"Bad" movies you will defend with your life.


I won't defend any movie with my life any longer, even metaphorically or symbolically, but there's a list all the same.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Victim of The Night

Also, I have a certain fondness for Porkys and Police Academy 1, although PA 2 is worth watching soley for the talents of Bobcat Goldthwait.

I’ll echo enjoying Lake Placid and Slither, and Tremors and Arachnophobia are both ok. Haven’t seen 8 Legged Freaks…..yet.

C.H.U.D, Night of the Comet, Night of the Creeps, The Boogens (to a lesser amount), Funhouse, The Howling.
Well, you're right on every one of these. I wouldn't consider any of them "Bad Movies", though I can understand someone trying (wrongly) to lay that on The Boogens.

I think for most people these movies would qualify... And yet are on my 100.

I'm sure there's plenty of people who'd could pick a lot more, but even I can see these as "bad" movies.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Victim of The Night
Does anyone think The Beastmaster would generally be considered a "Bad Movie"?
Because, obviously, it's awesome.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Does anyone think The Beastmaster would generally be considered a "Bad Movie"?
Because, obviously, it's awesome.
Not me. It had a lot of cool stuff to admire and some neat ideas too. Loved the ferret, the chick wasn't bad either

The trick is not minding
Does anyone think The Beastmaster would generally be considered a "Bad Movie"?
Because, obviously, it's awesome.
Actually not a fan of Beastmaster. There are limits, even for me.

I see Beyond Dreams Door has finally appeared on Shudder, so I will be back here later on tonight (most likely very, very later) to add it to this threads Hall of Fame.

A system of cells interlinked
For me, it is easily the magnificent XANADU.

For a while, I was watching this daily with my toddler, who had no idea what was going on, but loved the music numbers and the silly effects. It was definitely all for her, as I wasn't enjoying it at all! What? You saw me watching it while she was taking her nap?

“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Better Living Through Movie Quotes

I'll defend Showgirls, except that hot tub scene which really is OTT, even for Verhoeven.
I've never made it past that scene. The action there reminded me only of someone trying to plunge a stubbornly clogged toilet, and did not look anything like two people having sex.

I see Beyond Dreams Door has finally appeared on Shudder, so I will be back here later on tonight (most likely very, very later) to add it to this threads Hall of Fame.

For a brief exhilarating moment I thought that was Stephen Lack on the poster. Oh well.

Better Living Through Movie Quotes
How about Spielberg's "War of The Worlds" ?

I've always had the impression that Speilberg didn't put his full effort into this movie as there were so many goofy mistakes in it (like the video recorder working after the EMP strike and the children not knowing their mother was in Boston and no one tried the phone, TV or Internet when they got to Mom's house, cermaic wall decorations hanging untouched in a house that was just hit by a plane* etc), the entire backstory of the trio working through their family issues like they were in therapy while the world was literally being razed all around them was beyond obnoxious, and the movie bogging down in the basement scene.

However, I will sit through ALL of that nonsense to watch two scenes: The initial attack when the machines come out of the ground and the ferry scene. Both of those scenes were primo Hollywood action scenes.

*reminiscent of the palm tree that is left standing in L.A. after the attack in "Independence Day". The whole city was leveled and toasted, but that palm tree was really, really tough.

Victim of The Night

For a brief exhilarating moment I thought that was Stephen Lack on the poster. Oh well.
Somehow co-starring Tobey Maguire.