What's on your wish list?


Radioactive Spider Blood
This list doesn't have to be for DVDs that aren't out yet, or are out of stock. What DVDs don't you own that you plan on buying when you get around to it or when they are released?

Here's mine:

12 Monkeys
24 - Season 3
Alias - Season 3
Best in Show
Billy Madison
Family Guy, Vol. 1
Family Guy, Vol. 2
The Godfather Collection
Happy Gilmore
Hot Shots!
Hot Shots! Part Deux
John Cassavetes Criterion Collection
Journeys With George
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King Extended Edition
The Matrix Trilogy
The Naked Gun Box Set
Saving Private Ryan D-Day 60th Anniversary Commemorative Edition
Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed
The Scout
Spy Hard
The Star Wars Trilogy (4-6)
The Superman Collection
Top Gun
Wrongfully Accused

"Chances are, if your parents didn't have any kids, then you won't either."

Well I only have a couple of DVDs i want.

1. Invader Zim Vol.2
2. Invader Zim Vol.3
3. Kill Bill Set (If it comes out)
4. The Punisher(2004)
5. Van Helsing
6. Moulin Rouge!(Asia Collector's Edition)
7. Ocean's Eleven Limited Collector's Edition
8. Kill Bill Vol.2
9. Troy
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there's a frog in my snake oil
Originally Posted by Yoda
Monk - Season 1.
The finickity detective? You surprise me

There's so many i'd love to have, from re-releases and documentaries to upcomings...but off the top of my head...

-Close encounters of the spooky kind (the original kung-fu/horror/chinese-vampire flick ). I've wanted to see this for about a decade.

Aside from that, i've got reams of worthy stuff listed that i daren't even look at right now . It'd be worse for my bank-balance than amazon-books have turned out to be
Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

Originally Posted by Golgot
The finickity detective? You surprise me
Love the show. Funny, clever, intriguing...and some of the dialogue is surprisingly good.

"Are you sure you're not getting your hopes up?"
"Of course I am. That's what hopes are for."

It surprises you that I'm a fan?

there's a frog in my snake oil
Originally Posted by Yoda
Love the show. Funny, clever, intriguing...
I agree, tis well formed and acted.

Originally Posted by Yoda
...and some of the dialogue is surprisingly good.

"Are you sure you're not getting your hopes up?"
"Of course I am. That's what hopes are for."
I agree, tis well written.

Originally Posted by Yoda
It surprises you that I'm a fan?
Twas merely a cheeky dig about the finikity thing

Originally Posted by Golgot
Twas merely a cheeky dig about the finikity thing
Ah. Yeah...I can relate to Monk a bit. I've got a little hint of OCD. Nothing that really interferes with life, though, and nothing diagnosed or formal. Just things I imagine others aren't quite as picky about as I am. If I scratch one ear, for example, I feel obligated to scratch the other.

Damn symmetry.

waterisforcowards,waterma kesyouweak
the sopranos ,I've rented season's 1-4 there so long that I never finished even a majority of the episodes.
I'd like to get all the cheech and chong's flicks
Friday the 13th's
All 20 of the 007's
finish my pacino,deniro,depp,seagal collection
must get the scent of a women....

....Best Buy here I come

A system of cells interlinked
my wish list
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

off the top of my head i want-
1) Taxi driver
2) night of the living dead (OG)
3)day of the dead
4) dawn of the dead remake when it comes out
5) godfather
6) family guy series
"A good film is when the price of the dinner, the theater admission and the babysitter were worth it."
- Alfred Hitchcock

Excellent Choices of DVDs to Buy!

Godfather Gift Box?

There are those who call me...Tim.
X-Men 1+2
Indiana Jones Boxset
Monty Python's Life of Brian
Black Adder series 2 and 4
The Phantom Menace
Attack of the Clones
Pulp Fiction
Star Trek: First Contact
The Exorcist
Jurassic Park
Jurassic Park: The Lost World

Those are the ones of the top of my head....
"When I was younger, I always wanted to be somebody. Now that I'm older, I realise I should've been more specific."

For July, a few of the releases I'm most looking forward to include My Voyage to Italy (2000), Pennies from Heaven (1981), "Sledge Hammer" season one, Black Angel (1946) and a whole host of other classic Film Noirs. For August, I'm excited about The Scorsese Collection (After Hours, Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore, Who's That Knocking at My Door? and SEs of GoodFellas and Mean Streets), Dogville with Lars Von Trier commentary, and "Late Night with Conan O'Brien"'s Best of Triumph the Insult Comic Dog. In September, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, "Angels in America", The Battle of Algiers (Criterion Colection), the fourth season of "Mr. Show with Bob & David", The Coen Bros.' The Ladykillers remake and La Dolce Vita.

Those are some of the R1 biggies for the next few months anyway.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Indiana Jones Trilogy
Futurama Series
Big Fish
X-Men 1.5

The remaining 25 films out of the AFI top 100 that I dont own yet (and for the 7 or 8 that arent out on DVD yet to come out, DAMN U LUCAS!)

Seinfeld when it comes out later in the year.

The real Salo criterion DVD.

Stray Dog and Red Beard to complete my Kurosawa / Criterion DVD collection

The other 178 Criterion Collection DVDs that I dont own

Star Trek: TNG All Seasons

Other than that, I basically own all the DVDs that I really want to own. Maybe throw in a couple missing seasons here and there from some tv shows.

I stopped collecting dvds for the past couple months to try and save money to beef up my home theatre system. My speakers are starting to really piss me off, $5000 more til I have my dream system.

Then of course I am going to have to upgrade my bigscreen, then after that I will have to upgrade my receiver and DVD player, then at that point I will have to upgrade my speakers again. Damn technology
Just back from my Alaskan cruise.
Highlights - art auctions at amazing prices, got my Divine Comedy original edition for the cost of the frame. All you can eat steak, lobster, shrimp, ribs... hmmmmm
Low points - Seen it all before not living too far from Alaska

It's in the making...

The Batman Legacy
The Alien Quadrilogy
Dr. Strangelove: Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
"You can't fight in here this is the War Room!"

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - The Criterion Collection
Batman Legacy