Movie Forums Top 100 of the Aughts (the 00s) - Preliminary Thread

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Just make sure you use your 5 burner accounts.
Don't you mean your 5 burners Thief #2, Crook, Stealer, Shoplifting and oh don't forget The Voter Fraud thief lol jk
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Don't you mean your 5 burners Thief #2, Crook, Stealer, Shoplifting and oh don't forget The Voter Fraud thief lol jk
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A system of cells interlinked
Just did a couple more re-watches of flicks I hadn't seen since back in the 2000s. Cramming as much as I can in before the deadline!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Do you mean the 2006 movie Click with Adam Sandler? I've already watched a few of his movies for this countdown, but I haven't watched Click yet. Is it worth watching?
It honestly is, but I'm sure most wouldn't agree with this statement. About 11 years ago it would have made my list, not that I consider it bad but I've seen some real good stuff since.

Thanks. I have it on DVD, but I haven't watched it yet, so I guess now would be a good time to give it a try. I've been pleasantly surprised by a few of his movies, so hopefully I'll like this one too.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

I've been trying to make a preliminary list (so that I know what to rewatch) and even though the 2000's is the decade in which I grew up (I'm born in 96), I find it to be probably the weakest decade in movie history haha. I have a hard time to chose 25 movies I REALLY love from the decade even though I've probably seen over 500 movies made between 2000 and 2009
I do not speak english perfectly so expect some mistakes here and there in my messages

I hate making lists. I've had sort of a preliminary one since this was announced, but I've done nothing to it since. No promises, but I'll try to make it something I feel like sending.

I hate making lists. I've had sort of a preliminary one since this was announced, but I've done nothing to it since. No promises, but I'll try to make it something I feel like sending.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I hate making lists. I've had sort of a preliminary one since this was announced, but I've done nothing to it since. No promises, but I'll try to make it something I feel like sending.
I'm kind of the same way except I don't mind making list, unless they are random list that isn't numbered in order.

Yeah, I went to my Letterboxd list which makes it easier to pick which ones I will end up, but even then, I have a bunch of films with the same rating which makes the order/ranking extra tough

I actually just finished a list of 50, so I guess it's time now to trim it in half

Letterboxd is brilliant. Fading the films I've rated constantly comes in handy, as well as the various ways to organize filmographies. The only problems I have are simple: 1. all of their info is drawn from another, inferior website which isn't the most reliable source for great recommendations unless you're a K-pop fan; 2. no forums; and 3: stand-up comedy and live performances are lumped in with narrative films.

Hmmm, not really balanced, is it? Curious to see others...

'00 - 5
'01 - 0
'02 - 2
'03 - 1
'04 - 3
'05 - 1
'06 - 7
'07 - 2
'08 - 3
'09 - 1
Here's mine

'00 - 1
'01 - 0
'02 - 1
'03 - 3
'04 - 4
'05 - 2
'06 - 1
'07 - 5
'08 - 4
'09 - 4

Voted. Like with previous lists, I limited it to one movie per director, with some exceptions for multi-parters.

Yeah, 99 is the all-time high. List wrangling is no joke.

I'm not sure of the exact number each time, but we usually get a significant chunk of the ballots in the last week.