Attencion por favor Mofo


I am having a nervous breakdance
Peter is my name, my friends call me Pidde, Pidde + Godzilla = Piddzilla. A buddy named me that after we changed the lyrics to the song "Godzilla" by Fu Manchu (originally by Blue Oyster Cult). And yes, I have told this fascinating story once before on this forum.
The novelist does not long to see the lion eat grass. He realizes that one and the same God created the wolf and the lamb, then smiled, "seeing that his work was good".


They had temporarily escaped the factories, the warehouses, the slaughterhouses, the car washes - they'd be back in captivity the next day but
now they were out - they were wild with freedom. They weren't thinking about the slavery of poverty. Or the slavery of welfare and food stamps. The rest of us would be all right until the poor learned how to make atom bombs in their basements.

Sinny - A Clockwork Orange slang for "movie".

- A term used by Alfred Hitchcock to refer to items, events, or pieces of knowledge that the characters in a film consider extremely important, but which the audience either doesn't know of or doesn't care about. Examples: the engine plans in The 39 Steps, the statue with the microfilms in North By Northwest, and the contents of the briefcase in Pulp Fiction.

Lets put a smile on that block
Thats a very creative name Mr Guff. I thought it was something to do with 'Guffings' which is like a slang word to encompass a collection of interior items...of sorts. As in "Look at all those guffings in there" Then i just thought it was to do with Guffing, slang for farting, blowing-off, bottom burping whatever you want to call it. I thought you was being sinfull for guffing so much. So it looks like i was wrong on both accounts.

I wish i could say my name was well hought out, and has deep philosophical meaning, but unfortnuatly, it does not. Several years back there used to be a show on Saturday nights over here in the UK hosted by the marvellous Noel Edmonds. On this show there featured a rather hilarious, yet horrifyingly annoying character known as Mr Blobby. Mr Blobby would often run around shouting "BLOBBY BLOBBY" and destroying anything he came into contact with. I often find that when i get drunk i sometimes become a similar character to Mr Blobby; red faced, drooling, shouting gibberish and smashing into things.

Therefor my name arose out of Mr Blobby's imortal and world famous last words -

"Blobby, blobby blib blobby, blibblobbyblib blob blob. Blobby."

R.I.P To the greatest Blobby that ever lived. His soul and Kindness shall live on...

And yes there is only one Blibblobblib on the net...ME! Any imposters shall be forced to wear Noel Edmonds shirt, displayed above.
Pumpkins scream in the DEAD of night!

A system of cells interlinked
For many years in the 80s and 90s, and the early days of the net (read:SLOW), I went by the name Overmind. This harkens back to the BBS days Fire is speaking about, when I used to log in to play Black Dragon on The Source on my 1200 baud Microbuilt, a computer that had no screen, and used a thermal printer as it's interface.

Then I moved on to AOL with the Overmind name, which had come from an Arthur C Clark book called Childhoods End. Late 90s I started reading Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series, which contained a group of people called the Aes Sedai. Sort of the magic-user's of the series. It was at that point I canged my user name everwhere to Sedai. Has been my cyber-presence ever since.

A little long wided, but I wanted to talk about my old Microbilt.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

The People's Republic of Clogher
Originally Posted by Sedai
Crikey! That's almost as basic as my old ZX81 (hey, I had the 16k RAM pack y'know )

"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

A system of cells interlinked
Originally Posted by Tacitus
Crikey! That's almost as basic as my old ZX81 (hey, I had the 16k RAM pack y'know )

You had a screen

The People's Republic of Clogher
Originally Posted by Sedai
You had a screen
Well, an ancient TV which took 5 minutes to warm up and weighed as much as a Jeep Wrangler...

The Adventure Starts Here!
1200 baud modem? You lucky dawg. I had to struggle around CompuServe in the late '80s on a 300 baud Hayes plug-in modem on my semi-IBM-compatible Tandy 2000 with dual floppy drives but no hard drive. I did have 256K of RAM, though, so ha ha.

Anyway, I used to be Maui in those days, a smoosh-up of the last letters of my maiden/pen name, Linda M. Au I (the first). That started in junior high. But then I hit AOL in the early '90s and switched over to Austruck, and that's what I've been ever since. If I go somewhere where Austruck is taken, I try to just add a "1" at the end for simplicity. I dunno WHO could be also using Austruck, though. A web search usually turns up truck services in Australia.

everyone has cool stories on how they got their name. i wish i did. My original name Michael Myers was obviously because i really like Halloween. and my name now is also obviously because i love Scorsese's "Taxi Driver"
"A good film is when the price of the dinner, the theater admission and the babysitter were worth it."
- Alfred Hitchcock

Originally Posted by Sinny McGuffins
McGuffins - A term used by Alfred Hitchcock to refer to items, events, or pieces of knowledge that the characters in a film consider extremely important, but which the audience either doesn't know of or doesn't care about. Examples: the engine plans in The 39 Steps, the statue with the microfilms in North By Northwest, and the contents of the briefcase in Pulp Fiction.
Except it's spelled MacGuffin.

"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

hmmm, not really an interesting story to my name.

One day I was thinking about how people only worry and care about the big problems, whereas people should also take care of the smaller problems in their life, Like blisters, they're small, but care about the problem long enough and it'll disappear, rather than remain for a good while. So basically 'The Blister Exists' is telling people to care about the smaller problems in their lives and not just the big ones.

and by coincidence, it is also a song.

Originally Posted by nebbit
I was talking about Holden Pike...
Yeah...but what does the word nebbit mean?
"Today, war is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."

Mine was my nickname at my last place of work. My work mates christened me 'The Sarge' after the large amount of female office & shopfloor staff i got 'busy' with.

I just know they're coming to kill me.
Everyone always asks me this...



I like to make movies. Hence, MovieMaker. That's an easy one.

As for 5087 (I think I might have already explained this on another thread... I don't know...), that was the year for one of the first movies that I had ever written. It was a sci-fi film about a civil war in space (almost, but not quite like Star Wars) and the year that I chose was 5087, simply because I had space ships that went like uber fast. So I figured, hey, mankind isn't gonna make ships travel through space at fast speeds anytime soon, so why not make it a true sci-fi film by basing it waaaaaaaaaaaay into the future? I did, and I chose 5086. But I didn't like the sound of that. So I re-chose the year to be 5087. Why it's attached to my user name is because this movie was my first major attempt at cinema (which, by the way, it never saw the light of day after I hand wrote two scripts, one be 143 pages and the other 163 pages. I last left off on part three, right when I started to get other ideas. I don't know... maybe one day I'll return to the films, they were pretty original and were in no way like Star Wars), and I always thought I'd remember it (this attempt was a pretty big landing stone for me) by attaching it with the name MovieMaker, since I felt the two deserved to belong with another.

And that's the back story. I don't know... I'm contemplating the fact that I might retire the 5087 when I reach exactly 5,087 posts, and go on to create MovieMaker5088, then make a new one each 5,000 some posts. But I don't know yet. 5087 is a key factor to the name MovieMaker itself, and it also has a special meaning to me myself.
Everything I do, I do to make my second stepdad proud.

Neutral Milk Hotel
Two words. Napolean Dynamite. I found Rico to be by far the funniest character in that movie.
" I see in your eyes, the same fear that would take the heart of me. A day may come when the courage of men fails, whe we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. May and hour of wolves and shattered shields before the age of men comes crashing down, but it is not this day! This day we Fight! For all that you hold dear on this good earth, I bid you stand men of the west!!"
-Aragorn: The Lord of the Rings the Return of the King

there's a frog in my snake oil
Originally Posted by Moviemaker5087
Everyone always asks me this...
Yes, will people please stop persecuting Moviemaker with their questions


I don't know where my name came from - but i'll retread how i got it (and maybe that way i'll find out)...

Joined the internet world before web browsers (or decent web content) - needed a name under which i could baffle my US cousins in Telnet chat rooms - wrote Golgot (and then my US cousins baffled me by asking me how you pronounced it. All i know is that it's not with a 'Godot' style French soft-ending - even tho that was part of its inspiration. Erm, i think. No, i know. Yes, i think)

And i thought all that made me a firestarter in the intraweb stoneage.... but no...

Originally Posted by Austruck
1200 baud modem? You lucky dawg. I had to struggle around CompuServe in the late '80s on a 300 baud Hayes plug-in modem on my semi-IBM-compatible Tandy 2000 with dual floppy drives but no hard drive...

Weeee. Tandy computers? ZX Spectrums? (And high end ones too - with screens!) I'm there, I remember EGA monitors. Hell, my Uni computer was one of those original 'portable' ones you could use as a demolition ball, with the green text screens and a fan that could power a lawnmower. But keyboards with printouts? That was all new on me.

But going back even further... Tac - i've read that old Roman ponderer you're named after. He suited his name as i remember - he was most chilled.

In fact, everyone seems to have sussed out names, even those that think they don't (and The Blister Exists just made me listen to Blister in the Sun too, which was a bonus ).


Originally Posted by Holden Pike
Except it's spelled MacGuffin.
Must you ruin people's dreams? Must you? Shouldn't we all just treasure our ignorance, like a slightly soiled but content and dozing child? Hmm?

Originally Posted by LordSlaytan
Yeah...but what does the word nebbit mean?

Yeah, come on nebulous, spill the beans.
Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

Lance - Because it makes me feel like a Ninja Turtle... Plus, I feel it has more pizzaz than my real name: "Phil"

McCool - Because it's my actual last name