MovieForums 2018: The Tournament


Joel or Cat for the WIN!

Anything else will just be just the same old thing. WE NEED NEW BLOOD
I just saw this. This kind of thinking makes me squirm. Everyone has reasons to be voted for but this isn't one of them. I think it's insulting to the person you give a vote to for this reason and minimizes their accomplishments.

Joel or Cat for the WIN!

Anything else will just be just the same old thing. WE NEED NEW BLOOD
I just saw this. This kind of thinking makes me squirm. Everyone has reasons to be voted for but this isn't one of them. I think it's insulting to the person you give a vote to for this reason and minimizes their accomplishments.
I prize both approaches at the same time, exciting to see new swerves shifts and variations. It also shouldn't just be "given" but deserved and earned simultaneously. Sometimes people do have to be "shook" out of voting for the same thing all the time. Oh, dreading my choice in this Captain Spaulding vs. Cat_Sidhe vote of terror.

Honeykid's right there with anyone when he's involved, talking movies and such. That he made it to the Final Four, when I can't recall the last time he talked about one of his own viewings, is confirmation to that. HK was influential in offering advice and suggestions when I started my Slash Vault. I'm going Cricket in a hard choice at this time. Balance upended by Cricket's unbroken wind of spirit both with his own viewings yet all over everywhere else too. As far as it goes, I consider both friends. Cricket

The other one requires some more time and thought

honeykid has probably been my friend longer than anybody else on this forum and I adore him, but he just isn't around like he used to be. That's a real shame. This wasn't an easy decision but I'm going to give my vote to cricket because he's always around and is one of my closest friends here.

As I said previously, cat is great. She's been a wonderful new addition to the forum and I'm thrilled for her that she's made it this far. But just as I said I don't think she's at mark f's level of greatness, I don't think she's at Captain Spaulding's level either. I kind of want Spaulding to win the whole tournament, actually, though voting for him against either honeykid or cricket would be extremely hard for me.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Joel or Cat for the WIN!
Anything else will just be just the same old thing. WE NEED NEW BLOOD
I just saw this. This kind of thinking makes me squirm. Everyone has reasons to be voted for but this isn't one of them. I think it's insulting to the person you give a vote to for this reason and minimizes their accomplishments.
I think it's fuc!ed that I can't cut loose and get into the spirit of things and have some fun like everyone else. I thought this was a fun event..."minimizes their accomplishments" let's not take this so seriously, I'm pretty sure Captain Spaulding wouldn't bat an eyelash at my post. Just to show I'm a stand up guy, I'll recognize your accomplishments.

@honeykid vs. @cricket

@Captain Spaulding vs. @cat_sidhe


Don't get me wrong, your feelings are just human nature, and I will often root for the player or team that's never won. It's just a general principle I have. Vote for who you want but for good reason. If Captain were to edge out HK in a close final after 4 different people said they wanted someone new to win, would he feel like a winner? That's not a reason anyone wants to come out on top.

If Captain were to edge out HK in a close final after 4 different people said they wanted someone new to win, would he feel like a winner? That's not a reason anyone wants to come out on top.
I'm willing to win by any means necessary. I've already stolen a tactic from your homeboy Tom Brady and deflated my balls. Maybe that will give me a competitive advantage.

@honeykid vs. @cricket
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I even miss when honeykid would pop in threads and just post a "" in response to someone calling a certain film great. People used to mock him for seeing so few films nowadays, but I've learned over the years that he has a lot of knowledge and experience when it comes to 70's/80's horror and exploitation movies, so at least he's seen the good stuff. Sexy Celebrity used to write me long PMs just bitching about how people find Honeykid funnier than him and how dare they award HK the Funniest MoFo MoFie. Good times. It sucks that HK doesn't post anywhere near as much as he used to. He's always been a very supportive member, always quick to wish someone well. He has the second most replies in my old review thread behind myself, and I always appreciated the feedback, even when he was just telling me that my opinion is wrong.

Cricket has also been supportive throughout my time here, and he is also quick to reply to my posts or at least leave me a ton of +rep. He was the first MoFo with whom I felt a connection, and I'm sure that applies to many MoFos during their days as a newb. Cricket's one of the funniest people here. He watches a ton of movies. He prepares harder for the countdowns than anyone else. He tries to make an effort to reply to everyone's threads. As I've said before, he's the #1 MoFo in my eyes . . . but that doesn't mean I'll refrain from whupping his ass should I meet him in the championship.

Vote: Cricket.

There's been a lot of doom and gloom from certain members saying that the forum is dying, and at times I've worried that myself. Sometimes things can be a little boring around here. Not as many people posting. Nothing interesting happening. Too much arguing over politics and various social issues. Then someone like cat_sidhe comes along and immediately brightens the place up. She's made a huge impact in her short time here and has already become an essential MoFo. If every new member was even just a fraction as awesome as she is, then there would be no whispers about Movie Forums dying. She has a great personality. She spreads fun around the forum. (She may also spread herpes around the forum, but let's not judge her for that.) She has a great sense of humor. Her enthusiasm is infectious. I look forward to visiting the forum more nowadays just due to her presence. She's very much worthy of being our potential MoFo Champion.

Hey SC! Why don't you try nominating something in the song tournament that hasn't already been nominated about 12 times you f**kin bastard!

Hey Cat! Why don't you try having about six fewer whiskeys today so you can be somewhat coherent tonight, OK?

Hey Larry! Is that a girls name?

Hey Gbgodies! How are those Mets doing LOL

Hey CosmicRunaway! For two years I couldn't figure out if your name was CosmicRunaway or CosmicRunway-Thanks bitch!

Hey MovieGal! After reading your poetry, I had sloppy diarrhea for three days!

Hey Siddon! My a**hole has better movie taste than you do!

Hey CiCi! Well you don't vote for me anyway so you're ok

Hey Nedstarks! F**k off!

Final Four

honeykid vs. cricket
I keep saying tough choice, but TOUGH CHOICE. Have to go with cricket because I can never quite get the image of him naked with his cat out of my head.

Captain Spaulding vs. cat_sidhe
I was waiting all tournament for time in the kissing booth with @Captain Spaulding.

You're an enigma, cat_sidhe.

Hey SC! Why don't you try nominating something in the song tournament that hasn't already been nominated about 12 times you f**kin bastard!

Hey Cat! Why don't you try having about six fewer whiskeys today so you can be somewhat coherent tonight, OK?

Hey Larry! Is that a girls name?

Hey Gbgodies! How are those Mets doing LOL

Hey CosmicRunaway! For two years I couldn't figure out if your name was CosmicRunaway or CosmicRunway-Thanks bitch!

Hey MovieGal! After reading your poetry, I had sloppy diarrhea for three days!

Hey Siddon! My a**hole has better movie taste than you do!

Hey CiCi! Well you don't vote for me anyway so you're ok

Hey Nedstarks! F**k off!
Man, he got drunk fast since hearing that Burt Reynolds passed away.

If anyone's wondering wtf this gif's from, was looking for something from The Beyond (1981), one of Cat's favorite flicks, I think it may be from a different Lucio Fulci movie though. Anyways, it gives off a very "Cat_Sidhe" radiance emanation thing, I think.