Top cult movie


The Adventure Starts Here!
Definitely Rocky Horror Picture Show. What other movie is still playing at select theaters after thirty years? (Only two theaters in Pennsylvania play this movie at this time, one of them the one where I first saw it in the late '70s. It's not a movie. It's an experience!)

feral cat's Avatar
I rule
Caring Most people just use cult to describe genre films not really anything to do with the budget involved. Usually it means it took you a bit more thought than:

... There are loads of copies of this at my rental store

... There are big stars in this so I will see it

... The stars in this are sexy so I will see it

... It’s the next big thing so I must see it

... Every website and magazine has reviews and interviews with the stars so I will follow the crowd and see it

Really though it's up to the individual to define what a cult movie is, as nothing is set in stone.

Some great examples IMO would be,

The warriors

Star Wars (yes it's also mainstream, but it has some of the most dedicated fans and for many was the key that unlocked the door to genre film)

Dawn of the dead 1978 (Maybe the most loved lower budget genre film of all)

Scarface (Although huge now, it was a cult following on VHS that made it as popular as it is)

Santre Sangre

The harder they come

... The thing all those films have in common is that people power much more than advertising power has spread the word and have stood the test of time with fans still seeking them out.

Movies such as Fight club may look cult, but they are not cult movies, They opened on the back of strong advertising campaigns and did great box office instantly no cult following was needed to propel them along. Maybe if they have the same following 20 years later they may then fall into the cult category.

... This is all just my opinion though, I may be quite wrong


Anonymous Last told me to drop in ...

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Evil Dead
Evil Dead II
Army of Darkness
Dead Alive
Boondock Saints
Meet The Feebles
Shaun of the Dead
The Big Lebowski
Reservoir dogs
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

well after deliberating about it for a while it either comes down to batman the movie (1968 classic) or batman

yeah i think that it must be batman or maybe the lost boys i dunno there are so many yeah thats the one batman the movie

heres a small list:
Evil Dead
Ichi The Killer
Night of the Living Dead

The Fabulous Sausage Man
Gargh! I hate people that don't really understand the definition of a cult film and they think they do. Anyway, my favourite is Brazil...

chicagofrog's Avatar
history *is* moralizing
Donnie Darko
We're a generation of men raised by women. I'm wondering if another woman is really the answer we need.

At least my way, Donnie Darko is way to popular to be a cult film, it WAS a cult film, then all the 16 year old scene kids picked it up and bummed it to mainstream.

chicagofrog's Avatar
history *is* moralizing
maybe, but once a cult film, always a cult film, especially for those who are not kids that picked it up much later, i.m.o.

The Fabulous Sausage Man
I've always found Donnie Darko overrated, but I liked it more when it was still a cult film. For a while, it was an interesting obscure indie that only film fans knew of and talked about. But once all of the pseudo-goth teens started raving about it, I just got even more sick of it...

Nexus, YES! Totally agree with you, not about being over-rated, i saw it when it was released in UK, after being ignored in America (from what i gathered) so didn't really have any rating other than what i wanted, which i liked. Totally liked it less after everyone decided it was amazing, mainly because they thought they were cool for seeing a cult indie film.

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
I have a lot of movies that I love which don't have even a cult following yet (like Dead End and Dead & Breakfast).

But of films that do have an established following, my new personal favorite is Dellamorte Dellamore, which may be bumped from the shadows of time when it gets its R1 release on June 13th.
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Clerks, a cult comedy classic...refused by almost every film festival it was sent to....did poorly at the box office....but has become legendary. "I'm thirty-seven?!" - Dante

Welcome to the human race...
Agreed. I like Clerks too.

And earlier it was said that Donnie Darko is now so well-known it's no longer cult. According to some poll results I posted a while back, it's Australia's #5 favourite movie, which defies its cult status. Same goes for Rocky Horror Picture Show. Everybody knows that.

The Blues Brothers, This Is Spinal Tap and The Warriors are tied for my favourite "cult" movie ever.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
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Movie Forums Extra
I'd say kiss kiss bang bang is a cult film, it's a dark comedy/ murder mystery with val kilmer, really funny movie too.

In my opinion, I think Harold and Maude is the best cult movie. So underrated.
Vice, Virtue. It's best not to be too moral. You cheat yourself out of too much *life*. Aim above morality. If you apply that to life, then you're bound to live life fully.
-Ruth Gordon, Harold and Maude

I am Jack's sense of overused quote
Holden Pike, that was a beautiful attempt at a deifintion for the most overused word in cinema. I recently heard some stupid movie currently in theatres called cult. Made me cry.

Now using your definition, I have come up with the greatest cult film ever made, but you aren't going to like it. The Boondock Saints Wait, I have my reasons!

The movie was scheduled to be released in Spring 1999. It was going to receive a large box office send off. But then there was April 20th. Colombine High. All of the sudden, the idea of guns got a lot less cool to American audiences. Many theatres pulled Boondock Saints, never showing the work. It remained under the radar for years. But some people saw it. These people ranted and raved. They downloaded and bought as many bootlegs as they could find. Their friends needed to see this movie. The movie branched out across homes everywhere. College campuses became the breeding ground for this film. Dorm rooms would fill with young men and women, clebrating St. Patty's Day with some good old fashioned gun blasting. And now look at it. The Boondock Saints has become a phenomenon, the one it always could ahve been. It happened all through word of mouth. If it were not for the efforts of a few, Boondock Saints would top your list in a heartbeat.