The Movie Forums Top 100 of All-Time Refresh: Countdown

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Seen both movies, Chinatown was alight, I wouldn't consider it as a favorite. The Big Lebowski was meh, there is good actors in it but the movie just seemed unfunny and a waste of time. But of course everybody has different tastes when it comes to comedy movies so who ever likes it, there's no problem with that
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Trouble with a capital "T"
I had The Big Lebowski on my long list at #1,093,081 Not sorry to say there was no room on my official ballot for it

, I seen that recently, it was OK. I wasn't overly impressed with it, so no vote from me.

Lebowski feels like the Coen Bros. at their purest form. I haven't watched any of their stuff in a while but in context this seems like their best choice.

Chinatown was on my list after having seen it recently.

Saw The Big Lebowski with a friend and am glad to report that both of us GOT it. Nice to see its reputation grow dramatically with time.

Chinatown? It's been a long time since I've seen it and odds are good that a rewatch is in order. I think I liked it.

But neither one made the list. The Big Lebowski would have made my top 100, however.

This is a nice pairing of films, the best neo-noir ever in Chinatown and the best comedic noir ever with The Big Lebowski. I love both films. I watch The Big Lebowski at least once a year, saw it a couple days ago in fact, but I decided to go with another Coen film that is also influenced by and plays around with the noir genre. If there's one movie that slipped past me when I was making my list, it was Chinatown. I'm not sure I would have included it, but it would have been nice to at least have considered it.

It's pretty clear now I have no more than three more films from my list that will show.
I may go back to hating you. It was more fun.

I love Chinatown and I think it's one of the best movies ever made. Those 2 things don't always go together for me.

I wasn't impressed the first time I saw The Big Lebowski but I like it more every time I watch it. I don't think it's great or very funny, yet I'm at the point where I sort of love it.

6. American Beauty
9. A Clockwork Orange
11. The Seven Samourai
13. Chinatown
18. City of God
19. The Apartment
21. Die Hard

Tomorrow's hint:

Your mind is a weapon
As much as a gun
And to freedom it beckons
Come rain or come sun

Sometimes it's heroic
Merely to sing
And to remain stoic
Standing athwart kings

Coen's comedies might be their most polarizing genre. At least Lebowski and O! Brother are popular enough, but films like Raising Arizona (my favorite Coen comedy) or Barton Fink don't have many people in the middle ground of whether they love them or loathe them.

A lot of people can't stand Intolerable Cruelty and Burn After Reading and I've never failed to laugh through either.

Chinatown was on my list. Honest living.

Tomorrow's hint:

Your mind is a weapon
As much as a gun
And to freedom it beckons
Come rain or come sun

Sometimes it's heroic
Merely to sing
And to remain stoic
Standing athwart kings
Inception and The Sound of Music are my guesses. My first thought (no pun intended) for the first verse was Dune, but that seems unlikely.

Tomorrow's hint:

Your mind is a weapon
As much as a gun
And to freedom it beckons
Come rain or come sun

Sometimes it's heroic
Merely to sing
And to remain stoic
Standing athwart kings
The Shawshank Redemption and Lawrence of Arabia?
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Tomorrow's hint:

Your mind is a weapon
As much as a gun
And to freedom it beckons
Come rain or come sun

Sometimes it's heroic
Merely to sing
And to remain stoic
Standing athwart kings
The Shawshank Redemption and something else
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

"Sing" & "King(s)" makes me think of Titanic

Tomorrow's hint:

Your mind is a weapon
As much as a gun
And to freedom it beckons
Come rain or come sun

Sometimes it's heroic
Merely to sing
And to remain stoic
Standing athwart kings
1st Part - Lawrence of Arabia or Shawshank
2nd Part - Sound of Music or Casablanca