Extreme Cases of type casting


Yall know what this means when they are playing the same damn part in every single movie they are in, examples...

Ray Winstone: British Sweary Tough Guy
Jason Statham: British/American Tough Super Skilled Specialist
Maggie Gyllenahll: Waiting around to get ****ed very graphically
Christian Bale: (The fighter being an exception) hard faced intense broodmaster
Adam Sandler: Angry Guy or Retard
Josh Brolin: Cold Hearted Villain
Tom Hanks: Mr Nice Guy
Joe pantiliano: Italian American Scumbag
Joan Allen: Sexless Super Dyke

Any more?

Joan Allen? Really? I've not kept up with her films of late, as she's not been in anything I've had much interest in, but this doesn't sound like Joan Allen at all.

BTW, you missed "Grumpy/Angry/Shouty Jack" - Jack Nicholson, "Shouty Al" - Al Pacino, "OTT Hollywood Villain" - Gary Oldman, "Given Up Trying/Doing Comedies For Fun" - Robert De Niro, "Grizzled Old Man With A Good Heart" - Clint Eastwood.

Of course, there's also the ultimate - "Gothic/German Expressionist Styled Film Starring One Or Both Of Johnny Depp And Helena Bonham Carter" - Tim Burton.

Sit Ubu Sit.... Good Dog
John Wayne: someone with a gun (cowboy or soldier)
Leonard Nimoy: anything Science Fiction
Arnold Schwarzenegger: Always blowing stuff up
Danny DeVito: someone short
Glenn Morshower: FBI, CIA, NCIS, Secret Service always some government job
James Franco: Stoner
Patrick Stewart: British

I have an idea that Tom Hanks can be a serial killer with 80s glasses. Hopefully if someone from hollywood had that idea, Tom Hanks would avoid typecast.

Milla Jovovich as a gun totting superheroine. I don't mind though because she is beautiful

Vince Vaughn plays the exact same guy in every film. Even if he's supposed to be different, his mannerisms, facial expressions and gestures are weirdly identical. He just punches in, goes through the motions and then punches out. Rinse & Repeat.

Tommy Lee Jones - weary aging sherriff

Hugh Grant - English twit/love interest

Joe Pesci - He used to be a funny nasty crook, now he's a funny nice crook.

Sandra Bullock - Bland rom-com lead.

Kate Beckinsale - Action lady...must...wear...tight...fitting...outfit.

Bill Murray - Lovable deadpan cynic.

Steve Buschemi - The offbeat eccentric oddball - kinda funny lookin'

Harrison Ford - The aging politician/journalist - insert meaningful career here - but he's still a big hit with the ladies.

Simon Pegg - affable English horror/sci-fi comedy lead who you'd love to be mates with.

Oh i forgot

Brian Cox: Likeable 3 Dimensional Super Villian (one of my fave actors)
Will Smith: Heart of Gold with a Sense of humor
Martin Lawrence: IM BLACK YALL!!!!

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Vince Vaughn plays the exact same guy in every film. Even if he's supposed to be different, his mannerisms, facial expressions and gestures are weirdly identical. He just punches in, goes through the motions and then punches out. Rinse & Repeat.
Same goes for Seth Rogen, even when he's playing a superhero.

If you want to achieve greatness, stop asking for permission
Zooey Deschanel: cute and quirky girl that all the boys want because she's cute and quirky ("500 Days of Summer," "Elf," "Yes Man")

Jason Statham: well-dressed white guy who knows martial arts and drives like a maniac ("Transporter" movies, "The Bank Job," "The Mechanic")

Danny Trejo: Mexican gangbanger with crazy tattoos and gnarly scars ("Machete," "Desperado," "From Dusk Til Dawn")

Michelle Rodriguez: tough chick in a tank top ("The Fast & The Furious," "Avatar," "Resident Evil")

Michael Cera: super awkward, sarcastic, mumbling nerd ("Juno," "Superbad," "Scott Pilgrim vs. The World")

Hugh Grant: the semi-goodlooking British guy who's kind of an a**hole but turns out he's really sweet in the end ("Notting Hill," "Love, Actually," "About A Boy")

Morgan Freeman: the gentle African-American who gives sound advice with the voice of an angel ("Shawshank Redemption," "Se7en," "Million Dollar Baby")

Ellen Page: snarky teenager who doesn't fit in ("Juno," "Whip It," "Smart People")
"If we choose, we can live in a world of comforting illusion."
- Christopher Nolan

If you want to achieve greatness, stop asking for permission
Shia LeBeouf: the fast-talking smarta** the hero just can't get away from ("Constantine," "I, Robot," the "Transformers" movies)

Jesse Eisenberg: the other fast-talking smarta** ("Zombieland," "Adventureland," "The Social Network")

Robert Downey, Jr.: the fast-talking smarta** who made it cool to be a fast-talking smart-a** ("Kiss Kiss Bang Bang," "Sherlock Holmes," "Iron Man")

Hugo Weaving: elusive man who's kind of a jerk but you like him anyway because he's a badass (the "Matrix" movies, "V For Vendetta," the "Lord of the Rings" movies)

Zoe Saldana: exotic tough chick who doesn't take crap from anyone but still looks pretty doing it ("Avatar," "Colombiana," "Star Trek")

Seth Rogen: Modern Jew Comedy Guy

Renee Zellweger: the down-to-earth sweetheart (I can't stand her by the way)
Sylvester Stallone: good tough guy with a few words, with the exception of the Rocky character who's got a lot to say (I'm a big fan by the way)
Steven Berkoff: the soft-spoken sadistic villain from Octopussy, Beverly Hills Cop, Rambo: First Blood Part 2, and The Tourist.

james franco doesnt always play stoners....