HK's 100 Favourites... Kinda

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Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
Well while wintertriangles clearly disagrees that last group has to be my favourite so far. I love 4 of them and had 3 on my top 100 list. Only one I've not seen is Queen Margot

Man that last ten was pretty disappointing. I'm honestly shocked you like The Usual Suspects and First Blood, and I know you love Drew but 50 First Dates isn't necessarily a highlight in her career.
OK, I sort of understand being shocked that I like First Blood, but why so shocked at The Usual Suspects?

You were doing pretty well up to this point
Man, you've got a whole world of pain coming up.

man. I can't believe you put a movie in your top 40 just cause you think a girl is pretty.
No, not just because a girl is pretty, because she's Drew Barrymore. Y'see? There's a big difference.

35. Top Gun

I've always gotten crap for loving this so much, even more so since Tarantino's speech in Sleep With Me made it a camp classic, but I don't care. I'll always be proud to stand up and say I love this film. Not my favourite popcorn movie, that comes later, but the ultimate popcorn movie, IMO. Big, loud, brash, fast and fun, I cannot wait for the re-release this year.

34. Scarface

This was absolutely slated on its release, but I saw it and loved it. Then, in the late 80's/early 90's it found an audience and became a classic. I still loved it. Now, it's entered popular culture and is as hated as it is loved. I still love it. As I've said before on the site, not only is this the ultimate 80's film, it's the film the decade itself tried to catch up to. Wall Street came close, as did Madonna, YUPPIES and day-glo, but nothing is as 80's as Scarface. The only thing I don't like about Scarface, is that it's the only film which managed to make Michelle Pfeiffer unattractive.

33. Leon

Not the first of Gary Oldman's bad guy overacting jobs, but probably his best (and most apt) as well as my favourite. BTW, does anyone else find the ending sad? I ask because the friend I saw this with cried at the end. It baffled me, as well as making me laugh, I'll be honest, as it didn't occur to me that this is sad.

32. Little Women

I've not read much fiction, but Little Women is one of them and one that I really loved, so a film version with Winona Ryder and Claire Danes was always going to be a winner in my book. I'll also admit that, sometimes, I well up when Beth dies. Though that may have as much to do with it being Claire Danes as is it the character.

31. In The Shadow Of The Moon

I love stuff like this and, with just stationary cameras, you'll see the most awe-inspiring images you'll ever see. There's really not much else to say, this event is like real-life magic. BTW, not that it would make the list, but as a link to this, check out The Dish. It's a lovely little film about the Australian observatory used to recieve and relay the signal from the moon in the Southern hemisphere. For Neighbours fans, there's also the bonus of Eliza Szonert and Kevin Harrington.

Eh, you completely lost me. To say not only that Scarface and Top Gun are better than a lot of your list is strange. To say they are good films at all is just crazy.

Léon is overrated; Scarface becomes less and less impressive on every viewing and Top Gun is ok popcorn entertainment, but in a top 50? Insane

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Léon is overrated; Scarface becomes less and less impressive on every viewing and Top Gun is ok popcorn entertainment, but in a top 50? Insane
Leon is nothing short of a masterpiece.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Oh well, I like Top Gun; it was a hell of a sensory experience in a large theatre. The sound was cranked up louder than any Star Wars movie. Did I believe a second of it? Hell, no, but it was fun. Do I believe it belongs in My Top Whatever List? Hell, no. but I still give it a . Of course, you have to consider the source since I'm pretty much a narrow-minded idiot when it comes to films.
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Eh, you completely lost me. To say not only that Scarface and Top Gun are better than a lot of your list is strange. To say they are good films at all is just crazy.
I'm not saying they're better than the films before them, I'm saying I like it more. Blood Feast is on this list for heavens sake. By your logic, I'm saying that's a better film than The Manchurian Candidate, Jean Du Florette and 10 other far better films. Do I like Scarface and Top Gun more? God, yes. That's why they're higher.

i didn't think Michelle Pfeiffer looked unattractive in Scarface. she looked even worse in Grease 2
I disagree. I think she looked much better in Grease 2 than Scarface.

I really like 50 First Dates too.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

I really like 50 First Dates too.
You know, I just couldn't stand it, is that wrong? So many people seem to like this movie
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

I really like 50 First Dates too.
We seem to be agreeing far too much recently, PW. I suspect your standards have fallen.

You know, I just couldn't stand it, is that wrong?
Yes. Yes, it is.

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
Léon is overrated; Scarface becomes less and less impressive on every viewing and Top Gun is ok popcorn entertainment, but in a top 50? Insane
Definitely agree with you on Leon. After I finished it, I was like "Is that it?". But Gary Oldman was awesome in it, like he is in everything.
"George, this is a little too much for me. Escaped convicts, fugitive sex... I've got a cockfight to focus on."

We seem to be agreeing far too much recently, PW. I suspect your standards have fallen.

Nah, I doubt it. I have a theory that you actually like a lot more movies than you let on but its just easier (and more fun) to bag on them. It's cool, your secret is safe with me. I also tend to think you may be missing out on some really, REALLY good stuff by not watching a lot of the newer movies made today. But hey man, it's cool, preconceived notions rule the world today, so if you want to keep missing out, fine. I accept you.

Also, its clear we grew up watching a great deal of the same movies and obviously they had some pretty similar effects on us to this day even. So yeah, why wouldn't I be enjoying a bunch of your favorite flicks? There's more than a few of these on my list too, so what's not to like?

Nah, I doubt it. I have a theory that you actually like a lot more movies than you let on but its just easier (and more fun) to bag on them. It's cool, your secret is safe with me. I also tend to think you may be missing out on some really, REALLY good stuff by not watching a lot of the newer movies made today. But hey man, it's cool, preconceived notions rule the world today, so if you want to keep missing out, fine. I accept you.
I can honestly say I can't remember ever saying something about a film (pro or con) that I didn't genuinely think/mean/feel. On the rare occassion that I found out I was wrong, I'm pretty sure I've said so and, to use the Bender defence for the rest,

"Well, I don't know any lepers either, but I'm not gonna run out and join one of their ****ing clubs."

Also, its clear we grew up watching a great deal of the same movies and obviously they had some pretty similar effects on us to this day even. So yeah, why wouldn't I be enjoying a bunch of your favorite flicks? There's more than a few of these on my list too, so what's not to like?
I do vaguely remember being surprised at the number of films on your list that I liked, so yeah, you're probably right about this.

I think 50 First Dates is one of the better Sandler comedy flicks, possibly 3rd to Happy Gilmore and Click.
Click's good? Damn, who told you that? That film was pretty damn poor, not that I expect anything else from Sandler (or Beckinsale for that matter), and I'm sure it's still better than Little Nicky or Don't Mess With Zohan, but it's not good.

I think 50 First Dates is one of the better Sandler comedy flicks, possibly 3rd to Happy Gilmore and Click.
Did you see Punch-Drunk Love? It walks a line between comedy and drama but it's by far Sandler's best performance and film overall. I love Happy Gilmore too, but it pales in comparison.