The Election News and Predictions Thread


I hate how much it feels like I'm defending Trump this week but the hypocrisy on this front is astounding
Yeah I dont like him, but people are too enamored with the sensational rather than the real problem which is can he do this?

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
Britney, on the other hand, usually gives me that Lorena Bobbitt and Amanda Bynes feeling.

"I may be rancid butter, but I'm on your side of the bread."
E. K. Hornbeck

Having worked in a predominantly female environment for a while I've heard first hand just how explicit and degrading about men women can be. Neither are justifiable but it is very much not behaviour that is limited to just one of the sexes.

I am not big on memes but I saw one of Miley on Tues that I tried to go back and find. It had her stroking a giant inflatable penis and said something about tell me again how we shouldn't vote for Trump because he doesn't respect women.

I hate how much it feels like I'm defending Trump this week but the hypocrisy on this front is astounding
So Miley Cyrus represents everyone calling Trump a sexist?

So then why is he a racist Topsy?

But I agree with Tongo. He's a big mouth that talks out of his ass, and he needs to start controlling that. However, he has a longstanding reputation as a person who treats others, including women and minorities, very well. He very well could be racially ignorant but I don't think he is the hateful bigot that some others do.

Having worked in a predominantly female environment for a while I've heard first hand just how explicit and degrading about men women can be. Neither are justifiable but it is very much not behaviour that is limited to just one of the sexes.
I worked with a bunch of women, massage therapists are mostly women, and became "one of the girls" I guess as they got to where they talked very openly about anything in front of me. Im not jockeying for some forum argument justification at all when I say this, but there was more than one day where my jaw was swinging from the raw outlandish details theyd share. No joke, maybe women are different in other countries, I dont know. Easily as bad as Trumps stuff, easily.

This is ugly and getting uglier.

I cant believe Im the one saying this, just for forum harmonies sake can we please suspend ALL political threads for one week so that everyone can remember were the same people from before the election.

Lets give Trump a week, no spin, no news clips, and then revisit the "topic". Eh?

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
So Miley Cyrus represents everyone calling Trump a sexist?
Nope, but her calling for people not to vote for Trump because of the way he degrades women is laughable to me. HIllary acting put upon by him after defending her husband for years is laughable to me. The number of people I have heard talking about his treatment of women that I have heard use the idiotic term sex positive when talking about Miley is laughable.

Hey, I think the conservatives that wanted to crucify Clinton in the 90's but then voted for Trump are very hypocritical. It's running deep right now but I'm going to talk about it because I think it's time for people to decide what they want this country to be.Far too many want it both ways.

Nope, but her calling for people not to vote for Trump because of the way he degrades women is laughable to me.
I didn't know she did that. My bad. That's definitely ridiculous. I agree.

A lot of people are not fans of Miley. I imagine a lot of Hillary supporters reject her. Definitely not a role model for them.

So then why is he a racist Topsy?
again read back and ive posted all the reasons,you guys have just chosen to ignore them.

The attitude in here now is just childish and immature so im out

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I hope everyone understands how immature and degrading I find Trump. I really wish we could start feeling this way across the board though. I think a higher standard for public figures would be sensational. I really only see it come up when we don't like the person though. Makes me sad.

Oh-em-gee you're right, I found the next one!

False, again. Here's a list of the outstanding accusations against Trump. The oldest is about 30 years, about half of them are within the last decade or so, and the most recent is three years ago. Not to mention that we have him on tape literally saying he does exactly the things he's being accused of.

It says a lot that you need to misrepresent the facts (like misquoting him about the judge--still unanswered) in order to muster even a half-hearted defense of the man.

A lot of people are not fans of Miley. I imagine a lot of Hillary supporters reject her. Definitely not a role model for them.
Of course.... 'cause Hillary's so perfect being married to Bill Clinton and best friends with Huma Abedin.

I guess the political topic suspension for one week idea is a no-go. Ok then.

-buckles up-