The Videogames Tab


Registered User
I bought those games, but I can't see where I download them.

The People's Republic of Clogher
I got an email with a download link almost immediately.

Did you enter your email details initially?
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

Registered User
Yeah, forgot checking my emails.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
I have continued going through GTA Liberty City Stories, TBoGT it is real fun nd I love how the timelines cross between GTA 4 and this game
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

Been playing Just Cause 2.
Nice; I just picked it back up this weekend (and was playing it just about an hour ago, actually).

Sorry if I already asked you this, but what're your thoughts on it? Mine are mixed, but more positive than negative.

Registered User
Sorry, Double Post.

Registered User
Look at stuff for Cataclysm and I think the Goblins mount is nice

Registered User
I just can't get the image to go into the spoiler box.

Registered User
You should see their totems. It's a pain in the backside that I can't get it to go into the spoiler box properly. I know, I suck.

How do I get it to be spoilerd properly, I don't get it.

You can't, at least not as-is. The spoiler boxes maintain their height by not actually hiding spoilers, but making them the same color as the background. This doesn't come up often, but I'm thinking of altering it at some point. But the upshot at the moment is that things like quotes, links, and images are still visible within them.

Registered User
That's OK, thought I was doing it wrong.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Nice; I just picked it back up this weekend (and was playing it just about an hour ago, actually).

Sorry if I already asked you this, but what're your thoughts on it? Mine are mixed, but more positive than negative.
The controls can be ugly at times, but I'm still only a 6 or so hours in, so it's still 'fun' for me.

Everyone I know hates it, which is odd. It does feel like a low rent GTA though. I have no desire to drive around in cars like I do in GTA, I guess the lack of a city scape can be blamed.

I crashed on the LOST island, kind of disappointed in it, it's more of a homage to it and not a direct copy, which is what I was kind of expecting.

The Adventure Starts Here!
Ohhh, Alan Wake. Big sore spot for me -- a total PC gamer! They gave up on the PC version about 6-8 months ago, doing an XBox 360-only thing, and I'm still not fully recuperated from the announcement.

My son owns a 360, though -- I might have to get him the game and then beg to borrow the whole combination at some point. Or beg to come over and at least watch him play it on his honkin' big flat-screen TV.....


You might not love it, anyway. It sounds/looks like it's going to be a lot more action-y than it seemed it would be earlier in the game's development.

Registered User
From the little I saw of it, it kinda reminded me of Alone in the Dark crossed with Silent Hill.

The Adventure Starts Here!
I know, I know -- a lot scarier and more intense than I originally hoped. But honestly, at this point, I'm just feeling ornery and stubborn about it. I've been following this game for literally YEARS and NOW they pull the PC version? Please.