Should Mel Gibson work again?


I have to return some videotapes...
Recently I have been thinking about this a lot considering he has a new film coming out at the end of the year and he is also being looked at for directing a new TV series. He was once a huge box office draw, but back in 06' a video leaked of him while drunk saying a lot of bad things. Most of you probably know this already. I am just wondering if you guys are willing to forgive him for what he said or do you think he should never work in Hollywood again?

I feel ready to forgive him, but thats just me. I know he did bad things, but I feel he would be the first person to own up to them and to say sorry. I also just really miss all the classic roles he brought to the screen, from Riggs to Max. He was such a talented actor and probably still is.
It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.

ABSOLUTELY HE SHOULD WORK AGAIN! Hes an alcoholic bi-polar. Anything else? I mean the man has been one of the most charming and unpretentious big stars of my generation. Bad husband? Ok, but thats not our business. The thing is he never beat her, and he still is in good relations with his first wife where he went to when his world crashed down, so hes not a monster. He got screwed.

I liked a lot of his movies before his "breakdown" or whatever it was. The guy obviously has some issues - and once they go beyond personal or relationship stuff (i.e. getting into public displays of racism or antisemitism) it can cause irreparable damage.

I particularly like a movie Mel made but wasn't in: Apocalypto (2006)

Trouble with a capital "T"
Should Mel Gibson work again?...back in 06' a video leaked of him while drunk saying a lot of bad things.

I feel ready to forgive him, but thats just me.
10 years latter? wow you hold a grudge a long time

I have to return some videotapes...
10 years latter? wow you hold a grudge a long time
Hahaha I phrased that wrong I've never really cared that much because I can separate art from personality, but I respect people who can't.

I liked a lot of his movies before his "breakdown" or whatever it was. The guy obviously has some issues - and once they go beyond personal or relationship stuff (i.e. getting into public displays of racism or antisemitism) it can cause irreparable damage.

I particularly like a movie Mel made but wasn't in: Apocalypto (2006)
He said some things about gays that got him in trouble, and he certainly isnt the first person to comment or bitch about jews in hollywood. Now I dont mean to sound like Archie Bunker but Mel Gibson is from Australia. Now Hit Girl can pummel me publicly for saying this if Im wrong, but most australian men are veeeery chauvanistic and act tough i.e. talk bad about gays. Thats just the way they are, it doesnt mean theyre evil. You know what I mean?

Trouble with a capital "T"
Hahaha I phrased that wrong I've never really cared that much because I can separate art from personality, but I respect people who can't.
Ya, I was just funnin' ya. I like Mel! Good director, great actor. So he said a few stupid things when he was drunk an angry. Most everybody in Hollywood has done that. He should have made the 4th Mad Max picture. But I bet he's got some projects going.

Ya, I was just funnin' ya. I like Mel! Good director, great actor. So he said a few stupid things when he was drunk an angry. Most everybody in Hollywood has done that. He should have made the 4th Mad Max picture.
Mm. I loved Tom Hardys portrayal, but I have to agree. It would have revitalized his career. Hardy would be a star regardless.

Wanna Date? Got Any Money?
As long as he promises not to make a "Passion of the Christ II" and maybe finds a way to make a second "Payback", sure.
Buy a bag, go home in a box.

As long as he does not commit anything prison worthy, why not?

He should have made the 4th Mad Max picture. But I bet he's got some projects going.
You're telling me you'd buy a 59 year old Max doing the things that Hardy did in Fury Road? 'Cause I sure as hell wouldn't. It'd be pathetic. Just like the last Indy movie and the last Terminator movie.

I think Mel Gibson should have played Max in Fury Road and Tom Hardy could have been his second-in-command. I would not have been opposed to Tom Hardy having more screen time than Mel Gibson, either. Tom Hardy just doesn't feel like Max to me.

Trouble with a capital "T"
No, it would have to be a totally different film. Or have Gibson be his dad or grandfather in supporting role. Sort of like they did with the last Star War films.

I don't know if Tom Hardy should have necessarily been Max's son, but maybe fans could speculate to themselves that he is.

I have to return some videotapes...
I kind of like the idea that there are many different interpretations of Max in the universe. I think Miller once said this awhile back, that their all the same Max's, but it's just how the people view him. I don't know I maybe spouting a bunch of stupid bs, but I could have sworn I read it somewhere.

Certainly. I have a friend with very different political opinions of my own who once said that he "hated it when people had to go away for saying the wrong thing." I've always liked the way he put that.

Mel Gibson said a lot of things I don't like, and so have a lot of other people whose art I don't admire and whose presence I don't miss. But overall, I like the cultural trade of a world where we hear offensive things a bit more often and don't need to banish the people who say them from the public eye. I'd like to see a sharper distinction between speech and speaker, and just a generally higher cultural tolerance for even the things we don't like.

Yes! He's one of my favorite actors and I think many people respect him enough to forgive him for something that happened ten years ago.

I have to return some videotapes...
Certainly. I have a friend with very different political opinions of my own who once said that he "hated it when people had to go away for saying the wrong thing." I've always liked the way he put that.

Mel Gibson said a lot of things I don't like, and so have a lot of other people whose art I don't admire and whose presence I don't miss. But overall, I like the cultural trade of a world where we hear offensive things a bit more often and don't need to banish the people who say them from the public eye. I'd like to see a sharper distinction between speech and speaker, and just a generally higher cultural tolerance for even the things we don't like.
Well said. Your friend was a smart man.