Who Will be Our Next President?


The stress of the last few days and I'm not even American whew. But thank god for that.
... You have no idea... it's been torment for four years... the last few days of it all has been such a worry if we were facing yet another four years of this a-hole. Not to mention he even made claims about running a "third term." ... so glad it's all over now... there's going to be a lot of mending on either side of the isle before this is all over. Hopefully Joe and Kamala are up for it and can achieve it...
Imagine an eye unruled by man-made laws of perspective, an eye unprejudiced by compositional logic, an eye which does not respond to the name of everything but which must know each object encountered in life through an adventure of perception. How many colors are there in a field of grass to the crawling baby unaware of 'Green'?

-Stan Brakhage

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
The stress of the last few days and I'm not even American whew. But thank god for that.

Stacey Abrams is an absolute goddess as well.
You can actually feel the whole wrong going whew!

Let the night air cool you off
... You have no idea... it's been torment for four years... the last few days of it all has been such a worry if we were facing yet another four years of this a-hole. Not to mention he even made claims about running a "third term." ... so glad it's all over now... there's going to be a lot of mending on either side of the isle before this is all over. Hopefully Joe and Kamala are up for it and can achieve it...
I wouldn't count on it.

Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
... You have no idea... it's been torment for four years... the last few days of it all has been such a worry if we were facing yet another four years of this a-hole. Not to mention he even made claims about running a "third term." ... so glad it's all over now... there's going to be a lot of mending on either side of the isle before this is all over. Hopefully Joe and Kamala are up for it and can achieve it...

I cannot begin to imagine. I know a few Americans and a lot of them talk about how the last 4 years have destroyed relationships in their families.

I really hope they are. Hopefully Queen Stacey can help Warnock and Ossoff pull ahead in January otherwise Mitch might make their lives incredibly difficult.

Not just seriously... but ABSOLUTELY! As a person with disabilities, I was facing the loss of much needed medical and financial support under this man, some of which actually started panning out in my life... My family and I were literally losing sleep over it trying to figure out what we were going to do! So go back to comforting yourself with reading "conspiracy theory" articles and accept that ding-dong the witch is dead!

Trouble with a capital "T"
I once heard something that stuck with me...'the most important thing a President does is set the moral tone for the country'...

The last four years have been ugly with more hate and intolerance than I've ever seen. It was like being trapped in grade school with a loudmouth, arrogant bully, who will say anything, do anything as long as he gets his way and he doesn't care who gets hurt.

I once heard something along similar lines... but it still pertains, "Sometimes being sorry is better than being right." In either sense @Citizen Rules we haven't had a leader who's acted or behaved much like an adult...

Perhaps Americans will vote in a woman president and, (as long as she had decent policies and ideas), what a friggen concept that would be!
My political dream is Condoleezza Rice running for the Republicans although it seems so very unlikely. I'm curious as to what the Democrats would do without being able to use their sexist and racist games. It could devastate their party for decades. Plus I adore her.

I once heard something that stuck with me...'the most important thing a President does is set the moral tone for the country'...

The last four years have been ugly with more hate and intolerance than I've ever seen. It was like being trapped in grade school with a loudmouth, arrogant bully, who will say anything, do anything as long as he gets his way and he doesn't care who gets hurt.
Damn, I honestly feel that this applies more to both Biden and Harris. I don't want to get into it now it's too much.

I do have to mention you never answered my hypothetical question a few pages back.

Whelp, guess my prediction was wrong.

At the very least, a very loud and screechy cacophony can feel free to be still for a while. Whenever they’re done fawning and gloating that is. Poor ‘ol Joe... he’s going to have to deal with a bunch of displaced Trump supporters who will, no doubt, feel that turnabout is fair play. Reap what you sow, all that.

I am just sitting here feeling an overwhelming sense of relief. I feared Trump's election in 2016 and I have to say that the past four years have been worse than I feared they would be. The next couple of months are going to be fraught with stress and anxiety and January 20th cannot come soon enough, but for now I finally have reason to feel a little optimistic.

It's fine if you don't follow my reasoning because I don't always follow yours.
Well, okay, but then I go on to explain why I don't follow it. If you ever don't follow mine, you can do the same and I can figure out where the disconnect is.

Do you disagree with what I said? I'm not talking about judging people for their skin color by the way.
I disagree with the idea that you should not condemn a group you have significant problems with because some of them might say some true/good things some of the time.

I wonder how much money Hunter will make now? (And will he still have to kick a percentage up to the Big Guy?)
Hi, the last unanswered post is right here. Maybe take responsibility for the things you've already said before saying all new things you won't take responsibility for.

I’m not sure how I feel about it. In a way, Trump was a rogue element that was able to extricate us from some bad economic situations... particularly reliance on foreign energy resources. I think undoing that trend will harm all of us. On the other hand, I’m a centrist / independent and can see some benefits in electing a Democrat right now. Time will tell, I suppose.

Disappointing result. Trump would have got away with it if it weren't for those pesky mail-in ballots. If you're too scared/lazy to vote in person you shouldn't be allowed to vote at all.

I wouldn't trust sleepy Joe to tie his own shoes, let alone be head of State of the most powerful nation on earth but I guess we'll just see what happens.