The 12th Hall of Fame


I have 4 movies im kind of contemplating...some are pretty dark though..
The Dark Knight?

Donnie Darko?

Dark City?
The Dark Crystal
Zero Dark Thirty?
Alone in the Dark?

This could be a new game haha.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Was it Dark City, which you recently revisited?

I've been meaning to watch it again too, for the Sci-Fi Countdown.
You should watch Dark City, a lot of people love that film and I enjoyed it too. But nope I wasn't considering Dark City...However I did nominate a sci fi movie and I hope if you or others like it, it might make it on your guys sci fi voting list.

I remember liking Dark City, but I honestly don't remember much about it other than some of the visuals. I've been meaning to rewatch it for a few years now. I'll definitely get around to it before I submit my Sci-Fi list.

My next guess for what you considered nominating would be Zero Dark Thirty. I can't imagine it being something like Alone in the Dark haha.

I was only guessing which one you said you considered because I assumed it wasn't related to what you actually nominated. Also because I like guessing games haha.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I was only guessing which one you said you considered because I assumed it wasn't related to what you actually nominated. Also because I like guessing games haha.
Very true, my nom is none of those dark movies.....or is it

haha...i would actually nominate donnie darko if i didnt think everyone had seen it a100 times.Thats a great sort of move to discuss.

I watched dark city for the movie tournament that died,but i watched it on youtube and the sound was distorded..which is usually really annoying-but it fit sooo well with the movie,it was really eerie and dark. so when i found a clip with normal sound i was actually pretty disappointed
Britney is my favorite

A big warm welcome to new member RoyaleWitCheese who will be joining us. He understands the commitment and has sent his nomination. I think he will do very well.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I've only seen Donnie Darko once, and thought it very cool. There's a directors cut and a theatrical cut and many fans say the theatrical cut is better.

1 might be too offbeat,1 might be too depressive,1 might be waay to violent,1 might be too obscure,1 might get lost in translation

Trouble with a capital "T"
1 might be too offbeat,1 might be too depressive,1 might be waay to violent,1 might be too obscure,1 might get lost in translation
You just gave me an idea for a future nom I bet it might win too.

I think we should do the reveal early... like as soon as cricket reads this.
I second this. Just told Cricket i'm not joining as i want to watch 2016 and sci-fi films and i seriously doubt i'd be able to finish this as well. Curious what you guys nominated though as i may watch a few if they interest me; i'll probably watch Citizens nom at least since he said it is Sci-Fi.

1 might be waay to violent
Think i know what this is. I'll leave you a post comment if i'm right post four Coleman heads, if i'm wrong post two Flair heads with a in the middle. Or just say yes or no whatever works.