MoFo Memoriam: Remembering MoFos we lost in 2018


Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm not repping either of your guys' last post. This is suppose to be a nice thread to remember our friends who are no longer here. It's not meant for fighting.

Welcome to the human race...
It's definitely making me remember the guy who straight-up asked to get banned.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

I think what I'm saying is pretty relevant and, frankly, kinda difficult to argue with, so I'm not sure why it would be surprising that someone repped it. Or why it would matter even if it was.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
It's definitely making me remember the guy who straight-up asked to get banned.
Haven't there been multiple people to do that? The last being Camo.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I miss @Camo. He was an odd one for me to get with the mood shifts. I could never tell if he was just very dry in his humor or annoyed. I always gave him the benefit of the doubt because I was new, and he was just so damn helpful and encouraging every other post I read from him. I hate that he's gone. I hate that he wanted to be gone. I would have very much enjoyed learning more about the guy through the next year or three in posts.

Of course I miss @Dani8. I think we started here at the same time. I always enjoyed chatting with her and watching her temper get pushed, especially when under the influence of pain killers. She was just a trip. If I ever get to meet any of you people here, she was easily in the top 3 of my choices. If she has passed, I would still love to visit her resting place to offer a MOFO T-shirt in homage.

"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

I'm not repping either of your guys' last post. This is suppose to be a nice thread to remember our friends who are no longer here. It's not meant for fighting.
Man-up, they're just talking.

The thread is like a goodbye thread, mofo's dying, etc.... but saying it in a different way/tone. Same negative result or message left as end result.

Sure, we're talking, but we're talking in a way clearly contrary to the thread's spirit, and it's reasonable to want a thread about missing people that doesn't get overtaken by complaints. It's just as easy to say "man up, there are other places you can say this."

The ship's sailed now, but don't criticize CR for wanting people to be on-topic, please.

Back on topic, I've been watching Kelly Reichardt's films, and because of that keep thinking of Godoggo. I know she really liked Wendy and Lucy. I think she ultimately moved on from here and I respect that, but I do miss her.

Although, now that I think about it, it may have been 2017 when we lost her for good.

Sure, we're talking, but we're talking in a way clearly contrary to the thread's spirit, and it's reasonable to want a thread about missing people that doesn't get overtaken by complaints. It's just as easy to say "man up, there are other places you can say this."

The ship's sailed now, but don't criticize CR for wanting people to be on-topic, please.
My apologies.

Im sorry Citizen.

The Adventure Starts Here!
She said her cancer was back with a vengeance in the shoutbox, and it was around that time she started to sound very disconnected in her post. She would say that she wasn't drunk, and I believe that. Then shortly after all that she disappeared without a trace. I really think she's passed away I always thought she'd be around too. Godspeed Dani
Yeah, at the time we started noticing it, I sent her an email (since I have her email address after she backed my campaign on Indiegogo last year). It didn't bounce... but I never got a response, either.

I too fear the worst.

Back on topic, I've been watching Kelly Reichardt's films, and because of that keep thinking of Godoggo. I know she really liked Wendy and Lucy. I think she ultimately moved on from here and I respect that, but I do miss her.
She’s a lovely person. I hope she’s happy whatever she’s doing

I'm still wondering what happened to Dani8, considering the fact that she was a prolific poster who almost never missed a day posting on this site from the day she joined.
wplains had showed me what she claimed was dani8's facebook profile . i go to check it once a while . she was inactive on that profile in recent months . but on 10 december she was active again . so maybe she may not be dead .
I knew them both too from IMDB,dani8 hasn't passed.

I hope not. She kept in touch with me quite a bit, and I know she was sick, so it was hard to come to any other conclusion when she vanished. If she just decided to move on, fair enough, I hope she's doing well.

I hope not. She kept in touch with me quite a bit, and I know she was sick, so it was hard to come to any other conclusion when she vanished. If she just decided to move on, fair enough, I hope she's doing well.
She's moved on, which is better than the alternative,i guess some people find other interests and it takes up their free time.

I'm a little sad she didn't let me know, I felt we were pretty close, but I imagine health issues might necessitate the need for a fresh start. Really happy to hear that, though.

Yeah , I just checked her FB account . She's alive and well with her dogs .

Yeah , I just checked her FB account . She's alive and well with her dogs .
Yeah I heard she's still active there.

I hope not. She kept in touch with me quite a bit, and I know she was sick, so it was hard to come to any other conclusion when she vanished. If she just decided to move on, fair enough, I hope she's doing well.
She's moved on, which is better than the alternative,i guess some people find other interests and it takes up their free time.

Glad to hear shes still kickin. If anyone talks to her tell her joel said hello please