Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter - worth watching?

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I've seen the trailers for this one a few times and thought they looked pretty cool. Just wondering if it is worth a look or not? I've heard mixed things so far.


the effects and stunt ideas are good.

the way they manipulated history to create a story for the movie is also good.

it's worth watching. it won't be in the top 1000 great films of all time but still worth watching
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Well, a vampire does throw a horse at Abraham Lincoln. So if you're in the mood to see that... go nuts.

But no, other than said horse chucking incident, it's not a very good film.

I think people who like slo-mo action scenes & wannabe Blade films, would enjoy the heck out of this film..
If you liked Wanted, this one is for you, it's the same director.

I never read the novel, but I thought it would be sort of a parody, but this movie takes it self seriously, that kinda makes it lame.

Why didn't the suck up studios do a Film about Abraham Lincoln in a way we could talk about in years to come? A masterpiece, something like that!

Who runs studios today...children or the media?

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I've seen the trailers for this one a few times and thought they looked pretty cool. Just wondering if it is worth a look or not? I've heard mixed things so far.

I like the trailers with the axe sequences but the premise is just not my thing. Plus, give me a break - more vampires?

Slimgee55's Avatar
Until we lose ourselves we have no hope of finding ourselves
I agree we need a break from the vampire shenanigans. Also I think its a step down for Timur Bekmambetov after Wanted

"The aim of life is to live, and to live means to be aware: joyously, drunkenly, serenely, divinely aware." -Henry Miller

I thought it was surprisingly ok, my expectations were pretty low beforehand so I don't know whether that had something to do with it but I thought it was a decent enough action film.

I felt sorry for the vampires while hatching this. Everything was kind of wrong.... Do not approach.
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I don't know why I bothered watching this, but I did. Now I regret it.

What a waste of time, this movie has nothing to offer, even the vampire myth is effed up.
For example, One vampire can't kill another, there is a force that doesn't allow them to do so.

What's worse is that it's written by the guy who wrote the original novel.

Apparently, there is an Asylum movie called Abraham Lincoln Vs Zombies directed by the guy who directed Man from Earth.

Personally, I enjoyed it as a guilty pleasure. One user above said that it was worth a chuckle, and I agree. I read the book before I knew there was going to be a movie, and it just bored me to tears. Frankly, I don't think I would have given two sh*ts about the film if it hadn't been directed by Timur Bekmambetov. For the most part, his movies are pretty entertaining, with the weakest one so far being 9.

It's a nice little flick, I have it in the collection, if it's a slow movie day put it on an chill.

Trouble with a capital "T"
If I can like it, anyone can like it!...Just don't expect ultra realism, unless you actually believe old honest Abe hunted Vampires on the sly

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Yes, totally yes.