Your Top 10 Favorite Video Games


Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
Gotta agree with The Prestige, GTA: Vice City can't be matched in the soundtrack area. I think that game was one of the biggest contributors in my still-growing love for '80's music.
"George, this is a little too much for me. Escaped convicts, fugitive sex... I've got a cockfight to focus on."

The People's Republic of Clogher
This thread is bringing out some great nostalgia for me

Great list, Tact. HUGE fan of PS1 games from back in the day. You know, where 80% of the games were not generic 1st person shoot em ups.
That was the first console generation which had a huge leap forward from the last in that 3D was now viable and effective.

If we were doing a top 20 I'd definitely have RE 2 and Streets of Rage in mine.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

True, couldn't really have Tomb Raider prior to it. I think we might need to see another top 10 then Tact

Gotta agree with The Prestige, GTA: Vice City can't be matched in the soundtrack area. I think that game was one of the biggest contributors in my still-growing love for '80's music.
Have you never turned on the radio before? It's the same music, and kind of ridiculous that you think that game is unmatched. Makes me think you've never played another game.

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
Well, you're sort of right, I don't play that many games, and I suppose I should have been more specific in saying that GTA: Vice City has maybe the best compilation soundtrack I've ever heard. I'm sure other games have original music that kicks ass, but I wouldn't know, from such a limited sample.

I use to like Pac-Man...does that count?

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
I had tried playing San Andreas for few hours, the missions kind of put me off.. Vice City had better missions, so did the previous 2D GTA games.
I think that some San Andreas missions have the edge over missions from any of the other GTA's, because some of them are just so damn funny. The mission where you have to torch the marijuana plants and then listen to Peter Fonda's rant about the government is hilarious.

The People's Republic of Clogher
San Andreas is my favourite GTA game. As someone who owns a few Miami Vice boxsets you'd think it'd be Vice City but San Andreas had one mahoosive advantage on the GTAs which had gone before - A proper 3D camera attached to the right analogue stick.

Mainly PS2 games for me, a couple of SNES games and Gameboy games. Still got my SNES and Gameboy, near 25 years old and still going strong.
I've still got my SuperGameboy too, that thing that plugs into the top of the SNES and you can play Gameboy on the TV.

10: Grand Theft Auto 3 (PS2)

9: Double Dragon (original Gameboy version)

8: Theme Park (love any version but PS2 version called Theme Park World was the best)

7: The Legend Of Zelda, A Link To The Past (SNES version)

6: Lego Star Wars 2 The Original Trilogy (PS2)

5: Lego Star Wars (PS2)

4: Grand Theft Auto, San Andreas (PS2)

3: SimCity (any version but loved the SNES version)

2: Gran Turismo 3 (PS2)

1: Super Mario Kart (original SNES version, not the other rubbishy ones that have been made since)

I don't remember asking you a ******* thing!
Nice list, Rodent. Although I have to say, if ever a series was overrated, it would have to be the Grand Theft Auto series. At least for me anyways. I just never got into the hype. What the hell is supposed to be so great about those games? I played them, and got bored too easily.

Mainly PS2 games for me, a couple of SNES games and Gameboy games. Still got my SNES and Gameboy, near 25 years old and still going strong.
I've still got my SuperGameboy too, that thing that plugs into the top of the SNES and you can play Gameboy on the TV.

10: Grand Theft Auto 3 (PS2)

9: Double Dragon (original Gameboy version)

8: Theme Park (love any version but PS2 version called Theme Park World was the best)

7: The Legend Of Zelda, A Link To The Past (SNES version)

6: Lego Star Wars 2 The Original Trilogy (PS2)

5: Lego Star Wars (PS2)

4: Grand Theft Auto, San Andreas (PS2)

3: SimCity (any version but loved the SNES version)

2: Gran Turismo 3 (PS2)

1: Super Mario Kart (original SNES version, not the other rubbishy ones that have been made since)
What about snooker & pool games? lol!

Don't know about a top 10, but I've spent days on Grand Theft Auto 3, Vice City and San Andreas; Final Fantasy X, Pro Evolution Soccer 2, Fight Night Round 3, Time Splitters 2 and Star Wars Battlefront.

Metal Gear Solid series. Amazing solid story. Great characters, and character development. Fun game-play. Great music. Just... perfect.

Silent Hill series comes very close.

Forgot about Earthbound, and Eternal Darkness until I saw this thread. Badass games.

[Delete] didn't mean to double post.

I am the Watcher in the Night
This is tough!! I'm part of the Playstation generation and it's hard ranking the best games ever made, especially cutting it down to just 10. So....This is my list but by no means is it final:

10. Smackdown 2
9. Final Fantasy XII
8. Super Smash Bros. 64
7. Fight Night 4
6. GTA 3
5. Mass Effect 2
4. Resident Evil 4
3. Fallout 3
2. Mario 64
1. MGS 4

-KhaN-'s Avatar
I work for Keyser Soze. He feels you owe him.
1.Resident Evil-2

2.Silent Hill-2

3.Warcraft III-Frozen Throne

4.Resident Evil-4

5.Silent Hill

6.Diablo II

7.Heroes of Might and Magic III

8.Dino Crisis


10.Max Payne