Doctor Who


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Doctor Who is always on. It will never finish. That's the beauty of it.

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Amelia Pond is really pretty, I agree. There's been prettier ones though. I liked Martha a lot.

The Christmas Special was ok, but could have been any show, wasn't amazed by much except Gambon.

However, the opening part of the Series 6 was good. Very good. The move to America seems to have given better production values or at least seems a lot less plastic and more serious. I'd definitely suggest jumping on as the Series looks set to be on the best. The Silence, if that's who they were, were pretty creepy; evocative of the Gentleman on Buffy ep:Hush and also Roswell/Bad Taste aliens. All in all the series' narrative looks to have some Lost-esque intrigue to it and some sizeable twists. Definitely like Smith as Who, he's the only one who i've followed a whole series through with and will continue to do so. I liked Tennant and his reign but never thought he showed much range and there was far too much deus ex so here's hoping this Series doesn't make some time loop solution to solve all it's problems, then it could be a fantastic and memorable ride.

I am burdened with glorious purpose
Matt Smith as the Doc and the character of Amy Pond have really grown on me. I never thought I would like them as much as Tennant,, but I'm liking them more and more. I just finished watching all of series 5 again -- marathon on BBC America -- and I've come to find Smith's wackiness very endearing. Amy is energetic and warm; Rory is cute and adorable. I think it was interesting for them to also have a married couple and not have Amy all single and in love with the Doc.

My only concern is that Moffat likes to play around with some really weird plots that I can't always follow. I'm still not sure about that whole hole in the universe story line around Amy's memories

.... and then....

WARNING: "spoilers" spoilers below
he dies in the beginning?! What? It's 200 years in the future... okay, how does this all play out?

Loved the new villain/aliens -- the silents. VERY CLEVER to have someone forget them they moment the look away. Reminds me of the angels and yes, Hush on Buffy (good call, Pyro).

I'll be watching all season long even if Moffat might drive me batty.

planet news's Avatar
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New season. But first just look at these owls.

"Loves them? They need them, like they need the air."

There are those who call me...Tim.
Great episode. Again!

I liked the Tennant era, but all too often I'd feel let down by the season openers and finales. Davies was a great writer but I always felt like he could come up with the most amazing ideas only to fail when it came to wrapping up an episode.

Not happened with Moffat yet though

One intriguing thing I'd never given any thought to in tonights episode (among plenty of other things as well):

WARNING: "Doctor Who" spoilers below
The Doctor shaves!
"When I was younger, I always wanted to be somebody. Now that I'm older, I realise I should've been more specific."

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
My mind was a little blown by tonight's episode, not sure what to make of it. Really complex and confusing at times. I really thought that Doctor Who would just start the season with a fun romp so I wasn't prepared for all this thinking. How dare Steven Moffat expect me to use my brain!!

Amelia Pond is really pretty, I agree.
Pretty?! She's gorgeous!!! Always loved redheads and she's a stunner

Oh and a while back I discovered that I am very distantly related to her. She's the cousin or second cousin of my brother in law. So there are no incest issues so my fantasies are still completely fine.

Glad to see a WHO thread, but unfortunately I stopped watching after Tennant's swan song. Even then, I started to lose interest during the whole flying bus chitty chitty bang bang story. Still, I have decades of repeats to watch! ...except Colin Baker's era...shudder...just didn't get with his Doc at all.

The thing that bugs me about Dr Who is they create these impossible situations then their solutions always seem to easy. I liked the conclusion but i've never found Who in general to finish what they start well. I think it's almost tried to make it a bit too dramatic at the expense of common sense, like there was no reason for them to be running at the start, it's highly unlikely the Beeb will kill off The Doctor- even if it is 200 years in future, still means Smith will be last to play the role- and I cant help thinking it will seem cheap when they resolve it.

The thing that bugs me about Dr Who is they create these impossible situations then their solutions always seem to easy. I liked the conclusion but i've never found Who in general to finish what they start well. I think it's almost tried to make it a bit too dramatic at the expense of common sense, like there was no reason for them to be running at the start, it's highly unlikely the Beeb will kill off The Doctor- even if it is 200 years in future, still means Smith will be last to play the role- and I cant help thinking it will seem cheap when they resolve it.
My only issues are the addition of spades of emotional schmaltz and some cartoonish monsters - eg. 'School Reunion' would have benefitted from better creature design - the Krillitane look like something from Scooby Doo. Still, I did enjoy a lot of the stories - Blink, Planet Of The Ood, Unquiet Dead, Sontaran Stratagem for example.

Well, to an extent plastic looking monsters are part of the charm and I always found Tennant quite cartoony so didn't mind as much. I like that the more serious Moff-era is including more believable make-up etc

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
So far this series hasn't really grabbed me. I find myself tuning out and then not quite being sure what's going on. I'm getting a bit tired of Rory fake dying every week. Gaiman's episode was interesting, I liked the patchwork people and the Tardis (although Amy and Rory were a bit redundant in that too).

It's getting a bit forced, the overarching enigmatic story they're going for. Bit are just being popped for the sake of it, i'd rather they didn't have scenes for the sake of reminding us of the ongoing story when they have no bearing on the episode itself. I'm still interested and do mostly watch for Smith who I think is the best Doctor since it renewed. The season opener seems to be given a solution this week, though dare I say, it's too obvious to be the answer. Rory dying is becoming ridiculous, i'm expecting it all to be Amy's dream or something and it's her subconscious thoughts meaning Rory always dies, or something.

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I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
A friend of mine has a theory that because Rory was dead before he fell into the crack in time, he's not really meant to be alive and it's catching up with him in a Final Destination sort of a way. And that maybe that's why she keeps showing up as pregnant/not pregnant.

Ooh, that makes sense, I read that his constant dying might be intentional. I think i need to watch the last season again tbh, the whole Pandorica storyline went by so fast, don't think paid enough attention.