Rate The Last Movie You Saw


The Picture of Dorian Gray (1945)


I loved the whole concept of this movie, and I thought it was executed exceptionally well. It may have the best combination of creepiness and elegance I've seen. The acting, cinematography, and musical score are all excellent. It's a very slow movie, occasionally too slow I thought. I don't know if it'll quite make my list, but it's plenty good enough to make the 40's countdown.

End of the Line (2007)

Set at a subway, in some cars and in the tunnel, a bunch of religious nuts suddenly attack everyone with daggers. Ok, there's actually a little more to that. A group of people try to survive while figuring out who to trust and what exactly is going on. There are a lot of effective jump scares in this movie, and a good amount of action violence. The acting is nothing special, and it could have really used a heavy dose of atmosphere. It's decent for horror fans.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
The Island of Dr. Moreau

(John Frankenheimer)

A double feature with this film and Lost Soul: The Doomed Journey of Richard Stanley's Island of Dr. Moreau is interesting enough to make this film entertaining. Knowing the events that took place behind the making of this film, made it somewhat enjoyable, on a humourous scale.

The themes of the film get lost almost instantly and the weirdness takes over. A man survives a plane crash and is rescued by a man called Montgomery. Montgomery takes him to an island where he can heal, rest and possibly go home. When he arrives, he is greeted by bizarre half man half creature science experiments from the insane Dr. Moreau. When one animal discovers how to take out the behavioral chips implanted in their bodies, he decides to take revenge on the humans and any other "beast" that doesn't follow his new set of rules.

It's funny, knowing that people only took roles in this film to be able to work with Marlon Brando, which turned out to be one of his last films. Right from the beginning, you can tell something is off. Is it the script? The direction? The acting? Well, it seems to be everything and more. Is it bad when the most interesting part of the film is when Val Kilmer does a pitch perfect Brando impression? His character loses his mind once the animals take over. Why? It's not explained, it just happens. A lot of this film tends to not explain things and just regurgitates images on the screen.

The animal make-up effects are great, in their twisted horrific ways. These creatures are grotesque and abominations, which works with some great and shoddy make-up effects. The blend with some CGI movements is horrible though. One manimal (is that a thing?) runs away like a cheetah, yet the early CGI movements looks absolutely hilariously awful. I can only imagine is was equally funny back then.

This film is like watching a train wreck in slow motion, it changes focus so often that the original intent is lost almost immediately. I think some of the "facts & trivia" about this film are funny, so here you go: Brando wears an ice bucket on his head while his daughter Fairuza Balk, pours ice in it. This was an on the spot idea from Brando and you don't say no to Brando. There was recently a story about Johnny Depp wearing an ear piece to be fed lines, Brando did that on this set. Sometimes he would pick up police reports and yell them to the crew, "Robbery on West 5th St". Val Kilmer was going through a divorce at the time and angered so many people on set, that once they wrapped the director proclaimed "Cut. Now get that bastard off my set." Finally, my personal favourite, Richard Stanley was the original director who was fired by the studio, he later disguised himself as a creature under heavy make-up, found his way back on set and acted in the film.

"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Very great!
First time with "Jia Zhang-Ke". Looking forward to his others projects!

After all this years, It gets better and better!

Sorry Harmonica.......I got to stay here.
Mindhorn (2016)

A washed up actor from a cheesy 80's detective show must go back into character to help the police solve a murder.

This farcical romp was hilarious to me. Great acting all around, a ton of good gags, tongue-in-cheek and hysterical.

A wonderful and silly (in the best way) movie.

4.3 truth-detecting-eyepatches out of 5
Under-the-radar Movie Awesomeness.

Welcome to the human race...
New World -

Not too fond of undercover cop movies in general, but this one works well enough.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Zodiac (2007)
Sublime thriller. I've never been huge on Fincher in general, but he's made a perfect movie here! This was my 2nd viewing of it, once seen back in 2008. I'm glad I re-watched it. I think it is his best movie, by far.

Zodiac (2007)
Sublime thriller. I've never been huge on Fincher in general, but he's made a perfect movie here! This was my 2nd viewing of it, once seen back in 2008. I'm glad I re-watched it. I think it is his best movie, by far.
I should take another look at this movie. Have only the vaguest memory of it.

I should take another look at this movie. Have only the vaguest memory of it.
The way it unfolds, the priority of character order, how the cast is weaving in and out of the starring role depending on the timeline, is incredibly handled. The visuals, taking mundane information and using 3d motion rendering to overlay it on top of a simple tracking shot, the amber hues in the sky at night. It is a masterpiece. of film making and storytelling

The way it unfolds, the priority of character order, how the cast is weaving in and out of the starring role depending on the timeline, is incredibly handled. The visuals, taking mundane information and using 3d motion rendering to overlay it on top of a simple tracking shot, the amber hues in the sky at night. It is a masterpiece. of film making and storytelling
Put it back in my Netflix Q. Thanks.

I re-watched one of my favorite movies last night. U Turn with Sean Penn and Jennifer Lopez. I give it 4 out of 5 stars.

Saw Top Secret! again last night. Val Kilmer is a cheesy rock 'n' roll singer allowed into East Germany to perform, only to become embroiled with a resistance movement. This early 80s spoof comedy does for WWII spy movies what Airplane! and The Naked Gun did for disaster and cop films and is, indeed, from the same team behind those classics. Top Secret! isn't quite in their league, but is still very funny and entertaining and remains perennially rewatchable.
My favourite joke remains the East Germany Women's Athletic Team, all of whom are big burly blokes in drag!

Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009) -

American Psycho (2000) -

Originally Posted by Iroquois
To be fair, you have to have a fairly high IQ to understand MovieForums.com.

Mindhorn (2016)

A washed up actor from a cheesy 80's detective show must go back into character to help the police solve a murder.

This farcical romp was hilarious to me. Great acting all around, a ton of good gags, tongue-in-cheek and hysterical.

A wonderful and silly (in the best way) movie.

4.3 truth-detecting-eyepatches out of 5
Been wanting to see this since I heard Julian Barratt talking about it on some TV show 2 years ago, awesome I can finally watch it!