MacGuffins: An Alfred Hitchcock Club


Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
I'm still in for discussion on Psycho. I wanted to re-watch it first, which I will do tomorrow night. I decided to make it a double feature with Bates Motel. First the show, then the film.
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity - Edgar Allan Poe

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm still in for discussion on Psycho. I wanted to re-watch it first, which I will do tomorrow night. I decided to make it a double feature with Bates Motel. First the show, then the film.
I'll talk about it, I haven't had a chance to just post about it.

I'll talk about it, I haven't had a chance to just post about it.
Hey, you have. Think we kind of exhausted ourselves during the first week which is why your great post didn't spark alot of discussion. If you want to ask any questions or whatever i'm happy to take apart by the best of memory of it in the last few days. It's always going to die down in the second week which is why it's probably better getting your views in early.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Vertigo not nearly as popular as the Psycho thread. I enjoyed reading the thoughts of those that watched though. I will be busy tonight so it may be tomorrow evening before I get the Rear Window thread rolling. I already watched this weekend. Spoiler Alert: Hitchcock made another great film.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Vertigo not nearly as popular as the Psycho thread. I enjoyed reading the thoughts of those that watched though. I will be busy tonight so it may be tomorrow evening before I get the Rear Window thread rolling. I already watched this weekend. Spoiler Alert: Hitchcock made another great film.
I didn't get the chance to watch it. I honestly don't remember the last time i sat down and watched a film properly other than Psycho.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

As i told you i'll watch Rear Window sometime through the first week. Normally i don't like it as much as everyone else so there might be someone not saying it is perfect for once haha.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I just requested Rear Window and should have the DVD in a couple days. I've seen it once and long ago. I remember nothing about it, other than I liked it. So in some ways this will be like a first watch for me.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
How about adding 5 more Hitchcock movies after the first 5!?!
I was going to see if one of the other Curators was interested in something similar. I thought about rotating around with my other clubs too. I am open. I just know if we do too many at once they will fail. I'm all for what the majority wants and if that is more Hitch, that's coolio with me.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I know I have talked to a couple of Mofos about doing another Hitch viewing schedule. I'm still planning on it but will probably wait till June. Lots of baseball with the boys till end the
school year and vacation right after they get out, so I am staying busy. I'm thinking of doing a silent Hitch schedule. How does everyone feel about that?

I know I have talked to a couple of Mofos about doing another Hitch viewing schedule. I'm still planning on it but will probably wait till June. Lots of baseball with the boys till end the
school year and vacation right after they get out, so I am staying busy. I'm thinking of doing a silent Hitch schedule. How does everyone feel about that?
I'd be interested. Part of why i fell off with them after the first two was because i had watched all of the ones picked and i find it harder and harder to go through with rewatching something, even something i love when there's so much i want to see. Not that i disagree with those being selected, it was the place you had to start. Not seen many of his silents so these will all be new to me, do you know which ones you are going for yet?

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I'd be interested. Part of why i fell off with them after the first two was because i had watched all of the ones picked and i find it harder and harder to go through with rewatching something, even something i love when there's so much i want to see. Not that i disagree with those being selected, it was the place you had to start. Not seen many of his silents so these will all be new to me, do you know which ones you are going for yet?
No, I'm not even sure the name of any of them. I just know he has a few. Suggestions welcome.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I know I have talked to a couple of Mofos about doing another Hitch viewing schedule. I'm still planning on it but will probably wait till June. Lots of baseball with the boys till end the
school year and vacation right after they get out, so I am staying busy. I'm thinking of doing a silent Hitch schedule. How does everyone feel about that?
June is fine. I have Topaz on request from Netflix DVD. So I'll be watching that whenever they manage to send it to me (currently it's tagged as 'very long wait' which probably means they don't have the DVD!)

I plan on watching/rewatching all of Hitch's films some day. The last I seen was To Catch A Thief.