Lost (Possible Spoilers)


28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Well, they aren't going to leave tem behind are they?

Besides some of them died on the Freighter, lol. They only got the six and didn't care for the red shirts.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

One question I may have missed: Did Daniel's second trip in the motorized raft make it back to the boat before it blew up? Or were they still in the water somewhere?
It didn't show them reaching the raft.
I'm gonna bet they also disappeared.

We were told we were gonna find who was in that coffin in the season finale. Don't say I am wrong about that, cause that is what was said. The two hour conclusion is in two weeks so, I suppose we will find out who is in that coffin then.

WARNING: "Lost - There's No Place Like Home, Parts 2 & 3" spoilers below
Something will happen to complicate the Jack-Kate-Sawyer love triangle by featuring "a spectacular kiss", and the episode will elaborate on Jack's flash-forward ambition to journey back to the Island. This year's finale will sum up exactly how difficult it may be to accomplish that. Flash-forwards will vanish once Island present meets off-Island future: There could easily be a time when the word flash becomes irrelevant.

Not only is the kiss spectacular, it's the kind of liplock that stops time and "makes the entire world vanish in the moment." There's a fair amount of blood shed in next week's two-hour finale. And there's at least one significant death.

The four-toed statue will be back on the show. People will learn who built it and why it has four toes.
Was really waiting for the statue bit, like expecting one of the characters to take their shoes off to see only one toe.

Thoughts anyway:

- Sayid fighting was kick ass

- Nice finish for Micheal but definitely a shame about Jin, though there's always the chance he survived. He could've easily jumped off before the explosion.

- Why didn't Frank save anyone else on the ship except main characters? Thought is loyalty would be more to shipmates

- Interesting that Claire doesn't want Aaron to go back to Island, would suggest that Jacob doesn't either- so whatever happened to Locke etc may have been Jacob's will.

- Don't think Locke will be dead. If he does stay that way, sure we'll have the same amount of him through flashbacks

- Overall, there wasn't much exposition on the Island, when Locke went with the Others was expecting him to ask for some answers but alas no. Glad they actually wrapped up some stories and mysteries.

- Main questions atm for me are- what did Sawyer ask Kate and where are all the survivors the Losties kidnapped earlier on?

I have read that Locke is alive on the island in the future. So whenever he gets back to the island, with the island being such a miraculous place, I believe Locke is dead.... for now.

The Adventure Starts Here!
Couple of thoughts:

-- The Losties didn't kidnap anyone. That was the Others. And they're now with the Others officially. (We've seen Cindy the flight attendant there voluntarily, along with some of the children.)

-- Locke can still be dead in that future time. It's been at least three years since their rescue, and we can easily still be shown elements of that time period in between. Obviously we will be shown what's going on on the island that Locke says is getting bad. What's breaking down there, exactly? Are the Others rebelling against him, or are the remaining Losties now outcasts from the Others again, despite having recently rallied against a common enemy?

-- Frank doesn't necessarily have loyalties to those "shipmates." Remember, he was hired separately because of his ability to pilot a helicopter. Many of the "shipmates" were the mercenaries, and there's no love lost there with Frank. The only remaining shipmates he might have had loyalty to were Michael (below deck at the time of the takeoff), the captain (now dead), and what? some other deck hands he probably didn't know very well? I'm curious what HIS story will be once Penny's boat gets back to civilization, though. Desmond can make up almost anything and it would fit in with Penny somehow. But Frank? A little tougher.

-- Why is Sun willing to help Widmore in the future? Is it because Ben is going after Penny? (Sun now knows Penny after spending a week on her boat.) Or is it because she previously said to her father that he was one of TWO people responsible for Jin's death? Does she mean the other person is Ben? Does she find out he killed Keamy and thereby caused the explosion of the ship? Or is she blaming Ben generically (a fair thing to do)? Or did she mean a different person entirely? Jack, for not letting them turn around and go back for Jin?

-- I'm assuming still that Sawyer's favor from Kate involved his daughter. And I can't wait to see THAT "reunion," since Kate inadvertently already knows this woman who is the mother of Sawyer's daughter!

-- If they do drag everyone back off to the island, including a dead Locke, will the island heal him? Part of me says that would be inconsistent -- after all, even Michael couldn't "die" on the mainland until the island was done with him. The fact that Locke is dead seems to suggest that the island is done with Locke three years hence.

The Adventure Starts Here!
I have read that Locke is alive on the island in the future. So whenever he gets back to the island, with the island being such a miraculous place, I believe Locke is dead.... for now.
There's absolutely no way I'm believing anything I'd read in terms of "spoilers" for season 5. That's an incredible leap of faith, especially considering spoilers for this episode given just a few weeks ago were in many regards wrong.

Plus, it depends on how something like that is worded: Locke IS alive on the island in the future -- just not too too long into the future (no more than about, what? three years?).

The internal logic of this show can still take us in many directions, and all I'm saying at this point is that there is no way I'm committing to one theory over another this far away from the next season. It's futile.

The Adventure Starts Here!
Did anyone see the "alternate endings" on Good Morning, America! this morning?

WARNING: "Lost alternate endings" spoilers below
To me, those just had to be red herrings thrown out to avoid leaks of the real ending. The way they'd written the first flash forward we saw at the end of season 3 suggest that their alternate endings were never really something they seriously contemplated. There's no way Kate would have expressed disdain at attending a funeral for either Sawyer or Desmond....

Another thing i liked was how they're rounding out the three new characters. Miles and his choice to say, Daniel was already interesting and a great addition, then the lass being 'born' on the Island....!

The Good Morning America bit:
WARNING: "Lost Season 4 Alternate Ending" spoilers below
How could Sawyer end up in the coffin if he vanished with the island? It was dumb to have that as an alternate ending. And Desmond????? Gimmie a friggin break. What the hell?

The Adventure Starts Here!
Which is precisely why I think they were just two red herring endings to confuse anyone given to leaking information. A little disinformation goes a long way in keeping the truth from surfacing...

Kate's Mysterious Phonecall


And I know what Sawyer whispered to Kate....

WARNING: "Sawyer whispered to Kate..." spoilers below
"I have a daughter in Alabama, you need to find her, tell her Im sorry"

Hm. I just realized there were no sawyer episodes this season, or Locke. Is that because they one is dead in the future and the other is still on the island?

The finale was spectacular, the show was starting to piss me off near the end but the last episode and the finale totally redeemed it and everything fit together nicely. Of all the seasons I think this one makes the most sense from start to finish.

The moment with Penny and Desmond sent chills down my spine. It was awesome. It was as someone else mentioned earlier, an uplifting moment just when we needed it.

Some things that bother me:

The smoke monster STILL hasn't been explained.

How can an Island just move and vanish? If they wanted us to believe that they should have gone in depth with it so at least we have an explanation. And why didn't Ben die when he moved the Island as per what he said "whoever moves the island will be sacrificed"?

Finally, I still don't know why Whitmore wants to find the Island and why Dharma was there in the first place.
Δύο άτομα. Μια μάχη. Κανένας συμβιβασμός.

Hm. I just realized there were no sawyer episodes this season, or Locke.....

How can an Island just move and vanish? If they wanted us to believe that they should have gone in depth with it so at least we have an explanation. And why didn't Ben die when he moved the Island as per what he said "whoever moves the island will be sacrificed"?
There was a Locke episode entitled Cabin Fever.....And the island vanished (disappeared) but it is still there you just can't see it.

And sacrifice doesn't really mean die.

The Adventure Starts Here!
He didn't say the person would be sacrificed. He said the person who moves the island can never come back. Big difference.

Also, Widmore wants the island for the same reason any person like him would want it -- power-hungry, wanting access to whatever powers it holds, etc. People heal there. It could be as simple as wanting to find a kind of fountain of youth (a la Richard).

I have to say, the finale definitely did the show justice. The fact that we're still all speculating what all the possible plot twists will keep us glued to the tvs for another year.

I actually thought that one of the most profound moments last night was when Sun decided to assist Widmore in this "war." I understand her animosity towards Jack and whatnot, but why everyone? Why everyone who did everything for her? With whom she bonded? It's a little beyond me, and it seems very anti-Jin.

Lets put a smile on that block
LOVED the season finale. Really did. Poor Locke. Poor Sawyer. Poor Island. Lovely Desmond and Penny. Just lovely. Poor Jack. What a dooshbag.

Anyway, apparently you guys in the states had this 'advert' in the middle of the finale.


I would SO sign up and go along to San Diego that weekend. Fo shizzle. Just so happens those dates are the same time as the Comic Con. Whoo Hoo! GOD i wish i could get tickets to that...
Pumpkins scream in the DEAD of night!

Yep good stuff indeed blibby, and I didn't see that thing you linked to there as I fast forward through the commercials. Sounds fun though.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

Couple of thoughts:

-- The Losties didn't kidnap anyone. That was the Others. And they're now with the Others officially. (We've seen Cindy the flight attendant there voluntarily, along with some of the children.)
Typo, but that's interesting, didn't even notice that...