Best Comedies Ever?


We already had a number of threads on this topic, so I've merged the new topic (starting with sandra81's post) into this older one.

In the future, please use the search page before creating a new thread to avoid duplicates. This site's been around for awhile, so you can safely assume that any broad topic like this has been covered.

My favorites are:
Dumb and Dumber
Bridget Jones' Diary
Super Troopers
Twin Brothers

Love Actually is pretty funny, and a great romance flick too. About a Boy is funny as well. Wedding Crashers is awesome, no british guys, but funny as all get out!

Movie Forums Stage-Hand
For me, Adam Sandler and Rob Schneider's movies are the funniest..

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
My first thoughts are:

Dr. Strangelove
The Quiet Man
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
One, Two, Three
Some Like It Hot
Safety Last
Sherlock, Jr.
Modern Times
Heaven Can Wait
Ruthless People
Richard Pryor Live in Concert
Harold and Maude

... and others
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

It's probably really just nostalgic but I still think Dumb and Dumber is tops for me.

Dr. Strangelove
Anger Management
Walk Hard: the Dewey Cox Story.
Tais-toi (shut up in french? don't remember the English title)
Dumb and Dumberer
Kill Buljo
Forrest Gump
the Monty Python movies
the South Park movie
Ladies and gentlemen - welcome to violence!

Two of my favorites;

The Weatherman - I guess it isn't a comedy per say, but I found it quite entertaining.

"The first time I was struck with something, a chicken breast from Kenny Rogers. I was standing next to a garbage pail. I thought it might've been an accident, that they were throwing it out. The second time, it hit me square on the chin, a soft taco. Then, pop. A falafel. McNuggets. Always fast food. Fast food. S**t people would rather throw out than finish. It's easy. It tastes all right, but it doesn't really provide you any nourishment."

Falling Down - Either is this, but I laughed pretty hard.

" [the ball barely misses his head; whips out shotgun] Five! What the hell are you trying to do? Kill me with a golf ball? It's not enough you have all these beautiful acres fenced in for your little game, but you gotta kill me with a golf ball? You should have children playing here, you should have families having picnics, you should have a go***mn petting zoo. But instead you've got these stupid electric carts for you old men with nothing better to do.
[Fires his shotgun at a golf cart, causing it to roll down the hill] "

The Hangover or Wedding Crashers, for slapstick.

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
almost any woody allen movie
Interiors was a knee slapper.

If you liked Blazing Saddles, you might want to take a look at the made for television, Evil Roy Slade, available on youtube last time I checked, with an all star cast of comics, several whom were in It's a Mad, Mad...World, with John Astin top billed who wasn't.

My first semester in college I was getting by on the GI Bill and a shoe-string, living in 1-room garage apartment cooking on a hot plate (meals were simple--one burner, one pot), no TV, so I went more than 6 months without seeing a movie. My budget was so tight even a soda pop would have bankrupted me. So I go over to the Student Union building one night for a free showing of Charlie Chaplin's The Gold Rush. I'm sure being without entertainment so long was part of it, but, man, I laughed until my sides were sore! That's one of the funniest movies ever filmed. When it comes to funny, Chaplin and Buster Keaton still do it for me.

Other than those silent films, my two favorite comedies are The Great Race (Peter Falk and Jack Lemmon are hilarious, with some of the greatest lines ever in film; Tony Curtis is perfect in his part); and The Odd Couple (again, some of the funniest lines ever written).

I just don't care for most of today's comics, especially Jim Carrey and Adam Sandler.

. . . you might want to take a look at the made for television, Evil Roy Slade . . .
Let me give you the background on Evil Roy Slade, which I agree is absolutely the funniest comedy Western ever made. Slade started off as a summer replacement TV series but they only got two maybe three episodes in the can (must have been three or more; I think it was a 30-minute program) when the producers pulled the plug on it. See, back when Westerns were still big on TV, you had Matt Dillon and other TV lawmen killing off the bad guys week after week. The gimmick for Slade was that the bad guy would be back week after week and there would be a new sheriff for him to kill off! But the producers thought that was too rich for couch potatos' blood and cancelled the show. So to get back some of the costs, the production company cobbled together the few episodes into a movie length feature. That's why the story and settings seem to jump around in spots.

The series was witty and daring for its day: For example, in one scene, one of Slade's outlaw gang complains that a shoe is loose on his horse, and Slade tells him, "Get the black smith to fix it." So the outlaw yells, "Hey, Smith!" And a black member of the gang gets up and says, "Yeah, I know, take care of the horses."

As an Evil Roy Slade fan you also should check out The Brothers O'Toole, another comedy Western that John Astin made the following year (1973) in which he plays an educated con man from the big city traveling across the West with his good natured but dumb younger brother, Timothy, when they stumble upon a jerkwater hamlet that the natives call Molly-Be-Damn. Because of various circumstances Astin as Michael O'Toole is trying to make something of the town only to find the rest of the town and his brother are engaged in an annual festival including contests in spitting and making flatulent sounds. Which leads to this scene where Michael addresses the town, one of the funniest in the film. {Those who don't want it spoiled, avert your eyes.)

Michael O'Toole: I have, in my time, visited three political conventions, four sessions of congress, and two homes for the criminally insane. I have known army generals, steam doctors, vegetarians, prohibitionists, and a female suffragette. But never, even in an Orangeman's Day parade, have I seen such pure and stainless brainlessness as I now behold in you. The Almighty, in His infinite wisdom and mercy, has given the worm enough sense to turn with, and the barnacle can grasp whatever happens to be standing by. But you are equipped with a mental capacity smaller than you were born with. Here we are, benighted in the middle of a nowhere named Molly-Be-Damn - a dreary little rookery, Timothy, a squalid sty, a festering pustule on the face of the western slope. Bless the town and bless the people! Look at them - the rabble of this cantankerous community! Knaves and fools, louts and lardheads, the least of all God's creatures, without enough push to pick the fleas off each other, abiding in putrefaction and inertia, curled up comfy in it like hogs in a mud hole! And while I, of all people, fret and sweat for a way to pull these Simple Simons out of the bog, you stand around making flatulent noises for the titillation of the vulgar mob. And while he's bubbling himself, what are you doing, you pusillanimous pack of popcorn pickers? You clattered clutch of clucks? The town dilapidating around you, coasting downhill in a handcart to Hell while you stand about gaping for flies and going patty-cake with your hands!

Mayor: There now! Now just one minute you!

Michael O'Toole: All right, all right, all right! Fine! Keep it, and treasure it the way it is! For when all this trash has collapsed into one pile, and the howling wilderness has claimed its own again, I want you hicks to be happy, belching and spitting, laughing and singing, swinging from tree to tree, with your friend Soapy Sam here, the Uriah Heep of the hookworm belt, standing around below waiting to steal anything that falls to the ground. If a nut should drop and fall - leave it lying there. It's probably my little brother Timothy.

Sheriff: Is that all?

[O'Toole throws up his hands]

[Crowd applauds]
Sheriff: By Acclamation - the winner of the cussing contest -- Michael O'Toole!

Yeah, Stepbrothers is a really great movie. You should see Walk Hard it's even funnier!

Young Frankenstein
The Jerk
Monty Python & The Holy Grail
It Happened One Night
National Lampoon's Vacation
Annie Hall
Ace Ventura
Dumb and Dumber
Meet the Parents
most of the Judd Apatow movies (Superbad, 40 Year Old Virgin, Knocked Up)
"Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say, and say it hot."
--D.H. Lawrence

i suggest you must see nerds, its fantastic, its really a must see movies,i'm sure you will not just enjoy it but love it..

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
Another funny TV movie is The Girl Most Likely To, with Stockard Channing as a fat, homely girl transformed into a beauty after a car accident and murders all the people who tormented her.

A friend of mine had been telling me about that film since we first met, but could never remember what the film was called. It wasn't until I got onto the net and found out about IMDB that I found out what it was.

Registered User
My favourite comedies:

You Don't Mess With The Zohan

My favorites would be:

Office Space
The Monty Python Movies
Team America
Johnny English
The Hangover
Major Payne
Something About Mary
that's just some off the top of my head.