes killing the engineer and damaging their space shuttle beyond recovery , the two are left marooned in space with their only hope being the ISS ( International space station ) orbiting 60 miles away---which they hope to reach using the thruster pack that Clooney has....

But even if they reach there , the lifeless debris has equally rentless plans in hand---that of completing an orbit and hitting again , and then again....

So do the two live to escape to earth and tell their tale ??---or does death open her remorseless arms on them as she has done on so many sailors and explorers and astronauts....??

Go and watch the movie for that....

The movie is relatively short , as the events which are shown occur over a span of only few hours....

And all the while during that short time , we are shown breathtaking shots of the earth as seen from space---all blue and with white clouds hovering above it....
....and also shown are shots of sunrise in space---a spectacle which occurs suddenly and dramatically as there is no atmosphere for the light of the Sun to slowly spread....

On one side is the earth and the sun , and on the other is empty space---all dark and lifeless stretching to countless billions of miles beyond....

It is HERE in the space above the earth , that we realize the immensity of the universe and our own insignificance compared to it....
Yes , IMAX 3D produces such an effect---that you feel that you are with Bullock and Clooney in space....

And here time seems to move slowly....
Above all there is calm and peace and quietude---a calm and peace and quietude that is not to be found on earth with it's million mutinies...

There is no sound , just silence....

And as if to make you hear the sound of the silence , the moviemakers have inserted a music score throughout that almost borders on the philosophical....

But amidst all the silence , what the audience wants is action !!

.....And the movie does deliver some action as the two astronauts try to find a way to mother earth....

The photography of the hitting debris and the shots of the space station and of the two astronauts hanging for dear life in space forms a visually spectacular treat that pleasures the senses....

The struggle to move from one space station to another in search of succor forms a gripping narrative....

Acting by both actors is good....

Nice to see and feel the dangers to those who straddle the mists of the cosmos in space suits---while ourselves sitting in comfortable seats in airconditioned theaters....

And nice to know that there are bravehearts out there---exploring the mysteries of space and time...

Verdict---Good .
I might be writing this commentary out of sheer disappointment due to high anticipation, but I will try and not be biased......


I would rate this movie a 2.7 out of 5.

I will admit, I hate 3D movies, I try and never ever see them, because I feel that element has nothing to do with the experience in which what I(again me, and me alone) feel are centrifugal to the driving force of a movie's end product. The 3D experience worked for this movie, because this movie was an experience of high hollywood production (a budget of 100 million dollars with only two actors in limited screen time) and not script, story or really anything that abstract. Sure if you want to rationalize a deeper meaning, and extrapolate something greater from this, you certainly can. There really is no story hear, no character background to speak of, you get a very limited background on Bullock's character that gives her a emotional "hurdle" to overcome, so there is some tension in the movie...but thats about it. I will repeat this, I understand the use of LACK of sound to simulate the space experience (as no sound travels) couple with a symphonic soundtrack, but in my opinion it just didn't work, just didn't f'ing work at all. I am sorry but I felt absolutely zero tension in this movie, zilch, and it wasn't really the fact the acting was bad, its just that you didn't really care one way or the other. Your just given these astronauts in hand, and your just supposed to simply care? I couldn't care for them, and when that happens my interest goes down, and honestly i was rather bored throughout the movie.

Now here's the thing, from a cinematography point of view, the movie was beautiful, simply beautiful, I can't take that away from it. But honestly if you want to see that, check out the Imax nature crap like Blue Planet or something....and at the end of the movie. That is exactly how I felt. When I was younger, like say 20yrs ago or so when your in middle school, for field trips we would go this place called the Omni Theatre. It was a new theatre that was actually made how the IMAX is today, and on it they would run short nature things that made you feel apart of the movie, like traveling close to real lava via aerial footage, or seeing the Alaskan outlay from a helicopter, etc. To me this movie was just that, a very well done and crafter take on spacial perception for the sake of simply just seeing it, that just happen to have a well known actor or two in it. Again, this is not a movie, but an that I didn't really care for. And the way the economy is, I wouldn't say go and see it in theatres, because for 90 minutes and what you pay for 3D movies, you will be very upset.....I would say redbox it when it comes out, and I'll stick with that as I'm sure someone will say all is lost without 3D........but that's my story and I'm stickin to it.

2.7 out of 5

What I forgot to write in my review---

The silence of space was mirrored by silence in the cinema hall....
Indeed , there was pin drop silence and for the first time I could hear the breathing of the audience in a cinema hall .
The audience was watching the film with rapt attention , and the usual sniggers and titters were missing .
Never had I seen an audience so hooked on to a film....

I saw Gravity a few days ago. For a guy who's been a NASA fan since childhood, it was traumatic seeing all this space disaster. This is one of the most tense movies I have seen in a long time. It's also the first 3D movie I have seen that really makes 3D work and have a reason for being. So much of it is so disorienting. Spinning out of control after a collision with the sort of 20,000 MPH space junk that makes real astronauts stay awake at night, the Space Shuttle and Hubble Telescope are reduced to junk and the two surviving astronauts (Sandra Bullock and George Clooney) are on their own, hoping to survive long enough to walk on Earth again.

This movie is not for somebody with vertigo....everything is spinning, junk is going past you like big, jagged bullets and, as we know from the title, everything eventually will get caught by gravity, streaking down in flames. There's not really much plot, but it doesn't really need one. You know exactly what the dangers are (running out of air, being hit by junk and Gravity) and you hope for the best. Director Alphonso Cuaron, who you might recall from the apocalyptic Children of Men, literally keeps you on the edge of the seat from beginning to end.

Being lost in space has always been horrific thought to me, the fact that they're making a film on it is awesome I'll have to see it.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Loved this movie. First film in a very long time that lives up to every bit of the hyperbole that you hear. The best cinematic experience I have ever had.