

Hi guys!!

I am really happy to be here. I found this forum coincidentally when I was looking for film forums (and I found 'movie forums').

I am 23 years old and still pretty new, so I have to get used to all the features this amaing forum has.

I like horror films, fantasy films, and thrillers. I am also into the Asian films, and Asian TV-shows. My taste is pretty weird hahah.

At the moment I am doing my Master thesis about movies, so I am a happy camper at the moment. How awesome is it to study films!! I will share the survey when it's ready... ]

Further... I don't have much more to tell about myself!! Feel free to ask anything, and please be patient. I am a bit noobish on forums!

Thank you so much! Everyone is really kind here. It immediately feels like home

Trouble with a capital "T"
Welcome Bubbles, This is a very friendly board, so you're in the right place. The best way to join in the fun is to jump in! So get yourself an avatar pic and fill out your Top 10 Films...that way we can recognize your internet 'face' and we can learn about your film taste by your top 10 favorites. You can do that and more by clicking User CP (control panel).

I hope you'll stick around.

Thank you! I am working on it now So many possibilities!

Hahaha, she is nice right? I am watching too many Asian films at the moment. I am practicing Kuk Sool Won and Shaolin Kung Fu, so I really like the Asian Action movies. I always pretend I can fight like that as well (but I am not that good at alllll) (yet)


At the moment I am doing my Master thesis about movies, so I am a happy camper at the moment. How awesome is it to study films!! I will share the survey when it's ready... ]
I'm envious. A survey sounds interesting; it would be great to read it when it's done.

that way we can recognize your internet 'face'
My face keeps changing. I usually have the Huntsman from The Company of Wolves for obvious reasons.

Hahaha, she is nice right? I am watching too many Asian films at the moment. I am practicing Kuk Sool Won and Shaolin Kung Fu, so I really like the Asian Action movies. I always pretend I can fight like that as well (but I am not that good at alllll) (yet)
I remember reading that Michelle Yeoh was the only martial arts actress that Jackie Chan trusted not to hurt him.

She is realllyyyy awesome! Saw her in "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" And thanks!! I will share my survey net week probably. I am doing a Mediapsychology study, and need many psychology scales T_T. But I am only working on my thesis and have lots of spare time to watch movies (and work on my thesis - but it's about movies so I am veeeery happy)

She is realllyyyy awesome! Saw her in "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon"
I'm pretty sure I first saw her in Tomorrow Never Dies, and Crouching Tiger was brilliant.

And thanks!! I will share my survey net week probably.
Next week! I didn't realise you were that far in .

I am doing a Mediapsychology study, and need many psychology scales T_T. But I am only working on my thesis and have lots of spare time to watch movies (and work on my thesis - but it's about movies so I am veeeery happy)
Oh, that's great. It's nice when you can combine the two things like that.

But Not Slight of Mind or Tongue...
Welcome to the forum!