Donald Trump for President?


Bernie is worse than Hillary by a long shoot. He is just playing the Latin American populist type promising a lot of free stuff without considering the massive taxes involved (which would collapse the economy).

The only decent option is Gary Johnson. Well, I don't know about Stein's proposals and she is also rising in the polls. Johnson was 4.5% in June 1st and now is 8.3%, averaging all polls, Stein was 2.5% and now is 4.2%.

While still low, only 30% of the people asked knew about Johnson, if everybody knew he could have 30% in the polls, really disrupting the race:

I think voting for someone because they piss off people we don't like is how we got here in the first place.

I'm voting third-party, or else write-in. This election is done no matter what we do, so the choice is what kind of statement we send going into the next one. And that statement has to be "This is unacceptable."
Not really, there is Johnson. His name will be in the ballots.

Aye, I said "third-party" in the bit you quoted. That's Johnson.

I have some pretty strong problems with Johnson, too, particularly given that I expect making a symbolic vote to at least allow me to express clear ideological preferences, and he's got a couple of big black marks in that record. So I'm not sure if it'll be him or a write-in.

Enough with this Vermin Supreme Pizza thing.

He'd be the only president everyone would love. His Administration would probably be made up of Unicorns thus pleasing the Conservatives since the Federal Government would not be involved in anything. And he'd please the Liberals because being nice to everyone would be law.

Best platform!

His Administration would probably be made up of Unicorns thus pleasing the Conservatives since the Federal Government would not be involved in anything. And he'd please the Liberals because being nice to everyone would be law.
Sounds just like Hillary's administration.

Aye, I said "third-party" in the bit you quoted. That's Johnson.

I have some pretty strong problems with Johnson, too, particularly given that I expect making a symbolic vote to at least allow me to express clear ideological preferences, and he's got a couple of big black marks in that record. So I'm not sure if it'll be him or a write-in.
My issue with Johnson is his proposal for a 23% sales tax instead of income tax which is very regressive. The rest is pretty much standard commonsense.

On economic matters, sure. But not on social issues. He's sided against religious liberty and he's pro choice (and the specifics of his position there, far from being common sense, aren't even intellectually defensible).

He's not going to win, so apart from a protest vote this could decide whether or not the libertarian party keeps the emphasis on all forms of liberty, ala Ron Paul, or goes off in this artificially secular direction.

It just keeps coming and coming....

Trump gives Saddam Hussein a shout out

Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump gave a shout out to Saddam Hussein on Tuesday evening, praising the former Iraqi dictator's anti-terrorism tactics.

"Saddam Hussein was a bad guy, right? He was a bad guy, really bad guy," Trump said during a rally in Raleigh, N.C.

"But you know what he did well? He killed terrorists. He did that so good. They didn't read them the rights, they didn't talk. They were a terrorist - it was over," Trump said, criticizing the Obama administration's anti-terrorism policies.

"Today, Iraq is Harvard for terrorism. You want to be a terrorist, you go to Iraq. It's like Harvard, OK?" Trump said. "So sad."

Trump has made similar comments before, arguing in February that while Hussein was a "bad guy" the former Iraqi president "killed terrorists."

In October, Trump said the world would "100 percent" be better off if Hussein and former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi were were still in power.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I hadn't heard a Trump speech in a couple of months and turned Fox on thirty seconds before he launched into this. So unbelievable. I typed up a post for Facebook but didn't post it. Politics has me wore out, I don't feel like arguing anymore. If people were calling you a fascist and isolationist wouldn't you stop telling us the great things about dictators who were behind genocides. This guy, so put upon. Poor Trump.

Oh, I came in at the part where he was saying he invented the term rigged. A$$ Clown

I like that Trump feels free to speak whatever comes to mind. The people acting aghast at whatever Trump says simply fuel him with more power. People are SICK of people who censor themselves so much, who act like they can't have their own voice and their own ideas. It's liberating - and COMFORTING - to hear someone speaking bold thoughts out loud. So what if he finds something positive about Saddam? I thought you people wanted everybody to be nice. Finding something good to say about Saddam is nice!

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I also want people to think about why they feel the way they do about things and be willing to admit when they say something stupid. A tad bit of humility and self-awareness is just as desirable as speaking your mind. He is condoning the decision to kill people without any sort of checks and balances. What about that isn't fascist?

Everybody's got all kinds of things on their mind, Yoda. I bet even you think things you're afraid to speak about.

Sorry Harmonica.......I got to stay here.
I appreciate how speaking your mind so refreshing in these times of whinging political correctness and covert lying, and that can be appealing. He needs to tone it down a notch though, it's not quite reality tv...
Under-the-radar Movie Awesomeness.

I like that Trump feels free to speak whatever comes to mind. The people acting aghast at whatever Trump says simply fuel him with more power. People are SICK of people who censor themselves so much, who act like they can't have their own voice and their own ideas. It's liberating - and COMFORTING - to hear someone speaking bold thoughts out loud. So what if he finds something positive about Saddam? I thought you people wanted everybody to be nice. Finding something good to say about Saddam is nice!
It shows he would support a murderous rapist piece of s#@% that let his sons use the country he ran as therir very own torture and rape amusement park. It shows Trumps character goes wherever the wind may blow. He is not a leader, he is an opportunist, and says what people want to hear.

I also want people to think about why they feel the way they do about things and be willing to admit when they say something stupid. A tad bit of humility and self-awareness is just as desirable as speaking your mind. He is condoning the decision to kill people without any sort of checks and balances. What about that isn't fascist?
He wants to kill murderers. He wants to kill people who have already killed other people.

If someone ever kills your children, and you're standing there in front of the murderer with a gun in your hand, ready to make him pay for what he did, I'll have to pop up and say to you, "Check yourself Sean! You're about to do something fascist!"