Have You Ever Had The Feeling Where...


Thought this would be a fun game. This is where you state a feeling you've felt and then the next person says whether they have or not before posting another feeling.

...you feel nervous for no reason whatsoever then something happens that you've been waiting for such as results from a university essay you wrote and it's like you somehow sensed it was going to happen even though you didn't know it would be on that day?

Yeah, I've probably felt that.

...you feel really ready to get stuff done, then sit done somewhere and the eagerness to get stuff done dissapers completly.

I've done that, but not very often.

You ever feel a sense of dread, like something is very wrong and you're worried or sad, but there's actually no problem?

No, only because I do all the chores at home, and they're never-ending.

Ever have the feeling that you did something to make someone very angry at you, but it turned out they weren't angry at all?

Trouble with a capital "T"
No, not in the real world. On the internet, yeah sometimes.

Ever have the feeling that you want to say something deep, but just can't find the words to connect the feeling with the writing?

All the time when I write a review. I get my head on and then never write what I actually wanted

Ever had the feeling when you wanted to do something really creative and artistic, like paint a picture, make something on photoshop or build something out of wood or something, and once you've sat down with all the equipment needed to make your masterpiece, all your imagination just vanishes and you end up making something that looks like a 2 year old's crayon drawing?

No, because I'm not artistic in the first place.

Ever get the feeling that you might've crapped yourself a little, only to eventually find out it must have been just a fart?

Trouble with a capital "T"
No, my opinion is paramount

Did you ever have the feeling that the future is like a crap game and if you blow really hard on the dice you can change events every so subtly?

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
Yes, artistically-speaking.

Did you ever have the feeling of waking up minutes after you fall asleep to be in a panic, heart-racing, and thinking you're going to die?

Yes - I call these half-dreams. I remember one time feeling this way while thinking about a train just as I was falling asleep, but then the train kept coming at me and I woke up with a start (as described).

Now, the opposite of cricket's last entry... "Ever get the feeling that you might've crapped yourself a little, only to eventually find out it must have been just a fart?" You thought it was only gas, but it ended up being a whole lot more and you regret not making greater effort to hold it back?

No, though I'm sure it's something I'll experience eventually. If you keep living, age gets you eventually.

Do you ever get the feeling that by doing/not doing something you'll influence something you obviously have no control over?