The MoFo Top 100 of the 2000s Countdown

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I don't like Tim Horton's either. Pretty sure I'm getting deported.

Tim Horton's is trash. I can still remember the rage I would feel whenever someone suggested we go for lunch there when on the road for work.

It's kind of incredible that Avatar fell out of favor as quickly as it did.

True, but how was this not inevitable. Outside of the crazy people who wanted to live inside of that movie, did anyone actually like it?

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Watched 99/100

My List:

!. Nobody Knows,,,how good this movie is apparently. Get on it Mofo
2. No Country For Old Men (1)
3. There Will Be Blood (3)
4. The Royal Tennenbaums (35)
5. The Squid And The Whale pretty surprised this didn't make the back end
6. In The Mood For Love (12)
7. Punch Drunk Love (73)
8. Zodiac (9)
9. Inglorious Basterds (18)
10. Sideways (39)
11. Assassination Of Jesse James (51)
12. Synecdoche New York (46)
13. Letters From Iwo Jima didn't think this would place but it's fantatstic
14. American Gangster holds up as a great crime flick
15. Munich absolutely love this, does need a rewatch
16. Kill Bill Vol II (34)
17. Eternal Sunshine (6)
18. Adaptation (43)
19. American Splendor Have come to terms that I see something here others don't
20. The New World (99)
21. Catch Me If You Can (72)
22. City Of God (25)
23. Lost In Translation (32)
24. Million Dollar Baby (57)
25. All Or Nothing knew this would be a one pointer, underrated Leigh

Stupid omissions: Memories Of A Murder and Fellowship Of The Ring

Tim Horton's is trash. I can still remember the rage I would feel whenever someone suggested we go for lunch there when on the road for work.
omg its the f*cking worst. what a plague on this country.

1. The Pianist (2002)
2. Donnie Darko (2001)
3. Mulholland Drive (2001)
4. Timecrimes (2007)

5. Triangle (2009)

6. Oldboy (2003)
7. Frost/Nixon (2008)

8. Deliver Us from Evil (2006)

9. Gran Torino (2008)

10. Antichrist (2009)

11. Caché (2005)
12. Ratatouille (2007)
13. Roman Polanski: Wanted and Desired (2008)

14. Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003)
15. Downfall (2004)
16. Dancer in the Dark (2000)
17. A Serious Man (2009)
18. Requiem for a Dream (2000)
19. Brothers (2009)

20. Broken Embraces (2009)

21. Battle Royale (2000)
22. City of God (2002)
23. The Butterfly Effect (2004)

24. The Dark Knight (2008)
25. Bellamy (2009) (1 POINTER)

Because the ones that didn't make it are always more interesting
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

Out of curiosity Thief, how well did Avatar do on this list, provided it received any votes.
Also curious about Avatar's rank. I had it at #10, strictly on the merit of the astounding special effects.

I had "No Country" at #5.

#1 There Will Be Blood; #2 The Wrestler; #3 The Pianist; #4 Children of Men.

The films I voted for that didn't make it:

21. Apocalypto
Incredible filmmaking, so much detail; the costumes, bodypaint, wardrobe even tooth implants. Watching this felt like a time traveling archeology mission to a lost civilization.

17. The Others

16. Road to Perdition

14. Malena

Final stats, seen: 80/100 ballot: 20/25.


This was a fun countdown, well organized and consistently presented.
Great job Thief, yoda, Holden and raul!
Countdown rating:

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Tim Horton's is trash. I can still remember the rage I would feel whenever someone suggested we go for lunch there when on the road for work.
We don’t have them here, but I go to them when I go “home” to Buffalo. Seems like it changed in a weird way at some point. I used to think they had good doughnuts, now I feel like they are a Panera Bread. Pretty good coffee though.

We don’t have them here, but I go to them when I go “home” to Buffalo. Seems like it changed in a weird way at some point. I used to think they had good doughnuts, now I feel like they are a Panera Bread. Pretty good coffee though.

I'm not a big coffee person, in general, so I can take or leave that. And, when it comes to their hot drinks, I think their London fog is better than Starbuck's (and cheaper!)

My gripe is more to do with absolutely everything else on their menu. Those sandwiches. That chili. Those donuts. It's like catering truck food.

It's the Avatar of Canadian food franchises. Except for the fact people are still lining up for it. Never underestimate the power of branding.

Tim Horton's is trash. I can still remember the rage I would feel whenever someone suggested we go for lunch there when on the road for work.
Did you suggest dining at the trash can instead? I think they would have found that a suitable alternative.

The trick is not minding
The real tragedy here is the lack of Monica Belluci, especially her vulnerable performance in Malena.

Her beauty is on part with Catherine Deneuve, Jeanne Moreau and Isabelle Adjani.

Sad day, indeed.
Come here Monica. I’ll comfort you

The real tragedy here is the lack of Monica Belluci, especially her vulnerable performance in Malena.

Her beauty is on part with Catherine Deneuve, Jeanne Moreau and Isabelle Adjani.

Sad day, indeed.
Come here Monica. I’ll comfort you
I almost voted for Shoot Em Up.

It's kind of incredible that Avatar fell out of favor as quickly as it did.
I'm sure the 4 upcoming sequels will rekindle our collective interest in it
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

Out of curiosity Thief, how well did Avatar do on this list, provided it received any votes.