President Trump


Sure it is. Evidence is evidence.
I didn't say that evidence ceases to be evidence because it comes from people who agree with you. I said people agreeing with you is not evidence.

And you asked for evidence. so am I supposed to pull up someone DISAGREEING with me as a way to prove my point?
No, you're supposed to pull up facts and/or deductions, rather than just more opinions.

My point here is to show that the idea is not some unfounded fantasy I pulled out of my own personal imagination
I didn't say it was, but it hasn't escaped my attention that every time we discuss this topic, within a handful of posts you're defending the straw man of whether or not your position is bigoted or insane, rather than whether or not it's merely well-founded in evidence.

eh? Saying the sky is blue because jim bob told me it was is not admissible under the rules of evidence.
Yeah, kinda funny to go with a jury analogy to defend hearsay.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Yeah, kinda funny to go with a jury analogy to defend hearsay.
Yeah, and I still dont get why on earth Obama or any other president would stipulate servicemen and women could not return fire on aggressors because of what type of building they were firing from.
*scratching head*

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Yeah I wonder why that is, CS.

Here's the only thing I found on changes in an initial search, and it's in the militarytimes, not Fox news or some random people on the net, and it says nothing about preventing shooting upon aggressors in mosques

Originally Posted by seanc
@Sir Toose how do the wealthy steal from the poor? Obviously not through taxes. By creating and distributing goods and services that are being willingly purchased by this group?
Stealing? Your word. Not mine. The disparity between the uber wealthy and the poor is a gap wider than ever before seen. I grew up in the 60s and 70s where a single income could support a family. Can’t happen now, however you might choose to justify that to yourself.
How do you explain it?

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Stealing? Your word. Not mine. The disparity between the uber wealthy and the poor is a gap wider than ever before seen. I grew up in the 60s and 70s where a single income could support a family. Can’t happen now, however you might choose to justify that to yourself.
How do you explain it?
You don't think one income could support a family anymore if we went back to basics? Yeah, my mom didn't go to work till I was 13 but my father never had a car payment till I was in High school and we only had one. No cable, cell phones or internet. Eating out was a privilege. Ordering pizza on Fridays was the highlight of the week. No central A/C unit. This isn't that long ago, wasn't unusual, and we weren't poor. Our lifestyles have changed incredibly. I am not complaining but it is certainly a factor in the disparity we talk about.

Trouble with a capital "T"
You don't think one income could support a family anymore if we went back to basics?
It's much harder now than it was, say back in the 1950s for a family to live on one average income.

In the 1950s a guy with a high school diploma could get a job that paid enough for him to support a family (wife, kids) he could buy a house, a car, take a vacation. It's much harder today for 1 person with only a high school diploma to support a traditional family. Never mind that the traditional family has become passe and is hard to find these days.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
It's much harder now than it was, say back in the 1950s for a family to live on one average income.

In the 1950s a guy with a high school diploma could get a job that paid enough for him to support a family (wife, kids) he could buy a house, a car, take a vacation. It's much harder today for 1 person with only a high school diploma to support a traditional family. Never mind that the traditional family is passe and hard to find these days.
My grandfather built his own house, drove used cars, grew most of his own food, and never took vacations. He worked a factory job that the majority of the men in his area worked and continue to today. The type of job the majority of men in the area I live now work.

Not saying everything is perfect now. Just saying I think the good old days are pretty much just the old days.

trump attacks pakistan in his first tweet of 2018

The United States has foolishly given Pakistan more than 33 billion dollars in aid over the last 15 years, and they have given us nothing but lies & deceit, thinking of our leaders as fools. They give safe haven to the terrorists we hunt in Afghanistan, with little help. No more !

Stealing? Your word. Not mine. The disparity between the uber wealthy and the poor is a gap wider than ever before seen. I grew up in the 60s and 70s where a single income could support a family. Can’t happen now, however you might choose to justify that to yourself.
How do you explain it?
The "good old days" never existed.

A typical family in the 1960 US had the standard of living of a typical Mexican family today. Life expectancy in the US in 1960 was about 70 years which is lower than in Mexico, Iran, China and even Colombia today, while US's per capita income in 1960 which was about 23,000 dollars in current dollar terms was similar to Russia or Armenia today while US per capita income today is 57,000 dollars.

A typical American family of today has a better standard of living than a top 1% family in 1960, since it has access to stuff like the Internet, high resolution TV and smarthphones that didn't exist in 1960.

You are talking about another thing: why does the fraction of the population that is in the working increased since 1960? It really increased from 36% to 48%, so today it is more common for both husband and wife to work. However people today work fewer hours per year than they did in 1960, as average number of hours worked decreased from 2,000 hours to 1,780 hours in the US.

Well, there are many causes for the increase in labor force participation which include cultural factors as in 1960 women were not supposed to work while now in our modern culture women it is more socially acceptable for women to work. That is progress.

Also, in 1960 things like microwave ovens, dishwashers and washing machines didn't exist or were not as common as today so people had to spend much more time working at home doing things like preparing food and doing laundry and hence had less time available to work outside of home.

So why people feel like American is in decline? Because in most other parts of the world progress was even faster. Japanese incomes increased 7 times since 1960, German incomes increased 3 times, Chinese incomes increased 15 times, Korean incomes increased 25 times while US incomes increased "only" 2.5 times.

So the idea of US decline comes from the fact that just after WW2 the US was the only major industrialized country that was not directly affected by the war and hence it's standards of living were far above the rest of the world in 1950s, today that is not true anymore since Europe recovered from its two world wars while Asia has been catching up to the West. But that's normal and means progress is global. Actually the only regions of the world that progressed less than the US since 1960 are UK, Argentina, Venezuela, Afghanistan, North Korea and most of Africa.

Jesus christ. A President openly taking part in dick measuring contests. I can't accept that i basically just read "mines is bigger than yours", amazing. He had to know what it sounded like, he even said "it works", that had to have been deliberate. If it's not he's kind of an accidental genius.

Trump administration considering proposal that may send half million Indians working in US back to India.