Donald Trump for President?


I'm just amazed at how little Trump supporters care about what he actually is. They'll give you some glib reason they like him, and when he does something completely inconsistent with that, they just change the subject. Or they'll tell you they hate politicians...for doing the kinds of things he's doing right now.

It's like watching someone who's been in bad relationships in the past decide this is definitely the one, and continue to believe it even when it starts to resemble all the previous relationships.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I think there are three types of Trump supporters left. Those that are as stubborn as him and have just dug in their heels. Those that just love the fact that he's a hell raiser. Those that barely pay attention in the first place and have simply enjoyed the rhetoric. I refuse to believe anyone takes this guy seriously.

I'm just amazed at how little Trump supporters care about what he actually is. They'll give you some glib reason they like him, and when he does something completely inconsistent with that, they just change the subject. Or they'll tell you they hate politicians...for doing the kinds of things he's doing right now.

It's like watching someone who's been in bad relationships in the past decide this is definitely the one, and continue to believe it even when it starts to resemble all the previous relationships.
What a disgusting comparison. We don't care for your disgusting Ted Cruz option. Beat it.

I'm just amazed at how little Trump supporters care about what he actually is. They'll give you some glib reason they like him, and when he does something completely inconsistent with that, they just change the subject. Or they'll tell you they hate politicians...for doing the kinds of things he's doing right now.

It's like watching someone who's been in bad relationships in the past decide this is definitely the one, and continue to believe it even when it starts to resemble all the previous relationships.
Spot on. His supporters slavishly support him because he says (and believes) what they wanted to hear for so long. Problem is Trumps ideals will crumble under pressure, and he will be the same problem weve always had, if not worse. He-is-not-able-to-deliver. Hes never come close to doing anything like this before.

Lets reverse the thought process, you take a hotel mogul and reality tv star and tell him to run the country.....that would be unfair to him. He would do his best, but his "best" would only be from experts advised. Whatever he wanted to have happen couldnt because he doesnt know how to construct or do it. It would have been done before. He doesnt bring anything to the office that hasnt been seen before, and thats if he knew what to do.

Weve been avoiding the scariest part to all of this focusing on policies. Can anyone really come forth and say with a straight face and clear conscience that Donald Trump should be made Commander In Chief? In charge of the most powerful military and technology on the planet.

What the hells wrong with people? Is their disgust that mexicans are recieving health care out of the taxpayers pocket so great that theyd endanger the entire country for said "tax protection"? Is that it?

Why don't you guys go make a Ted Cruz thread and start discussing all the reasons he should be president? Instead of focusing all of your energy into Donald Trump.

I think there are three types of Trump supporters left. Those that are as stubborn as him and have just dug in their heels. Those that just love the fact that he's a hell raiser. Those that barely pay attention in the first place and have simply enjoyed the rhetoric. I refuse to believe anyone takes this guy seriously.
You forgot the "Well he can't be worse then Hilary or Bernie" Trump supporter.

What a disgusting comparison. We don't care for your disgusting Ted Cruz option. Beat it.
Nothing I'm saying about Trump should be misconstrued as me liking Cruz much. I don't.

I don't think there's anything wrong (much less "disgusting") about the comparison, either. The similarity is obvious: people committed to him for specific reasons, and they inexplicably continue to support him after he's actively contradicted those reasons. The fact of supporting him has because its own self-justifying reason for continuing to do so, independent of what he says or does, in the same way people sometimes stay with the wrong person simply because they're already with them.

Why don't you guys go make a Ted Cruz thread and start discussing all the reasons he should be president? Instead of focusing all of your energy into Donald Trump.
Because I don't feel strongly that Ted Cruz should be President, but I feel very strongly that Donald Trump shouldn't. My energy, therefore, is focused on what I think is most important, as it should be.

You forgot the "Well he can't be worse then Hilary or Bernie" Trump supporter.

Big Sopranos "OHH!" on that one. You damn well know Sanders would run rings around The Donald in any area of leadership that could be required, AND do the unpopular thing if necessary. You put Bernie Sanders in an entertainment capacity for 20 years like Trump for people to know him, then Trump would have 0 advantage over Sanders.

Spot on. His supporters slavishly support him because he says (and believes) what they wanted to hear for so long. Problem is Trumps ideals will crumble under pressure, and he will be the same problem weve always had, if not worse. He-is-not-able-to-deliver. Hes never come close to doing anything like this before.
Well, it's worse than that. This is what most of us said early on: that what he was saying was not plausible. That's still true, but what I'm harping on now isn't that he can't do what he says, but that he's not even saying those things any more. He's walking most of it back.

It's one thing to blindly hope that he can do implausible (or sometimes literally impossible) things. It's another to not care when he stops even saying he'll do the things that made you support him in the first place. At that point you've basically admitted that your support is an expression of nihilistic frustration that has nothing to do with fixing anything.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Now I think Trump has a decent shot at winning. Recently he started talking about being more Presidential. I thought he would do that at some point.

He's like Madonna, he knows when to reinvent himself to keep fresh. If he gets the nomination, you will see a more refined Trump running against Hillary. The man knows how to market himself...and that is what voters care about, they care about image....not issues.

Big Sopranos "OHH!" on that one. You damn well know Sanders would run rings around The Donald in any area of leadership that could be required, AND do the unpopular thing if necessary. You put Bernie Sanders in an entertainment capacity for 20 years like Trump for people to know him, then Trump would have 0 advantage over Sanders.
Bernie is a twit. Hilary is a bigger twit. And if Donald could keep his foot out of his mouth he might have gotten all the delegates he needed by now. My choice is between 3 fools from New York at this point since Cruz is looking like he ain't gonna catch the Donald. It seems my options are limited to Trump at this point.

He's tried to be more "Presidential" a few times. It hasn't lasted. More importantly, it hasn't actually convinced anyone who didn't already support him. Voters can have short memories, but he's not going to be able to reset everything he's said and done the entire campaign by sounding a little different, if he can even manage that much.

Trump's enough of a wild card that nobody can confidently say he has no chance, just out of the sheer craziness and randomness of elections in general, and this one in particular. But he's very likely to lose, and I'd say his odds of getting blown out are higher than his chances of winning.

...and that is what voters care about, they care about image....not issues.
There's more to it than just image and issues. I feel Trump would make a better president than Cruz or Hillary. I don't look at Trump like he's "the one" and better than all of my past ex-boyfriends... but even if you did, so what? Not every person who says they found "the one" is wrong.

Bernie is a twit. Hilary is a bigger twit. And if Donald could keep his foot out of his mouth he might have gotten all the delegates he needed by now. My choice is between 3 fools from New York at this point since Cruz is looking like he ain't gonna catch the Donald. It seems my options are limited to Trump at this point.
Why? Other than disgust, what solid reason do you feel Trump deserves your commitment?

Im not wanting to argue or try and make your opinion look small Slinger. Im just literally scared if he wins.

Why? Other than disgust, what solid reason do you feel Trump deserves your commitment?

Im not wanting to argue or try and make your opinion look small Slinger. Im just literally scared if he wins.
I'm worried about all three getting into power. But Bernie Sanders and Hilary Clinton are far bigger threats in my eyes.

Both have expressed support for gun control in one form or another with Clinton even advocating for full on weapons confiscation. And as a law enforcement officer, they will look to me to enforce any and all gun seizures. I swore an oatr to uphold and protect the US Constitution on two occasions. Once in the Army, and a second time as a cop. I take that oath VERY seriously. I REFUSE to follow a blatantly unconstitutional order. And if Bernie and Hilary get elected not only will they try like hell to do so, but if they get to put in their nominations for the Supreme Court, they probably will succeed. I can't vote for anyone who would do such a thing.

I can't vote third party in this election since that is essentially a vote for the Democrats. So my options are limited to whoever gets the Republican nomination. Either way I am stockpiling extra ammo.

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Enlighten us Sexy. Give me some policy examples that you are on board with.
You better wait comfortably seated for the answer, for no Trump supporter will ever answer that... Trump has no policy, he just opens his mouth,bullies everyone and hope that people find him funny...

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Now I think Trump has a decent shot at winning. Recently he started talking about being more Presidential. I thought he would do that at some point.
This is the new rhetoric since he has hired a couple of "professional" campaign guys. Personally I don't think he has it in him, especially against Hillary. Half of his persona is an act but I really believe it comes from a place of truth. Similar to how they day there is nuggets of truth in jokes that comedians make. He is a misogynist, which is not a word I use much, and he will not be able to help himself debating Hillary. Nasty Trump is going nowhere.

I'm worried about all three getting into power. But Bernie Sanders and Hilary Clinton are far bigger threats in my eyes.

Both have expressed support for gun control in one form or another with Clinton even advocating for full on weapons confiscation. And as a law enforcement officer, they will look to me to enforce any and all gun seizures. I swore an oatr to uphold and protect the US Constitution on two occasions. Once in the Army, and a second time as a cop. I take that oath VERY seriously. I REFUSE to follow a blatantly unconstitutional order. And if Bernie and Hilary get elected not only will they try like hell to do so, but if they get to put in their nominations for the Supreme Court, they probably will succeed. I can't vote for anyone who would do such a thing.

I can't vote third party in this election since that is essentially a vote for the Democrats. So my options are limited to whoever gets the Republican nomination. Either way I am stockpiling extra ammo.
I understand party loyalty, but if there was ever a time to take a chance on the other side this may be it. Do you think Trump has the resolve to ignore public pressure to enact gun control? After someone shoots up a school/public place again, do you think he'd say "No, nothings gonna change"?